Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 5-Driving away...

Sunday January 12, 2014.

When I woke up this morning, I told myself that this wasn't going to be that big of a deal. 
Not that it isn't a big deal, but that it was something that was necessary, and important. Part of life!

Every Mother and Father go through this.

Children go off to college ALL THE TIME! This was not something that just 'We' were going through.

I started to put my make up on, and as soon as I started to put my mascara on...


The tears hit. The reality of going home without our daughter struck me like a ball to a bat.
I got settled down...Just to get all emotional again.

When we left the hotel, and as the Adorable One and I drove to Buean Vista-I told him I didn't know if I could do this.

Seriously...Now come on Toi! Moms send their sons on Missions...Moms send their daughters on Missions...Again! Parents are always sending their children off to school. This is just a part of life. Part of entering into a new phase of life-as a child growing up and learning who they are. As a Parent..Learning to let go and allow their child to GROW UP!

**Well...You know what!! I don't like it**

That is a lie...I loved seeing Sass smiling, because she was so excited to give this life stuff a try-Without Mommy and Daddy right there to tell her what to do...

I am so happy for Sass. And as I look into the future-I am already excited to see where the rest of our children will go-and I am anxious to see who they become.
 (Hoping they do amazing so that I can wipe the sweat from my brow-and stop worrying so much about that silly question us parents always ask 'Did we do a Good Job?')

Now do not mistake this...I am already tearing up for next year-It will be Justin's turn(I swear he was born just yesterday).

Today the sun was shining. The first day of the trip that we had Sunshine-And it was in our souls.
*Sass had 'There is Sunshine in my soul today', on her white board near her dest*

We drove the few minutes from Lexington to Buena Vista, just loving everything that we saw. 
I have always wanted to live near a river...So I am excited that Sass is going to have the chance of enjoying one...It is gorgeous. 

The trees in the spring time are going to be amazing. The trees in the fall are going to be beautiful...I truly fell in love with the area. God knows us well!

We pulled up into Sass's Dorm...

Sass comes out and greets us. 
I have the camcorder rolling. I had to make sure that I could give our kids at home a visual of where there Biggest sister was going to be living.

When we walked into her room, It was awesome. Sass was pretty much settled in.
The two girls made the room into a comfortable space-Making the empty bed into a couch, with their 2 bean bag chairs-They were making it their home away from home...That made me smile!

The Adorable One and I needed to get going-So we started doing the things we needed to before we leave. 

Michael's brother and Nephews came to the girls dorm, so we could give Sass and Taylor a blessing.
Sass's Blessing was just right-And of course...The tears began. 
Shortly after her blessing, Ryan, another amazing nephew, came to say hello and to welcome Taylor and Sass...Ryan has attended SVU for the last 3 years. He plays football for the Knights, and is grandfathered in...That was awesome...What an amazing comfort it is, knowing that Sass has two of her cousins here-They have eachother! FAMILY...

We took some pictures. 

Then it was time to go...

Now, I don't know if I can descrbe this moment in words. 

When it was my turn to hug Sass...Tears ran down my face. I couldn't really say anything.

I understand the importance of all of this.
I know it is a part of life.
I know that tomorrow will still come.
I know that everything is in the Lords hands.

Even still...It was the hardest thing I have ever done!

We left proud, and comforted. We left with a great understanding that The Lord directed our daughter in the right direction.
*My dad told me when Sass graduated, that he felt very strongly that Sass should go to Virginia...He knew. I think Michael and I knew as well-But the distance blinded us a little*

We drove away...I tried hard to dry up. It was tough!

Just down the road, Sass and her Roomie were walking-We got to wave and smile at eachother one more time...I wanted to stop and snag her up and take her home.

If you all could have seen the smile on our daughters face...I think you would have shed a tear or two. She is happy! And she deserves to be...After having to help raise 8 siblings...This is her time to shine.

I thought about all the children that run away. The children that leave their homes never wanting to return. Parents sending their kids off, that don't feel crushed just a little bit. 

As a Mother...I could not imagine not having a good relationship with my children. There is a bond there. I want to be apart of my childrens lives No matter the path they take. I have faith that The Lord will have his way...

I am so very blessed...I can not count my blessings-there are just to many!

My testimoney of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has grown on this trip. I am so thankful for the many different emotions that I have had just within the last few days. 
I thank our Heavenly Father...for everything that I have! And for all he has blessed our family with.

**Pray to our Heavenly Father today...Hug your children today...Focus on the Great things in life-Today**

Good bye for now sweet daughter...I look forward to your texts and phone calls(Don't forget to do this several times a day :O) 

We are headed to North Carolina to visit Rutherfordton and Forest City.

***I am late posting my blog posts...I have been on a rollarcoaster ride, and the ride is finally starting to slow down just enough so that I can focus on my words a little bit***

To my chidlren at home...I sure love you all and miss your sweet faces. I long for your hugs!

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute. Letting go of our kids is so hard! I am sure your daughter is amazing and the things that she learns and how much she is going to grow will make it all worth it. ;)
