The Adorable One had plenty of stories to go with the songs. It was one of the best parts of the drive. I enjoy reminiscing...Feeling old feelings n such!
I love music. Pretty much any kid of music...But I am not a big fan of Country, nor do I like rap*I never liked rap*. I like some of the hard stuff, so long as I can understand what they are saying. When they start screaming...I start screaming! I don't think you can even call that type of music, Music!
Piano music is my favorite. Not classical, or opera, good O' beautiful Piano music. *I also enjoy playing the piano-Maybe that is why I like it so much.
I really believe in the healing power of music. If you have the right song, and the peace to allow your mind the freedom of can create so many different emotions-Music can Inspire!
For me, running with good music playing in my headphones, is so very therapeutic.
I think everyone should have a good 30 minutes, to themselves, listening to the music they love!
Anyways...Here are some of the songs we looked up. A couple of the oldie but goodie songs were a bit cheezy. Regardless, there is a memory to go with em'!
Good Stuff!!
**There are so many more songs and hair bands that We like...One of these days, I am going to have to make a blog with nothing but songs...Lots and lots of memories!
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