Thursday, January 30, 2014

I am an Amazing MoM!

I need this in poster size, framed, and mounted on my bathroom wall. 
I would read this and say it out loud...while looking in the mirrior... 'I am an Amazing MoM!'.

Not an easy task, thinking about myself as an Amazing MoM!

I can lay awake at night, thinking about all the things...


I can be so hard on myself. 
*I have been so hard on myself, that I end up in tears* (All MoM's know how this feels).

Being a MoM, takes the fearless strength and knowledge of knowing that things will not always go as planned-and being able to except that fact, is some times hard to swallow.

Thinking back to when Cassandra was born, I had no clue how to raise a child. 
When Justin was born just 16 months later, I still had no clue how to raise a child.

Now, 9 kids later...I am just now understanding what it takes to raise a child, and I have to work at it every day-Failing sometimes. 

It takes a lot of commitment to be a MoM. It takes every emotion, and ounce of energy you have some days...Actually every day.

I learned early in my Mommy years, to never...NEVER compare myself to another Mother.  I am not like other Mothers. Other mothers are not like me...And that is ok! Every child is different...

I have a full understanding that our children are a product of us. 
No Pressure, Right?!

Some times you just have to sit back, take a deep breath, and let go of yesterdays mistakes, and move forward.

Have confidence...Thats what I tell myself. My children are watching and listening to my every move and word...again-No Pressure! 

Teach by example...I know that my children follow my example. I know this, because I used to say Sh## all the time and when Sass was just 2, it was one of her first words *Sorry Sass*. 

I know this, becuase I see the kids eating out of the cake pan with a fork, first thing in the morning. 
Or when they drink out of the Milk Jug...

Although I have impoved on these things, it is to late. They have already learned by the example that I have set. Now to be an example of change.

Trust me when I say, I try every day to pay attention to how I behave and talk...Not always succeeding to be a good example.

This is another one I wouldn't mind having in poster size, framed and hanging on our living room wall-For all of us to see and read every day.

I want great things for my children. But I want the little things for my children as well, with them feeling the sense of accomplishment-With them putting everything that they have into EVERYTHING that they do.

I will feel more of an amazing MoM, when my children are grown and have turned out to be good people, not perfect! But good, kind, wise, respectful adults. 

Let there be no doubt...

My children are my world. If there is a mother who loves their child more than anything...I am that Mother. 

E for Effort!! I AM an AMAZING MoM!

Happy Thursday

Smiling :O)

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