Thursday, May 7, 2015

It never fails...

In context we all try-in our own way-we do try our best...To be the best at whoever or whatever it is that we are doing. 

Some get very caught up in their hardships. 'Negative' is all they seem to notice about their lives-their feelings.

I have done a lot of this. The 'Negative' seems so over powering and there are some days when I just struggle to find the positives...If we are honest with ourselves-It is almost easier to just feel 'Negative' about everything. We tend to thrive off of it.

For myself, even though it is easier, being 'Negative' doesn't feel better. 

Being positive is uplifting. Not just for myself, but for those around me as well.

Searching...Finding...Recognizing...Giving praise of 'Thanks' always-for all that you have been given...

The positives can and will over come the 'Negative'.

It never fails...For me...I can have the worst day and something ALWAYS reminds me that things could be much worse. 
Just going onto FaceBook, watching the news, going to the store and watching others...Can remind me of how good my life really is.


Piano music seems to always soften my soul. I can not feel 'Negative' when I listen to Paul Cardall, or Yiruma..Ryan Stewart...The Piano Guys...And so many others. My thoughts turn to God so many times while listening to Piano Music. It is even that way when I play the piano. 

One of my favorite songs is 'River Flows in You' by Yiruma. I absolutely feel so blessed while listening to this song. What a blessing it is to be able to take a deep breath and reflect on all that our Heavenly Father has blessed me with.

Hard times don't last forever-Even though they can sure feel like that...FOREVER-Never ending.

Tonight, after a long emotional day, I walked out the door to take Mountain Lion to his Baseball game...
Feeling so frustrated because I can't make 'Great' things happen, I really was feeling discouraged. 

As I walked out the door, a crisp breeze brushed across my face...I felt a prompting to look up... 
I lifted my head, and there was the most beautiful piece of a rainbow, perfectly hanging off the softest gray clouds...The sun was shining on the mountains in the background-It was the most calming sight. I felt so at peace. I got in the car, and looked at my blue eyed little guy, and was reminded once again, how I have so much to be grateful for.

After dropping off Chase, I looked at the picture that I took. To me it is perfect. Doesn't need a filter, or anything added to it. It was exactly as I saw it-Peacefully beautiful.

I am not a miserable wife or mother... I am simply trying to adapt to all the many changes that simply keep happening. 

When I sit and ponder on all the reasons of maybe 'WHY'.... I want to just kick myself and remember that I don't need to know why. I need to just carry on, and be content with what I have...With who I am. Trusting and believing, having faith.

It is quite easy to fall into the depth of depression or worse...not having gratitude for all the help that we have received from Heavenly Father. 

Losing sight of what matters most. Losing that compassion for the simple things in life. Focusing so much on, 'What Now' or 'How much more can I take'. 

We all have to remember that we make choices. We CHOOSE to be who we are...What we do. Learning to except life as it has been handed to us, and dealing with the tough stuff with humility and gratitude, is completely up to us.

No matter what...

Our Heavenly Father never leaves our side. How comforting is it to know that we can always turn to him...Remembering that in Good times and bad...God is there. 
We need to give thanks for all of our blessings every day...

It never fails...

When I have an open heart with a willing mind...I will and can be reminded that life is good. Life is short. Life is a blessing-and should never be taken for granted. 

I have a wonderful husband that has had so many trials and tests... I can not express enough how thankful I am for his patience and love. 
The Adorable One was gone for nearly 3 days this week, and I missed him. I couldn't wait to see him. Even after these short 20 some years of being with him, I still feel giddy when I see him...He deals with this cranky 'yo yo' of a wife and still says how beautiful I am. The other day I asked Michael if I even looked a little bit like I did in High School, and he looked me in the eyes and said, 'You are so much more beautiful today than what you were in High School!'. 
I am blessed with a man that still thinks that I am amazing. 

Trials and tests are important for growth. 

It is quite whiny of me to blog about my boohoo's and woes. You know...The not so positives and a bit of the negatives...I have no problem sharing it all with whom ever takes the time to read about it... I want people to know that I understand. I want others to know...Life is hard for everyone. Nobody really wants to admit that they are struggling.
Isn't it nice to know that you aren't alone and feel a bit stronger because of it? 

There is a fine line between being a constant complainer, to being humble and honest. I would love to say that I am humble, but I would have to admit...I am just being humbled ALL of the time-Always being reminded of how hard things could really be. *I am also honest, maybe a bit to honest*.

Don't get caught up in the hard stuff...And believe me I know about the hard stuff...But I also know that my hard stuff isn't hard compared to so many who struggle in this life with the REALLY HARD stuff.


Keep life simple and go outside and watch a hummingbird when you have a chance...Those sweet little birds have a way of reminding you how amazing life is. That is one of my favorite things to do...And if your quiet enough you can hear their little chirps. 

Just a few quotes...

"It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment."-Naomi Williams

"If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul."-Harold Kushner

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."-Sarah Ban Breathnack

"Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have-Life itself."-Walter Anderson

A quick poem...

"I like to walk alone on country paths, rice plants and wild grasses on both sides, putting each foot down on the earth in mindfulness, knowing that I walk on the sondrous earth. In such moments, existence is a miraculous and mysterious reality.
People usually consider walking on water or in the thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. 
Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize:
a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child-our own two eyes. All is a miracle."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Take a minute and listen to the music video that I am sharing with you...Close your eyes and reflect on your surroundings.  If things are hard, hang in there and focus on small stuff. Choose to find the good in life. Choose to not share your complaints with others 'EVERY DAY' *I understand the every now and then venting...
Venting can be very good-to let things go...
Just make sure your venting to the right person-Your best friend-And if your married...That should be your Husband! (Don't complain about your spouse to others...)
Choose to be a positive force for those around you...*Speaking to myself* 

Smiling :O)

1 comment:

  1. Thxs for sharing. It is nice to know we're not alone in how we feel, think, see or even what we hear.
    Thank you!
