Monday, November 3, 2014

Keeping our heads up...

Life is a crazy ride...

We all know this. We all deal with this. We all either have our seatbelts on, or our hands way up in the air. 

One minute. That is all it takes for something to change. Some times not even a minute...In the blink of an eye, things can be changed-Forever! 

You wonder...Why? You ask...Why? You guess...Why? 
There are just some things we will never understand...

We have been so blessed in Bagdad. We have loved where we lived-We have lived in 3 different houses, and have loved each one. We have always looked for the good in each home, and the yards. We have loved the town. We have loved the people, even though some may not love us...We are the 'We don't care' type of people...Yet! We do care. We enjoy the conversations with others while at Bashas.

We have seen this town grow. We have lived here since December 9th 2002. We have ran the hills, the roads, and the track-We even built our own running hill out back. 

We have enjoyed so many memory building events with our children. 
Sass pitched and was apart of a State Championship win for Softball...Her and her cousin helped her team go all the way...That is a season and game we will never forget. Justin is on his way, with his team, for another State Championship win in Football.  **We have 2 more games left...You never know in Football until the very last play is dead...But we are being as positive and proud, as we should be. Our son rocks the field...He is my favorite player on that field...He is my Son!! He is #34, and he is a freight train!! I love to watch that kid play *I am his mother and I can Brag and love that kid all I want*** Justin and his teammates have grown into men, side by side. They have improved together, worked together, cried together, and have laughed a ton together. I am telling you, it has been a blast to watch these boys. Nicci and Jessi were apart of a Championship as well in Little League Softball. They have had a good time playing with their cousins, and being coached by their uncle with their big sister Sass helping out. Bobcat, Mountain Lion, and Tot have been able to enjoy playing football for the RazorBacks...Mountain Lion, Tot, and their team are on their way to the Championship this Saturday. We are proud of the success our Children have had with their sports, here in Bagdad.

We have had many great years in Bagdad. 
Leaving Bagdad, if we ever did, would not be easy. We have raised our kids here for the most part. It is a great little town. So much to offer, yet so little to offer, it would depend on your lifestyle I suppose. I am ok that there isn't a ton to do. I like the lazy quietness of the place...

As the air has cooled down, and we are enjoying the view from our home that looks over the little town-You know that crisp feeling that you get, when you know something is about to change? It goes right through your jacket, and you shrug your shoulders and breathe out one of those deep breaths...That helps to calm you. You might close your eyes for a moment, and as you slowly open them...There it is-Change.

We have had the craziest events happen to our family. Things that are great, and things that are not so great. But everything has happened for a reason. My husband has been fighting this war within himself, and my gosh! He is winning. He is now holding this family up, and is ready to do whatever it takes to keep us on the right track. 

I was watching 'Signs' with the kids yesterday, and there was this scene in the movie that just hit me! Like a brick was thrown at me...And when that brick hit me, thoughts of our family's recent events flooded my mind. I could see things clear as day-The good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I smiled and I got tears in my eyes...How could I ever question or doubt any of the outcomes?? Because I am human, and humans have to go through these rough spiritual patches to get back to where they need to be. I am not there yet, but the Adorable One is...And he has ahold of my hand and refuses to let go. Together, he and I, are going to make it through this life...One day at a time. I married a very stubborn, strong man. 

There are no coincidences. I believe in miracles, and I believe that God has a hand in everything. We may understand or we may not. Either we have faith or we don't.

Every hard, heart breaking thing that has happened, has had to happen. I have always known that this is how it works...But, I was put to the test. How much faith do I have? I won't lie...I have struggled and I have had to fight negative thoughts. I have had 'Doubt'... I have wasted plenty of time not being patient and finding the positives in each and every situation-Even though-I know if I do this, things just feel and work out better. 

We don't know where our family is going to be in the next week, or day, or month, or year. Regardless, we don't fear, nor are we worried-We've got this.

Sass is doing good, planning on going to California in January. She is working and is my Primary Secretary-I LOVE IT! Justin is a senior and is planning on going on a mission right out of High School. Nicci has a boyfriend that we can't help but love. Nicci is growing up way to fast, and we can not be more proud of who she is, RIGHT NOW, TODAY! Jessi is bubbly and giving everything a try...Student council, volleyball, basketball, and loves art and music. Bobcat is the Pre-teen of all Pre-teens. He is a stud, and a tender beast. I just hope to survive these few years of him figuring himself out. Jazzi is growing up-She is set in her ways, and she will be our next Pre-Teen very soon! Heaven help us.
Mountain Lion is awesome. He just looks at you with those bright blue eyes of his and you can't help but grin a little bit. He combs his hair all by himself, and he loves to look sharp for the ladies. Tot, is stinking adorable. Wants to be good, and enjoys school. Champion is a genious. He is one of those kids that you can't help but love because he is so happy all the time. He is smart and he just completes our family.

The Adorable one has lost over 40 pounds, and looks amazing. He weighs less than what he did when we were in High School...He Meditates, and has found a whole new outlook on life. I am so proud of him. I look into his eyes, and they are so clear...My Teddy Bear is stronger than ever. I adore and appreciate all that he has worked so hard to become...
I am buzzing like a bee...I am LOVING the pathway program. Homework can be tough, but man o' man, I have learned so much. Right now I am in Lifeskills, and the Gospel class...And let me tell you something...EVERY lesson, everything that I have had to do, has fit perfectly with my life, my struggles, my family...100% everything that I have had to do, has helped me to work hard at getting back to my old self. Positive, happy, and focused. There was a reason I took the program on...I have been blessed, and tried. I have had to jump so many hurdles, it has been as if someone was trying to discourage me so much that I would give up and quit-I know that I can't...And I won't! I am not a quitter. 

So after all of that being said...How could I ever doubt. Our Heavenly Father knows us, and he watches over us. Our family will be ok-No matter where we are or what we are doing. It isn't the house or the town that makes you happy. It is your family and the people you are surrounded by on a daily basis, especially during those crazy times when you just want to curl up into a ball and cry!

Change is in the air. Positives are in the air. Life is never going to be smooth, and I can tell you...If it was smooth all the time, there would be zero growth, and absolutely nothing to gain from this life. Hold on and carry on. Never forget what your priorities are...There is no time or room for selfishness. 

Who knows what tomorrow will bring...There are no coincidences...So put your hands up in the air and enjoy the ride!!

Smiling... :O) 

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