Friday, February 21, 2014

I needed a giggle...

Yesterday, Thursday February 20th, was a very crazy day for me...

I had to go to town to take 2 little guys to the doctor, drop off hearing aids to be fixed, run to the bank and of course while we are there, we have to go to Walmart.

The boys have been sick with their Momma. They have coughed and sneezed, and have had ear aches. This bug has hung around our house for over a month now, and we are getting a little tired of it. We did not feel great yesterday...But we did what we needed to do.
*I have not taken the boys to the doctor in 2 years-I know! Bad Mommy!*

We got into Prescott without any issues, and we were right on schedule-YAY! I love being on time..It doesn't happen very often.

So far so good-Dropped off Nicc's Hearing aids to be worked on-Now off to the Doctors office...

We got to the doctors office, and I happen to notice how big my boys are getting. Things were so much easier without a baby...They sat down, looked at the fish, and just behaved pretty darn good!
It was bitter sweet!

The doctor was very nice...

Tator Tot's one ear, shows that it was infected but that it was healing on its own, but poor Champ still has his ear infection. Poor kid!

When the two boys were weighed and measured, I just giggled to myself...Tator Tot is 38 pounds, 3'6.
Champ is 37 pounds, 3'3 1/2.  I can not wait to watch these two boys grow up! I absolutely love having our last 3 boys so close. In fact, I love that all of our kids are close in age-They were all born at the right time.


We left the doctor's office with a few prescriptions, Blood work orders, 3 shots *Tator Tot*, and of course a sticker or two.

Then off to WalMart we went!

I am going to paint the house! I would rather paint then wash the walls...So Painting will be my big task for the next couple of weeks...That along with trying to function as a mother!

As I was going through the colors cards (I know there is a name for those silly things, But to me they are just cards with colors on them), I was also talking on the phone with Sass-Meanwhile, I had these two little guys, just being so patient!
As I kissed them on the forehead a couple of dozen times, letting them know how good they were being...I thought to myself-How awesome my kids are!!

Well, Awesome, but not completely harmless...

At the the Paint area, there is a button that you push for assistance. 
I pushed it once, and saw that the light was blinking, so I did not push it again.
An employee came rather quickly, and I started to explain what I needed him to do, poor guy was in for it!

During my instructions and gibberish talk *I am sure that is what it sounded like to the guy*,
I could hear the employee's radio going off with the same announcement-a recording-over and over...'A customer in the paint department is needing assistance'.
I finally looked down to see that Champ and Tator Tot were taking turns pushing the 'Help Me' Button.
The guy calmly turned his radio down, and held down the button to cancel all the requests.
**I guess the recording keeps going off on the radio, for each time the button is pushed...Who knows how many times the boys pushed it! I was a focused painter at the time...At least my boys were quiet-Right?**

So the WalMart guy was already a little annoyed, I am sure-Then I handed him the cards with all the colors that I wanted...He handed them back to me, and calmly said 'I will be doing this one gallon at a time'.

The poor WalMart guy mix me up 6 gallons, and a quart of different colors of paint. That took a little bit of time! Then of course, one of the colors was to pink, and I wanted him to fix it. He just looked at me for a second, and said 'Sure! No problem!'

*I am sure the WalMart guy, will turn the other way if he sees me coming again!*

Moving on...

The boys needed booster seats. They were both to big for the seats that they had, so I thought we could probably find cheap ones...Well, we did! But the one that Tator Tot wanted, was only on display. WalMart is pretty popular for having great displays, but never having the product that is being displayed...

I finally found a box, that had a similar booster seat in it. Same brand and flavor, but not the design Tator Tot wanted..

Yes!! I was trying to spoil my boys...They were being very good, even after the button episode.
*And I felt guilty because it was taking forever to get out of WalMart, and I knew they were not feeling that great.*

I decide to take the display, and the box, and make them sell me the display...After all, I am the customer!

We go and snag our medications, and off to the check out line we went with our 6 gallons of paint,  1 Quart of paint, plenty of rollers, tape, a few other painting tools, Champs booster seat, and displayed booster seat-along with the box for the pricing. **Oh! And my extra large bag of peanut butter M&M's...I was starving**.

We get in line, and I start unloading our cart.

The cashier started to scan the paint and says with a raised eyebrow,
'Looks like someone is going to be busy painting for awhile *With a slight pause* And with 2 little helpers.'  There was no grin, or signs of a smile...In fact, there wasn't a glimpse of happiness...


Now it wasn't that her comment bothered me, it was the raised eyebrow...

What was she saying?

'Looks like You are CRAZY taking on the task of Painting...And with All these COLORS?? And with 2 little boys?? Looks Like someone is going to have a big MESS! You must not know what you are in for!'...As she giggles in an evil way in her own mind.
*This is really how I was picturing the way she was thinking and what she really wanted to say*

I didn't say anything, but stood there and looked at her with a raised eyebrow as well...Maybe I got her wondering, what I was wondering!

*Two can play at this game*

We got past the kinda awkward moment-So I thought...

Now to the Booster seat!

