Thursday, January 16, 2014

Days 6, 7, 8, and the beginning of 9-The home stretch!

As I wanted to blog every day, that ended up being a lot harder than I thought.

It was a lot like taking picture...I didn't get very many, because I was so excited about everything that I was seeing, that the camera just got in the way...Blogging distracted me-so I had to pick and choose the right time to do it...

This morning, it is early, and the Adorable One is sleeping. Perfect time to Blog!

Lets get this trip summed up in one little nut shell.

After we left Sass, of couse I cried forever, we headed to Rutherfordton.

Michael's old boss lives there, so we dropped in to have dinner. 
Rutherfordton, was a good stopping point for us-We needed to get some rest *I was emotionally drained*.

The visit was nice. It was nice to see that our friends are doing so well. 
*I wish we would have had more time to visit some other friends that live over this way on the way up, but our focus was to great. Getting to Buena Vista, to settle Sass in.

Moving on...

Tuesday, we woke up at our own leazure-Not feeling to rushed. We went to a shoe store, and snagged some shoes for the Adorable one. Went to a car wash. Got some gas...And started to take a peek at homes for sale. Remember-I was going to be looking for the old vintage homes...And there were plenty to see.

We drove around a little bit...Checking out Forest City, and Rutherfordton-and of course, there were thousands of tall trees. But there were also, many open spaces-This place had to be gorgeous during the seasons. 

The thought of moving there seems very ideal. It is only 4 1/2 hours away from Sass. 
*From here on out, we are gaging every move our family makes based on our children-Where they are, and what they are doing!*

Don't go nuts wondering if we are going to move. Probably not...But the thought of where we would like to settle down, and root our family, is very real. We cannot retire in Bagdad.

We shall see.

We drove away from Rutherfordton, smiling.

Nashville Tenneesee-Oklahoma City-Holbrook Az...Phew! The cities we chose to take refuge.
*We were pulling for Flagstaff AZ, Weds. night (Closer to Home), But the Adorable One and I, needed to put our feet up.

I have only Driven several hours, compaired to the Adorable One's days. I would offer to take over, but  he did not want me to. He really has been a Driving Rock Star!

The drive home, has been so much nicer. It has been amazing to see so much water. There are so many amazing places we would love to take the kids.

Now-I am not going to lie...

This trip has not been all roses, and rainbows...Pretty close! But not quite. 

I lost the keys once *They were really deep in my purse, but I was way to tired to see them*. It was pouring rain, and we were locked out of precious.
I left my Pillow and my favorite Mexican blanket that I got when I was a kid from Mexico-at the Red Roof Inn, Oklahoma City *I am heartbroken. I called the RRI, and they said they will ship them to me...
I pray for the safety of that package, and for all those who have a hand in getting it to me! Seriously, attached to that blanket(My dad got it for me-I know...I know...Its just a material thing...)

We have had sick stomachs, tooth aches, headaches, sore necks, Stuffed up noses, coughing, sneezing, and of course the ever so famous Jet Lag. 

Food is not very appealing at this point. We have for sure eaten less on our way home, than on our way up.

Speaking of food...Remember how I was bragging about the Waffle House in Lexington VA?
Well, we have eaten at a Waffle House every morning, except for yesterday. 
The last one we ate at, was in Nashville. The people were very nice, but they were not as happy. They didn't smile much, and the food-It was still good, but the Waffle House in VA...There was LOVE put into the food that was cooked. You could taste it! In Nashville, cooking the food was more of a job.
*Again, it was still good food. But there was a difference*

Michael and I talked about this. And of course the 'Wiser' Adorable One explained it perfectly.
The people in VA, lived in a small town. They were happy people. The people in TN...They lived in the big city...Probably struggling. There really is a difference in small town living and city living. There are lots of people who love the city...But if they had a choice, I wonder if they would choose to live and work in the city, or would they prefer more to live in a smaller community as well as working in a smaller town?? 

For me, I choose the smaller the better. Less chaos, and motion. 
Everthing was slowed down as soon as we got out of Texas, on the way up.
People seemed to take their time...Maybe I am just such a small town girl, that it was just more comfortable for me.

At Home...

Before we left, Justin and Nicci both told us that they were going to change Champ, and make him a better little boy.

Well...They may have accomplished this!

