Wednesday, January 29, 2014

First Flight...

The first time I saw this 'Short' film, I of course started to get all emotional. Tears filled my eyes. I was my typical self, boowhoing thinking of several different things.

You can turn this 'Short' into so many little messages.

You can think of your child, learning how to fly.
You can think about how to let the big things in life be more about the little things.
You can think about spending a little more time teaching and helping someone in need *Ending up being the one who gained more from it all-Like the man in this video*.
You can think about your priorities-Do you have them all in the proper order.
You can think about how good it would feel to just let go-Stopping for just one day, not doing anything other than enjoying the moments that we are all given every day, to just be playful.
You can think about not rushing time. Slowing time down just a little-No stress for one day!

One more thing...

There is so many small, little things that we can do to uplift someone else's life.
It doesn't take preaching. It doesn't take scripture quotes. It does not take lecturing. It for sure doesn't take pointing out all of the things that someone could change.

I am not talking about just adults...I am talking about our children.

We can uplift others by being an example. Serving them. Hugging them. Not saying a word, but smiling at them.

This little bird, uplifted this man. Just with being its simple self, he taught this man how to feel happy.

That is all we need to be... Ourselves!
Teach and reach out to others by being an example...

Take some time out of your day to play with your kids.
Take a minute or two to rub your spouses feet.
Take a minute or two to look into your toddlers eyes and listen to every mumble jumble word that he or she has to say *Champ is so full of stories, and I can't understand a darn thing most of the time...But him, and his smile-with his huge dimples, just wants me to stop, listen and smile back*

It has taken me over a year to find this 'Short' Film from beginning to end!
I hope everyone will take 6 minutes to watch 'First Flight'.

I wonder how many have been touched by this...Like I was!

Happy Wednesday!

Smiling :O)

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