She looks at me, and Raises that dang eyebrow again, and asks...'What is this?'

I raised my eyebrow right back at her, and replied,
'A booster seat that was on display, that I was hoping you guys would allow me to purchase!?'

'Oh NOOOOOO! NOOOO! We don't normally sell displayed items...Especially from the infant department...'

She flips the switch to get a manager over, and she came from behind the register yelling at the cashier next to us waving her arms, and going from one eyebrow raised to both eyebrows raised...
'We DO NOT sell display items, correct?? Especially from the infant department!!'
*The other cashier, which was a male, just looked at me like...'I am so sorry'*

I was starting to get a little scared!

I lowered my eyebrows, and calmly said...Its ok! I will just take the one in the box.

The lady, raises her eyebrows again and asked kinda frustrated, 'Why do you have this one in a box, if you want the displayed one?'
I explained, 'It was for pricing, so that I wouldn't have to wait for someone to go back and look for the price...We all know how long that can take!'

Raising her one eyebrow again, she just looked at me.

Great! What is she thinking about this crazy painter now!

Well, the manager came, she got on her radio to call over to the infant department. She gets done doing her official 10 4 and out, and she looked at me, and told me, in a very serious voice, that they NEVER EVER sell display items that are from the infant department. 

I mumbled a little and told both the manager and Raised Brow, that the booster is not an INFANT ITEM!!!
Raised Brow slanted her head a little, raised her eyebrow, and replied, 'Yes! Yes it sure is!'

I could not understand the big deal...But oh well! 

It was time to go...

I am not a person that gets to frustrated when it comes to checking out and such at any store, I have a great tolerance for Cashiers...After all they deal with us people ALL day, but I was a little bit on edge from the beginning with Raised Brow..

We got the Booster that was in the box, and Tator Tot didn't complain one bit...But I can tell you this...I still see the cashier with the one eyebrow raised...She may haunt me for a little while.

Off to McDonalds we went. I was so excited to get the boys happy meals. We never get the kids happy meals!

When it was my turn to order, I said with great excitment, '2 Chicken nugget happy meals, please! And can we get 2 Milk Shakes to go with those?'...
Yay! The boys were getting Happy Meals.

I got my nuggets as well, and we were on our way.

I didn't hand the boys their meals yet, because I needed to go to the bank and stop to get the hearing aids...

Got it all done...PHEW! I was ready to get home, and so were the boys!

I Started to hand the boys their meals, and noticed that the prize inside was for girls...WHAT! I thought for sure I said for boys...But maybe I didn't! I was tired.

No biggy! Until I noticed APPLE SLICES!!

Ok! I am all for healthy-I get it fries are not HEALTHY! But yesterday, I wasn't worried about healthy. I wanted to spoil my boys, and that meant UNHEALTHY FRENCH FRIES! They never get fast food! And when they do, they get Apples?
At this point, I couldn't remember if they asked if I wanted fries or apples...They probably did!

At least the boys got their shakes and a cool little box to get them all excited!

We were on our way home, and within just a few minutes, the boys were out!

I cranked some music, and was enjoying the alone but not so alone time...

Finally got into town.

Now for the highlight of my day...

I pulled into the drive way, and of course everyone rushes out to see what mom has.
I quickly get things unloaded, and need to head to Bashas *I know! I was just in town*.
I told Jessi to take charge and to get the house all cleaned up.
I got back from the store, and things looked the same...I reminded Jessi to do what was asked.
I went outside, and cleaned the car.
I remembered that I wanted to snag some weed killer, so I went inside to tell Jessi that I was leaving again.

The house looked the same, STILL. This time, I got a little bit firm and told Jessi to get it done by the time I got home.

I got back from the part store, here in town, and walked inside...


I Yelled, 'Jessi!!!'.

She says, 'But mom I was making chore cards for the kids.'

Bobcat came to me and flashed 4 cards that were made for him-Letting me know, that Jessi, indeed, was busy making chore cards.

I said 'Jessi-Really??'

She looked at me and said while giggling, 'Look at my card Mom!!!'



She says, 'But MoM! I have been busy doing this ALL day!!'

I of course could no longer be frustrated, and started to giggle!

Golly Darn It!!

I felt so very blessed yesterday-Among all of the frustrating things that happened, My children got me through the day!

2 little boys being patient...My Bobcat and Mountain Lion doing their push up and sit ups-And running the Hills like champs without having to be told...My Jessi being so uplifting...My Jazzi being her little prissy self...Justin with his amazing Hugs...Nicci with her Bubbly positive, nobody is gonna bring me down attitude...and Sass for calling her momma giving her color ideas for the paint!

Even Raised Brow couldn't take away the amazing feeling I had as soon as Jessi showed me how important it is to take life as it comes....Never to seriously!

I was dead tired by the time the day ended...Getting up this morning was tough! I was like Jazzi who dislikes getting up...I just didn't want to do it!
But, as the morning moved along, and after the house fell quiet when the kids left for school...I started to think about my day yesterday-I have smiled and giggled to myself all morning!

Happy Friday!!

Smiling :O)

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