Monday, September 15, 2014

Where do I begin...

Where do I begin??

That is a legit question...Where do I begin?

If I were to sit and try to write out the last 4 months of my life, Our Lives...I don't think I would be able to know where to begin.

So much has happened. So much has changed. Life is and never will be the same for me, or US ever again.

There has been a bit of...No! A lot of, tears. Heartache. Depression. Stress. Anxiety. Happiness. Joy...*there is a little bit of a difference between the two*. 
There has been Struggles. Finacial woes. Blessings upon Blessings. Frustration. Angst. Anger. Forgiveness. Love...So much LOVE! 
A touch of Sadness. Pride. Stubbornness. Growth. Physical and Mental challenges....

So...With that all being said. I ask myself again, 'Where do I begin?'...

What I figure is, the last 4 months are in the past. Events can't be changed. Words can't be taken back. We can not go back, and take what has happened in our lives-Away. 

Would you be surprised if I told you that I don't want to go back and change things. I don't want to go and do things differently. I don't want to go back and ask myself, 'Why?'

Because in reality, I know why.

If our family didin't go through the experiences that we did...We would not be where we are today.

Let me tell you about the last couple of weeks...

There has been a lot put on my plate...ontop of everything else that is already on my plate...
I have been given a second helping, before I have even been able to consume and conquer the first helping.

The Adorable One and Sass, convinced me and talked me into doing the Pathway program. It is college courses given through BYU-Idaho. 

WHAT?? Yeah...I know. When am I going to have the time? And Can you belive that I am a student again? *I was not a very good student in High School or kindergarden for that matter*.

To add to that-After I enrolled into the Pathway Program, I was called to be the wards new Primary President.  

REALLY?? Yuppers...*I have an amazing presidency to help me-We will survive!!*

I have my work cut out for me...And...I am not going to lie! I have struggled with the confidence to be able to do what is needed, and to do a good job.


You know when you see your husband and children...You know without a doubt they can do amazing things? You tell them. You try to encourage them to do things, because-THEY CAN!! You BELIEVE in them! 
You know how it feels when they don't listen, or they just haven't found that courage just yet?


I have been on the other side of the spectrum.

I have been the one that hasn't listened...That hasn't found the courage *Until Now* **At least, I see the glympse of who I used to be**.

My husband and children, believe in me so much. They are constantly complimenting me. Telling me how awesome I am. I have been told that I 'Can' do anything! Several times.

My husband has told me over and over that I am a very strong person-Wife-Mother. I have just never believed in myself, as they have believed in me. I can't tell you how special it is to have such support.

Time for me to man up, and get to work.

What a gift Family is!

Sunday was a wonderful Sunday. Our newest Pacheco family baby was blessed *No! Not mine...My in laws!* Baby Tia. Their #8. She is a doll, and you know what...My father in law came to church! You bet cha...Oh! what a great, great Sunday. Both Pacheco families filled the first 2 rows...It was nice.

It Doesn't get much better than this...

Baby Tia was blessed, Gramps came to church, I was announced as the new Primary President, and Justin gave a talk! Also-Justin blessed the sacrament, While his cousin helped pass it. That is always special.

I have to say a little bit about Justin's talk...He did so good.
Justin just got up there and ruled the podium.  He is a natural born leader, and I couldn't be more proud of him. I will say it again and again...Justin is so much more than just a FOOTBALL player. Justin is going to make a great Missionary!

After church, my counselors and I were set apart. This is where the bishopric place their hands on our head, and gives us a blessing one at a time...I was very excited for this. I have felt a ton of pressure and worry, I needed a priesthood blessing. The best part about it all...My husband, the Adorable One, was able to place his hands on my head as well. I felt such gratitude and peace...I don't think my husband knows how much he comforts me.

Our families are our ROCK! I just don't know what I would do without mine!

Faith...Husband...Children... That is all that matters to me. Everything else is just that...Everything else!

There is so much to learn from children...Take a minute to watch and listen to them.

I have children that build up my confidence daily. My oldest children are fully aware, and know the right moments to: give me a hug *Nicci*. Ask me how I am doing...are you doing ok Mom? *Justin*. I get told to 'pull it together',  with a grin...*Sass*. I get free hugs, and my hand is never hardly ever empty... *Jessica*. 
My little guys comfort me with their smiles when they see me! I get so many kisses blown to me *Jazzi*. And I get told I love you a million times a day *Bobcat*.

I am going to take everything, that is ahead of me, with great stride.
I am going to follow my gut, and work hard...Maintaining faith that I will be provided a way to do all that I need to.

That is what is going on with me...Now to share a little bit about my husband.

My husband has been on a crazy rollercoaster, for what seems like a zillion years. Mentally, physically, and spiritually.  

My husband has worked hard to do better, be better...I am so proud of my husband. Michael has made changes, not only for his family, but for himself. 

Today he went to his doctor, and got some great news...

In less then two months, Michael has lost 20 pounds and his doctor is taking him off of his insulin shots!!

My goodness! I am so HAPPY for my Teddy Bear! 

I could hardly contain myself when he came home and shared the news...He couldn't either. YaY!!

I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring...I am not even going to think about tomorrow just yet. I am just thankful for this moment. I pray that things will continue to get better, and that our lives will only be strengthened and blessed-even when trials come our way.

The trials that we had, and will have-were/are blessings and lessons in disguise. 

Everything Happens for a Reason!

Focus on what really matters...Keep it real and keep it simple. 
Here's to growing closer as a family, getting good grades, teaching children to love one another, having confidence, and changing the way we live and look at things!

Have faith-Pray often-Live! And be happy doing the things that will only bring you happiness.

Happy Monday Evening! 

Smiling :O)

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