Thursday, September 4, 2014

Say Cheeze!!

If I were to tell you that I have an amazing life...Would you believe me?
If I were to tell you that I have been blessed beyond measure...Would you believe me?

I know that I have said it-Blogged about it-Tried really hard to show it...But still, I am not sure you believe me when I say, 'I have such a good life!'.

When things happen in a family, I guess it is just easy to make that assumption about their lives...
'Oh! They must no be as happy as they Come Off to be!'...

I have learned just the opposite. Just because there are struggles in our lives, doesn't make us unhappy people. 


My job isn't to convince you. You all should be able to see it radiate off of me...

I love to smile. I love to make others smile. I love to make others feel good about themselves. I love sharing my happiness with others.

With that being said...I, of course, have to admit that I am NOT always Happy! I have bad days, just like everyone else...With that being said, I can also admit that 95% of the time, I am Happy! 

I am a mother of natural born animals. I have to raise my voice every now and than. I get overwhelmed every now and than. I am going to be angry and sad some times...It is ok...It is only 5% of the time, and such is life! Nobody has ever gone through this life without some sort of turmoil and angst.

I can not tell you how much I love to laugh with my kiddos. I love it when they know that I am upset and they will do everything possible to make me laugh *Justin is the most relentless about this!*

I also can not tell you, often enough, how much I love to laugh with my Adorable One. I love watching movies/T.V shows with him. The touch of his hands, still comfort me like no other...

So why am I blogging about this...?

The other day, our Photographer Sass, took the kids out and took their pictures.
Yesterday, after the kids went to school and there was a little bit of peace, Sass went through the pictures and had me go and pick the ones that I liked the most so she could print them out and frame them for me *I SOOOO love having my daughter Sass home*.


Talk about tough!! How in the world can any mom, go through photos of her babies and pick out JUST one picture that she likes the most?? Impossible!

I got so emotional as Sass and I scrolled through each one of the kids pictures. I had to walk away a few times, so that Sass wouldn't see how emotional I was actually becoming by seeing the photos.
*She knew! Sass knows me pretty darn well!*


I was reminded, once again, of how BLESSED I am. I felt such overwhelming joy and love when I saw my children smiling or giving their personality faces in the photos. 

I am doing exactly what The Lord had intended for me to do...

I am a Wife and a Mother. My career is taking and building, this Pacheco Family empire.
I can not imagine, being anywhere else in my life-DOING anything else!

Every trial and error, has been for a reason...To  make our family foundation stronger. 

Yesterday, I came to realize that I have so much to live for. Not that I didn't already know this...
I get to see our children's faces, every day...
But...For some reason, seeing the photos just put things into a great perspective for me.

Every time I look at pictures, this is what happens...I can see and scroll through the photos of our family all day long! So very inspiring and motivating, for me, to be The BEST Wife and Mother-That I can be.

So I am going to share with you the Photos that got me all emotional...

Each one of my children are so very very special. 
There really is no other family on earth like mine, ours!
We have a crazy, full of chaos, Loud-Full of life, family! *Not perfect, yet perfectly imperfect*

**Sass has not given me the chance to take some photos of her...YET! I look forward to scrolling through some pictures of her, showing who she is today. I am so thankful that I have an amazingly gifted daughter that can take pictures for us! There aren't any new photos of Justin just yet either...Sass is going to get started on his senior pictures soon for me...I know I will struggle picking out his pictures...I am tearing up right now just thinking about it! My son is a senior...Hardest part, yet, most exciting part of parenting...Watching these kids grow up into great young adults!* 

I think this young man is adorable! Love His Smile!
Don't let that beautiful smile fool you...She is a sneaky one!

Little Miss Jazzi

Growing up WAY to fast Jessi

Gorgeous OUT OF THIS WORLD Nicci

Nothing but happiness from this girl!

Look close...She has brown in her one eye...It fits her personality-Prissy!

What a great smile!!

Sisters minus 1...

Handsome little ToT...You gotta be quick to keep up with this kid!

Hey Baby...

Look at those eyes...You try telling this boy NO!!

Tator Tot-He has a thing for sticks!!

This kid is such a great kid! He is a leader and a worker...Mr. Chase AKA Mountain Lion

You won't find a better kid than Bobcat. This kid is something else...

I love to show pictures of my boys being themselves...Pacheco Men are a lot more than just Football!!

This says it all...

Champion just melts my heart! He is FULL OF IT!! and I wouldn't change him for anything...I just pray I can keep up and survive him...

My Big Boy Justin...#34 He looks so much like his Daddy! Sure proud of this kid!
Sass rocks my socks!! *Sorry Sass...You have got to let us take pictures of you!!*

Now after looking at these pictures, I am quite sure you will believe me when I say,
'I am Blessed! and I do have a great Life!*

I have to be the luckiest MoM to be so fortunate to be apart of such a wonderful Family!

**Have you counted your blessing today?? Get to it!**

Pacheco Crew... 4 Girls, 5 Boys, and of course the amazing Adorable One and I!!
**We have to get a family photo in here!!**

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