Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Service is more then just helping others :0)

This morning, I woke up and was able to breath...Literally-Out of both nostrils (TMI).

As I have had a very long 9 1/2 days of aching, sneezing, and coughing....Feeling like an old woman, not able to walk straight. Miserable...


While I have felt physically weak, I feel so much stronger emotionaly. 

Since I have had plenty of time to sit and ponder on me, myself, and I-I have actually thought more about how me, myself, and I could do more, to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

How important it is to get over ourselves, and to start putting in more effort in helping others...Becoming a better person-A better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

I had someone be a great example to me-A great example of how we all should be.

The Adorable One took Monday off to try to help his poor pittiful wife, and to help keep the house running-He also was looking out for others-It all started on Sunday...

Sunday night, Michael had mentioned to me that there were some other friends, and a co worker that were feeling sick. He asked if it would be possible for us to make some soup and homemade bread for these people. He knew how I was feeling, so of course he said 'I can do it!'...So the thought of him making the bread got me cringing *sorry babe! You are amazing, but I am not sure about your baking skills (and no! That is not a challenge)*. I told Michael I didn't mind one bit helping him get dinner to someone else that may not need the grub, but maybe just the thought that someone really does care about how they were feeling.

Monday morning came and I thought I was a gonner for sure...But, I followed my husbands lead, and was gonna be tough-and was going to focus on the task at hand-Service.

As soon as I started to put my energy, and thoughts into someone else, doing something for someone else...I had forgotten how I felt. 
I had my moments of having to sit down. I had my moments of needing to get warm *I had 2 sweat shirts on and was still freezing*, but I would make some hot cocoa and would get some amazing snuggles from the little boys that helped me warm up-Oh! And lets not forget about the sweet kisses I would get from the Adorable One from time to time *EWWW! Gross...Sorry Kids*.

The Adorable One did all the running around for me Monday, and made sure the kids did their homework and chores. He spent the whole day taking care of everyone else. 

I have known Michael for years-When we were in High School he was the tough guy, that nobody messed with *I promise...I am not just making this up! Those who know Michael, know how he was!*.
I always knew and saw the softer side of the rugged Bull Dog, that was amazingly strong-Not just phyiscally...He was very strong mentally and emotionally, dealing with life struggles that at the time, I never even knew happened, I grew up in a small bubble.

As time has gone by, I have had the great pleasure of watching Michael grow into an amazing man. 

Michael has dealt with so many different things, he still deals with obsticles that most people would just quit and give in...
*I don't have his permission to discose his personal trials...So-You will just have to take my word for it-The man is one tough guy!!*

Quitting! Not putting forth the effort to become better, has never been an option for Michael. What a great example he is for me! 

**Don't get me wrong...I have wanted to beat Michael with a frying pan on more than one occasion!!
We have our days of wanting to strangle eachother.

So what is the point behind this blog post...

Service! And how it can make me 'Us' better.

What I have learned from watching my husband grow from the testimony of how important service is, touching!

So many times we feel we are to tired. We are to busy with our own lives. We have illnesses of our own that we deal with. Some times we just don't feel we are worthy to do service. Some times we don't see the point, because nobody else understands why we would do such things.

Many times, I have felt that service was such a chore. I would question why I 'Had' to be making a meal for others. Why do I have to go and help someone move, or help to clean up a yard...

Even still...EVERY TIME, it never fails...The moment I take the meal to the home of whomever needed it, did my spirit soften. The moment I got my work gloves on, I had the energery and desire to work...

I got it!

When the kids were younger, I remember taking them to the church building here in Bagdad. There were apple trees that were dying. The lady who used to care for the trees, the sister they would call 
'The Apple Tree Police', was not able to care for the trees any more.

So the kids and I would go out and mow the weeds, and take our shovels to get the bushes all dug out. We would turn the water on, and try so ever hard to keep the trees from dying...The watering system was rotting, so our watering efforts were limited.
We did this for a couple of summers-I remember feeling so determined to keep those trees alive...
But more than that, I was trying to teach my children that hard work, putting effort into something, even if it isn't ours, would pay off. 

We would always stand back, and look at our work. I am not sure anyone else noticed, but we sure did. We were proud of our efforts. We would be hot, and smelly! It wasn't just me and 2 of the kids. It was all of the kids, and me. Everyone did their part. 

I know that the kids remember doing this. I know that the older kids got the point. Even if service goes unnoticed without recognition, God knows. And that is all that matters.

We can all do things to help others, but if it is for personal gain-and for recognition, it is done for the wrong reason, and will mean nothing in the end.

We live in a very giving town. I have seen people step up at the last second to help someone else. I have seen people who have health issues, such as cancer, take time to do something for some who is in need, even though they are in need and struggle themselves.

I so love the quiet giver. Someone who will do things, and not need the pat on the back. 

When talking to my husband some months ago, we were talking about examples in our lives.

Michael mentioned my dad. He told me that he has never met another man that has served as much as Coach Workman.

My dad, who has bone cancer, will just get done with his chemo and will head to the store to shop for a couple of needy families that don't have the means or ways to shop for themselves. My mother has told me that several times he will come home so tired and sick, but that he would do the same thing again the next day. 

My dad is someone is who is non stop. Busy, doing several different projects at one time-He can drive us all crazy at times.
When looking back to when I was a kid, I now recognize thathis passion for servcie has always been there.

My mom was always there helping to cook, always there to back my dad up helping him to accomplish whatever he was doing at the time. 
My dad would bring boys into our home, feeding them and teaching them not just about the Football game, but about character and living good lives.

My dad is a great example on so many different levels, as is my Mother. Wonderful examples of service.

One of the greatest examples of service is Jesus Christ. 

Here is a photo of Jesus, washing one of his apostles feet. 
*This is one of the first things you notice in the Office of Southern Virginina University-Amazing*

Jesus loved everyone, and he did whatever he could to help all of those around him. Whether or not they accepted him, he served and taught about God's love for us.

When we serve others, we gain a new understanding of what this life is about.

When we serve others, we tend to forget about ourselves. 

Learning to take out time for others, isn't always an easy task. Some have to work at it, especially if they haven't been taught. 

The great and amazing thing about service, is that Everyone can it! EVERYONE!

I hope we all can teach our kids to serve. Even the smallest service has the greatest effect on someone's life...

Smiling is doing service *Says me!*, but it is just a small kind gesture-imagine what a hug could do.

I am so thankful for the great examples in my life. 

I sure love the Adorable One, and am so very proud of the man that he has become. I appreciate him trying to teach our kids the importance of being selfless.
My parents, who taught me to work and to be a kind person...To try every day to be a good person.

In order for me to accomplish the great things I want to accomplish like being a great wife, mother, daughter and sister...
I must learn to serve others-with my family always being first-serving them daily!

It is the Lords way!

Happy serving!! 

Smiling :0)

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