Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sass is doing good..

You know when you have one of those moments that you just can't help but share with the world. Even though the world may not see the greatness out of that one moment, as you did.

I have a couple of those moments today, that I just can't help but share.

As the world knows, our amazing 18 year old daughter is attending college at SVU. She is thousands of miles away-What were we thinking letting her go so far away?? 

'Sass', is just that important to us-all of us. 

Moving on...

Not to long after Sass started school, we recieved and email from a friend that had the SVU Softball Roster attached.
Before we scrolled down to the roster, we read the short message from the friend who sent the email-
'Cassy has already been added to the SVU Softball Roster! That's awesome! 
Of course we were so excited...
*Let me just share the whole darn thing...*

Cassy has already been added to the SVU Softball Roster! That’s awesome!



We saw the Roster, before Sass even did...Sorry Sass!

The team has been practicing for a few weeks now, and I love hearing how things are going. Sass is on a great team, with great coaches. Sass says she is getting out of the 'Rusty' stage...And she loves pitching, playing 3rd, and LOVES hitting! I think Sass missed being on the mound and being apart of a team. I can't wait to see how the season goes! 

On to the next exciting 'Moment'...

Cassandra is a very intelligent young lady. Sass works hard keeping her grades up, staying focused. Sass, does not get any of that stuff from her mother...I am a rainbows, and butterflies, and 'Oh Look! That cloud looks like cotton candy', kind of student. 

*I did not take school serious enough-and now my Kindergartner's homework is hard*.

Anyhow...about a week ago, Sass sent her dad a text about an essay that rocked her professors socks. Sass, had writen a rough draft, and took it to her professor to have it edited...Well, I guess it went very well. The Essay is not due until tomorrow, but Cassandra allowed her dad and I to read it before she handed it in...

I could not wait...Neither could the Adorable One, to get to our email so we could read this essay of Sass's.

Cassandra did such a great job. Her writting was perfect *says me-a non writer*. I was so impressed.

All I have to say, is I thought it was awesome. Awesome enough to share it with the world. I did warn Sass that I was going to post it...And I am going to, But I thought that maybe I should wait until she handed it in first.

So...Tomorrow I will post her essay so that everyone can read it.

Cassandra needs to start up a blog. She could share her talent with others. I know her sisters and I would love to follow her.

Just when you think your a terrible parent, and your children are not going to survive out in the real world, they surprise you and do just fine!

So to be conitnued....


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