Sunday, January 19, 2014

There's no place like home...

After being in the car for nearly 9 days straight, we were so very thrilled to have finally made it to the Hillside turnoff. 

The Adorable One and I, had the sense of relief as we started the crazy road to home-Just 30 more minutes!

Living in the Desert, if you just look at the view that is right in front of you, you probably are not very impressed by the Desert landscape.  
But if you take a minute, to look passed the catcus and dried up shrubs-You will see some of the most beautiful rolling hills, and mountains that only parts of the Desert have.
The way the sky wraps itself around the Desert landscaping is amazing.

I have always loved this drive...I have had many heart to heart trips, all by myself, with myself. 
It all started when I was pregnant with Bobcat and each pregnancy after him, Going back and forth to the doctors office-to when the kids attended the Hillside school-to the many trips to prescott that have to be taken some times on a weekly basis-This was a perfect time to reflect on how things were going in my life. 

With the right kind of music *for me, Paul Cardall and the piano guys*, and the right kind of attitude-it is the perfect time to gather your thoughts. A perfect time to count your blessings. A perfect time to pray-Many times out loud *Yes! I believe you can pray, outloud, while driving*
(I have a friend who has said she too has had the same enjoyment while taking that 30 minute drive-I wonder how many of us Bagdadiens feel the same way-I know so many who complain about it-Wish I could rub their shoulder and my love for the ride would rub off on them).

Sorry! I got a little distracted...

As we were starting to pull into Bagdad, it was like in the movies....You know-When everything kinda gets bigger with a bright light shining all around and there is the 'AHHHHHHH' in the back ground!

That is how it felt for me!  The first thing I always look for is the LDS church that is just outside of town off to the right.
Then I always look at the Softball field that is off to the left, just to see if anyone I know is out there working. Of course, you can't miss the gorgeous park that is just passed the Softball field, with its beautiful Trees, and green grass. 

When you pass the park, you tend to look straight forward to see the Diner and Bashas parking lot. I always take a peek to see if anyone I know is eating out or shopping, just before we make the turn to head home.

My heart was so excited, when we started up the hill to our street...

We finally pulled into our driveway, and when we stepped out of the car-We couldn't help but feel the warmth of air. The weather in Bagdad, is perfect! 

Nicci, Chase, Tator Tot, a sleeping Champion, and Grandpa were the only ones home! When I saw these kids...A weight was lifted *They were safe*. I think Nicci felt the same weight lifted, *MoM is home! NO MORE LAUNDRY!!*. The hugs were amazing. 
After about 5 minutes, Justin pulled up-and I can not tell you the grin that he had on his face. He sure loves his MoM and DaD-He missed us!
After about 10 minutes, after Gramps went and picked the kids up from Bashas *They were down selling 50/50 raffle tickets*, we finally had all of our kids home! Hugging! And smiling! Everyone wanting to talk all at once. And I think the kids asked a hundred times, 'What did you bring us??'. We all were excited! The smiles were priceless.

Our first taste of, 'Sass is Gone'...

That night, Thursday night, for dinner we decided to have cold cereal *I LOVE cereal for dinner*. 
We all sat down at the table, and there was that ever so strong feeling of someone/something is missing. 

I could have sat and cried into my bowl of Golden Puffs. 
But I didn't. Instead, I listened to the kids. I noticed how much they all have grown-Funny how that happens! I found the comfort I needed from the 8 children that sat at the table.

Time to get adjusted. Time to enjoy the change. Time to support and be there-For Sass that is across the country, and for her siblings that are going through this adjustment with us...Feeling Sass's absence in a different way then Michael and I do. 

What I learned from our trip~

The best part of a trip like this away from the kids, is the ultimate feeling of appreciation that you have for your family!
I think I have said it several time times already, and I am going to say it again...I always want to be near my children...The relationships that you build with your children is so important. I never ever want to have a child that does not feel wanted. I never want a child that feels like they can not come home, because of a choice they have made... I pray for understanding...Always remembering what is most important.

I have a different outlook on my a mother and as a wife. I feel very strongly, that I need to be a strong and attentive Mother and Spouse, and also that I need to focus on Myself a little bit more-Keeping my priorities straight. 

I learned that I really love trees. I love rain. I love fog. I love the different chill that is in the air back east.
I learned that there are so many kind people left in this world. I learned that My husband may be one of the wisest people I know-and that he can still drive me crazy on a million different levels. I learned that I have a strong desire to go into counseling-to become a councilor. I learned that I want to 'learn'  how to communicate with others better...We are all human-gods children.

There are many different things that I gained from our road trip.

There is no place like home... 

When I think of the sentence, 'There is no place like home', I believe that it doesn't matter where the home is...It is the family that makes it home! So, we could live in a tent, and so long as we had all of us around...I would consider that tent to be Home! Home is where the heart is...and my heart is where my children and husband are.

I love being home-We have some work to do. You can not leave your kids for over a week and expect them to not have some set backs. Our kids are amazing, and I just don't think it is going to take us to long to get them all lined up again-Working together as a team, the Adorable One and I will get this family where it needs to be-I believe this! 

**I have missed the early morning intruders into our bed-Champ and Tator Tot will come in and snuggle during the night...I have no desire to rush them out of this stage! Some day they will sleep all night in their own beds. I have also missed the great hugs that I get frequently throughout the day, from all of the kids.**

***By the way...The house looked wonderful. Nicci, Jessica, and Justin did a great job! Nicci will be a great wife and mother some day. And Justin-He is going to be a great Daddy...Jessica has become so very grown up-She helped keep this house in order as well. She wanted to babysit and she didn't have a hard time doing the dishes and doing her part...I am proud of Jessi***

It is nice to be home! I still get emotional...tears fill my eyes when I start to think about Sass. The Adorable One mentioned today, that there is just an empty space-Our daughter is such a huge piece to our family puzzle-She is missed!! As all of the kids will be when it comes to their time to leave. 
I have loved the texts and the facetime. I couldn't imagine life in the olden days, when there was no way to communicate other than letters, and having to wait days or even weeks to hear from a loved one. We are truly blessed and ever so spoiled!!

The Adorable One and I are still feeling jet lagged. I have had a headache for 2 days now, and Michael is exhausted.

Would I ever make that road trip again??  YES!! But I would want to have more then 9 days. Give me a good 3 weeks-And I would love to visit all those states again *Except for Texas(Ok! Just direct me in the right direction, so that I can see the pretty parts of the dreaded FLAT land!).

To all those that have read my blog...Sorry for the misspelled words, and of course the misuse of grammer...I am not a writer. I am just someone who loves to share my life with others. Most of the time, I just let my fingers go-Trying to keep up with my thoughts!

Thank you!!

Smiling :O)

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