Champ has been so very difficult-On so many different levels.
He can't talk real good yet.
He still wasn't potty trained.
He throws more fits than all our other children combined, EVER did *We do not tolerate Fits well*

Since we have been gone, Mr. Challenging Champ, has gone potty and poop in the toilet pretty consistently. We have been told that Champ is still a mess, but doesn't throw fits like before we left.
And when given the phone to talk with us-Boy! Has he tried so very hard to spit out a thousand words, trying to explain to us what he was doing.
*Saying a couple of times, that Nicci and Justin are mean :O) Good!*

Justin and Nicci, and I will not exclude Jessica...(She has spent just as much, if not more, time with Champ), have done an outstanding job, making sure the Grandparents don't fall apart, and have made sure that the siblings do what they are suppose to do-Especially Champion.

*I may need to leave more often! Some times, kids learn from others better then their mothers...I guess I tend to spoil the little stinker(He is the baby!)...with that being said, I do not believe in leaving children with babysitters or at day cares...I believe growth is within the home, with family always being the keepers (and I promise, I understand that some times the day care is a must..Do not misunderstand what I am saying here)*.

Now, the kids have been very normal. They know what they need to do, but they will try to get away with not doing everything.  I do not expect the house to be in perfect order when I get home!

A huge Shout out to Nicci...That girl has done the laundry, and has kept up with it, since we have been gone. Nicci sent me a text saying, 'I do not know how you do what you do! Thank you...I appreciate you!' *YaY* that was uplifting. I am so proud of her.

Poor Jessi has gone through a few changes, and has had to really step up the last, going onto, 9 days!
I am very proud of her.

Justin has made sure the kids had a good time while we were gone. He has taken the kids to the park, and I am quite sure they have gone on several rides! He is going to be a great Daddy!

Our daughters are going to be outstanding wives and mothers! *Says me-Their MoM!*

I appreciate our children. I MISS OUR CHILDREN! They have told us they are ready for us to be home, so I believe they miss us as well.

Our College Girl...

Sass has adjested pretty good. She has aced one of her first quizzes-She was STOKED about this.
Sass's music teacher told her on Monday, that she had to learn and know ALL of the music notes by Thursday. I giggled when she told me this. HELLO! Mom has tried to get you to learn the music notes for YEARS!! :O)
Sass made some flash cards and I am quite sure she will rock her Music teacher today.

Sass also, went to the Batting cages! That made her so happy! Sass was told that she was a blessing for the team...That made her overwhelmed with confidence. 

I don't know how every thing is going to all work out. Sass may end up not liking SVU and she may end up coming home...But I have a feeling, she is going to continue to love VA, and grow significantly..

Finishing up...

Yesterday's drive was quiet between Michael and I. It gave me plenty of time to think.

I pondered and thought about my life. I thought about where I was, and where I wanted to be.

There are a few things that I need to work on...and I am going to get started today.  
I have had quite the confidence issue lately. I have allowed others to influence how I feel about myself. I have allowed the simplest words get to me. I have allowed hard times, to really effect my strength as a wife and Mother.

I need to remember-there are 9 people that love me no matter what. My 5 year old tells me several tims a day that I am beautiful. My children are amazing. It is time that I get back to learning from them-I need to step it up a bit.

Sass told me before she left, that it was time for me to start focusing a little bit more on myself...
I am going to work on this. My children will always come first after My relationship with my partner in crime...
Our Heavenly Father comes before all. I have a goal to study the Bible. Work on family history again. Read the Book of Mormon-even if it is just one verse-on a daily basis *This has been a goal for years now-Since I was a teenager-Time to reach it*
Prayer has, and will remain my place of venting and thanking and growing-I will always have someone who listens to me.

There is so much tension between religions...It is wrong. 
I can not be more thankful for the LDS church.
I have been taught to love all, and not to judge others for how they choose to praise our Heavenly Father. I am going to make sure that I teach my children this very important way of life. 

On Saturday, we will have the privilege of attending my brothers daughters baptism, and shortly after we will go as a family, to walk through the Gilbert Temple...

Then we will gather at the Golden Corral to feast :O) (feast..It sounded good in my mind).

Lots to look forward too...Change is in the air. 
*Positive Change...Some times it takes effort!*

Now to focus on getting HOME!! 9 days is way to long...
*Can't wait to hear those kids say 'Mommy', 'Daddy', and come running to us with open arms! I think the teenagers will be doing the same!

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