Friday, January 10, 2014

Day-3 and a little bit of 4-Virginia here we come!

It was absolutely amazing to stop in Little Rock Arkansas, put our feet up, take a bath, and just relax at the Days Inn. 

We were able to wake up feeling pretty refreshed and ready to take on the highway again. We have to go through the rest of Arkansas, hit Tennesee to Memphis, touch North Carolina, then Mosey on into Virginia! 

We are sooo excited!! We get to the Mississippi River!! You may have seen it. You may have lived near it...But-We have NEVER seen it. All we know about the Mississippi River is the proper way to spell it...
M i s s-i s s-i P P i *Giggle*.

The scenery in Arkansas is pretty awesome. The trees-the clouds-the DUCKS flying in the V and switching around to make a perfect once again *Love it*.

As we are driving along the I-40 East, and we are going through the rest of Arkansas, the question was asked. 'What are you more scared of?? An Alligator, Crocodile, or a Shark?'

What brought this up was, the land here is pretty swampy. So I mentioned that I would love to see an Alligator. I would be extremely excited to see one.

Well, after the Adorable One asked the question, I answered 'Shark!'. I mean seriously...Jaws ruined me for life.

We started to talk about the difference between the swamp creatures and the Ocean Beast's...I don't want to EVER come in contact with any of them, yet I want to touch them!
I will just admire them from a distance...Oversized Lizards, and Fish *Still very intrigued-Fascinated-enamored by them*.

Anyways...It is 10:08 in Az at the moment (11:08 in Arkansas). We are plugging along.

*Gonna stop here and start up again tonight...Virginia is getting closer*

Tennesee seemed all most as long as Texas, but boy was it a nicer drive.

What beautiful country! 

Yesterday *because I didn't finish this last night*, was a bit tougher then the first 2 days. We were tired, a little bit more grumpy, and it started to get dark at 3:30 (2:30 AZ Time) WHAT! So we drove a very long time in the Dark.

It was foggy most of the drive, and it rained a little bit...But no real bad weather. Again-I like the fog.

We finally hit Virginia around 8:30PM (AZ Time) and arived at the Hotel around 1:04AM (Virginia time).

I LOVE THE HOTEL! I will take some pictures to share. I love the old building...

The whole time I am up in this country, I will be searching and looking for the 'Gone with The Wind' type houses. If we ever moved over this way, that would be what I would want...

I had a blast on the road trip up. We couldn't have been more blessed to travel 2360 miles, without any problems. We didn't get lost. Tires held up. The vehicles drove like Champs. We were kept safe, and there were no accidents. We didn't get sick, although Michael did get a tooth ache the first day-But that was taken care of in a hurry. The kids at home haven't had any issues *at least they have not told me about anything*. And Grandma Koontz made it to Bagdad, after driving a good 6 hours, safely.

I have taken the time this morning, to thank our Heavenly Father for all of this. 

Virginia seems beautiul. The towns where our Sass will now be calling her 'Part Time Home', are small.
I truly feel that our daughter has been directed in the right direction. Now all she has to do, is her part to make this a success.

I will admit, I was in and out of tears a few times on our way over. Lots of mixed emotions.

I miss my babies at home. I am so thrilled that the kids have been able to spend some time with their grandparents. I am so excited to be here. I am so excited for Sass. I am so bummed I have to leave her. I am so HAPPY to leave her. I can't wait for the drive home. I dread the drive home *Feeling a little Jet Lag at the moment*. And I am feeling extremely HUNGRY right now.

I can't help but feel pretty positive about 2014. I hope I do not jynx our year, by being and feeling so optimistic.

Sass attending SVU, is going to change all of our lives. That may sound a little crazy, but if you think about our family and how we have ran for the last 18 years, you would know what I am saying. 

Today, Saturday the 11th, we will take Sass to her dorm room and walk around the campus at SVU. We will get to meet her roommate *we hope* and we will get that peace of mind that we need.

It is raining, and of course there is fog...ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous!

Heres to New and amazing experiences's!

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog! I drove that route when I moved to CT when Rand was a baby. Beautiful, but long long drive. Oklahoma was my favorite though. And the people in Edinburg Virginia are such great people!! We broke down there and the people reminded me of here.. was a great experience. Glad you guys made it there safely! Good luck to Cassy and be careful coming home!
