Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wishing for Rain...

If I were given 3 wishes...

Not 3 wishes that would last for a life time, but 3 wishes that would be good for 24 hours...

My first wish would be: The kids would have one of those days at school that would be so amazing-They all got along with ALL of the other kids, and they were able to do their assignments with ease!

My second wish would be: The ringing in my ears would go away...It gets old! *No whining from me-Just wishing*

My third wish would be: Please let it RAIN!! Give us enough Rain to last until we get some more RAIN.


Rain smells good. Rain sounds good. Rain puts moisture in the air *Which helps keep our skin from being so dry (Plumping up those wrinkles). Rain helps the poor dry land that suffers so much from droughts. Rain fills the streams. Rain washes away dirt from plants. Rain provides a drink for every living thing. Rain makes the tempature a bit cooler. Rain helps many little bugs to come out of hiding for the beautiful birds we all love to watch. Rain helps to create Rainbows!!

Rain is amazing...

When it is cloudy and rainy outside, I love to sit inside with the little boys (or kids if they are home) and watch some movies with a blanket. I like to make bread. I like to search interesting things, like religion and ways to improve my attitude...I love to research positive stories about service *I really enjoy Positive Inspiring real life stories of selflessness!*
I like to wear yoga pants, with a big sweatshirt...Leaving my hair to do whatever it wants (It does anyways on rainy days).

When it rains, I enjoy leaving the screen door open, along with a window so that the Fresh air can come inside.

Rainy days are relaxing *or they can be*. I seem to be more calm on cloudy days. 

I just enjoy Rain!

I can't wait for Spring!!

You have to admit Rain is Beautiful!
You know this is amazing!

Calming! Please come our way Rain!



I want to go here!!! I bet the rain storms here are breath taking *And Scary*
 I went onto YouTube and found some good videos of nature. Rain. Flowers. Some really good stuff!
Here is one video that I really enjoyed because it has Gorgeous picture clips, and some really neat inspiring quotes! Take a peek :O)

Hope everyone has a great day...
**Pray for rain to come to AZ**
Smiling :O)

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