Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Rest of Day 4-Enjoying Virginia!

Wow! What a day...

We are staying in a great Hotel *At least we think so*. I have not taken a picture of the outside just yet, but it is just amazing-If you like the simple old fashioned stuff...I enjoy this environment very much.

We got up and enjoyed a great breakfast at the Waffle House just down the road. Waffles, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, biscuit and gravy, with-A Side of BACON-of course. Tons of food-Fresh and good!

After we ate, we went to Wal Mart to get all of Sass's school supplies. As we were shopping and browsing around making sure we got all she would need-It Hit Me! Hard...

We were about to take our Oldest Daughter to College!

All of sudden, like a slide show, were memories in my head. Pictures as plain as day! I thought about the day she was born, and how I was absolutely CLUELESS as to what I would do with this tiny little doll. Pictures of my daughter running around, with her adorable curly hair perfectly done every day-because I was picky with her Parts(in her hair), Visions of Sass in her sweet overall's.

Memories of how sweet she was with every one of her siblings. One by one, I saw in my mind, Sass holding Justin, Nicci, Jessi, Bobcat, Jazzi, Chase, Tator Tot, and Champ...What a great big sister she is. She loveeed holding and rocking her baby brothers and sisters.

Pictures of sass, when she first started to pitch at the age of 9, and me out in the yard making her throw and throw and throw...Rarely did Sass complain.

Thoughts of things that I wish I would have and should have and could have done better. I wish I would have held her more when she was that tiny little doll. Wish I would have walked with her more, not as much running.

So many things went racing through my  mind...And yes! It really was when we were shopping at Wal Mart-I fought back the tears *Like I have this whole trip*.

The next step: Taking Sass to her dorm room, and to see a little bit of her school and New (part time) home.

We drove up to Buena Vista from Lexington *It's only about 13 miles from Lexington* and fell in Love right away. It is so gorgeous. With a river running next to it, the trees, the rolling hills with the fog resting, the old fashioned EVERYTHING, the church building, The 'old school' stop lights, and the stillness and peace that was felt...You could just feel the quiet.

The School campus is gorgeous *So I say! Breathtaking*.

SVU-The right place, at the right time, for a very special girl...A girl who has needed to get out on her own-To meet people and To start making decisions and figuring about who she really wants to be...This is the right place. 

Sass's RA, sat down with her and gave her the load down. I was so impressed! There is a dress code-YES!! No Leggings, no yoga pants, no shorts-only capri's that go to the knees. No Sleeveless or revealing clothing, they will ask you to change *YaY*. 
They expect the students to have charity. I LOVED it! They have to be clean, and live clean as well. 
Sass did not have a problem with this...Well, she does love her leggings and yoga pants-She will get used to it.

Sass's Softball coach came over to meet us, when we got there. All I can say is 'WoW!!'. 
Cassandra is going to get a whole new taste and feel for Softball. It was so nice to hear, 'Cassandra will be working on the mound'. I can't wait to see how Sass does. I have a feeling that this coach along with her staff, will be bringing out the best in our daughter...The coach also let Sass know that she WILL be running 3 miles once a week and will be pitching directly after-I giggled! I wish I could be around to watch the team practice. I am pretty sure, this coach will not be putting up with much. This isn't High School any more. Sass is STOKED! 

We also got to meet Sass's  roommate. Sass was worried about this part. She has had several different concerns about having a roommate...All the worries went out the door the second Her Roomie walked into the room. Sass's roommate is from Goergia-AWESOME! She has the cutest accent, and she is bubbly and seems very happy to be at SVU-That helps a bunch.

Sass and her Roommate started to talk, and they seemed to really click. Although Sass's roommate does not like Softball, she rides horses and draws, they had several different things in common...Like being short! I think they are going to get along just fine...And it is just the two of them.

This is going to be good for Cassandra.

I feel so much better now that I have seen where my daughter will be. The church is just down the street from her dorm room. Her coach is going to take her under her wing...Letting Sass know that she will be her MoM when I leave *I loved that-made me feel at ease*. Cassandra's roommate is amazing.
Buena Vista is Small-Perfect for my small town girl. 

Tonight we went to WalMart one more time to pick up a bean bag chair for Sass, and we went and met up with Michael's brother and nephews to have some pizza...Of course good food, and great service. I have not been disappointed yet. 


Sass wanted to stay in the dorm with her roomie after we ate...It was ok-I knew she wanted to do that, and I really wouldn't have had it any other way.

'I LOVE IT HERE'...That is what Sass said just as we were getting ready to drop her off.
*I could have wrapped my arms around her and sobbed for a minute or two*. Those words made me feel so Happy...Dang!! I love this girl.

It wasn't to hard giving her a hug goodnight...But as we walked out, the Adorable One turned and looked at me and asked, 'Did you ever imagine that we would ever be in this situation? Taking our Daughter to College?'. 

Sniff! Sniff! 
NOOO! I never ever really thought about it. I did, but I didn't! I knew she would go, I knew she would eventually go on and grow away from home...BUT...I just never wanted to really think about it. Well, the time is here, and I need to get adjusted to the reality of it all.

I can't express enough how thankful I am for being able to come and experience these first moments of being away from home, with our daughter. I really do want to do this with each and everyone of our children, and I recommend that all parents do this...It is such an important phase in our kids lives...Just as taking those first walking steps...Our arms are reached out to our babies, as we tell them 'Come on! I got cha!' This is a big part of being a parent-Letting our kids know that we are there...Supporting them...With our arms reached out to catch them when needed.

The thought of moving closer to VA is there...and it is real. I want to be where my children are!
*I have to giggle a little...After being here, after smelling the fresh air-Michael says that all of our kids will attend school here-He has already talked with the coach about Nicci coming and playing softball..I think Michael is serious*.

Tomorrow will be the biggest and hardest step of all...Hugging my daughter and telling her goodbye for now. Driving away may just be heart breaking...But also a huge stepping stone for Michael and I.

**I miss my kids...

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