This morning at 4:30 I took our daughter Jessi to the LDS church, so that she can attend Girls Camp this week. I wish I had the words the express the feelings I had as I dropped her off and watched as another girl from our new ward, came to her and greeted her with all smiles. Listening to the two girls was comforting. I am going to miss her this week!
Things are so very different here. We are still working hard to get adjusted. There are so many blessings and trials that everything seems to balance eachother-working things out on their own. Our lives have been changed and I won't lie, it all has not been very easy. But, I will say, that our lives have changed in a way, that I don't think we ever want to go back to where we came from. Realizing that change was a must to move forward.
The Move!
We just moved...Yikes! Just to have to move again. So let me explain...
We left Bagdad in December. That was not the easiest because Bagdad was all we knew...Bagdad life is all we understood and felt like that was where our lives would be spent...Things of course change, and we were on our way.
We didn't know where we were headed really, but we fell upon a home that, at the time, was perfect...Along with it being in a small town, it just felt like the perfect fit for our family. We moved in and started to settle.
As life would have it, things started to change and things started to feel heavy and hard. We decided, making a tough decision, that we needed to find something else for our family. Something a bit more affordable-we took the steps forward in finding a different place to live. Meanwhile, the owners of the home where we lived put the house on the market, and would you know it...They got an offer on the place in just a couple of weeks-We had to get moving on moving!
For over a month we had no idea where in the world we were going to live, but we knew that we had to be out of the house we were in by July. Fortunately, I was able to have a conversation with one of the realtors that came to show the house to some people, who didn't show up, so we had lots of time to talk. I told her our situation. This amazing lady, who I know came to our house that day for this very reason...Told me she may just have something that would work for us.
Long story short, we met with the owner of the home and here we are.
The home we moved into needed some TLC. We took all of June and worked hard to try to get it ready for our family come July!
Ripping out carpet, and painting...and more not even finishing the painting, and will have to do more painting after we are all unpacked.
We went from a 4 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom. From a huge amazing kitchen, to a smaller kitchen with a walk in food pantry. From a laundry closet, to a laundry room. To smaller bedrooms, but to bigger closets for all the kids clothes. From living right next to two busy streets, to living out in the middle of nowhere *This is a HUGE one for me...Champ nearly was hit by a van the other day while he was checking the mail...That was horrifying! The van stopped barely in time... I will not miss living near a busy road*
We went from...
Living 5 minutes away from Walmart, to nearly 17 minutes away...*Walmart was over an hour away from Bagdad, so this is still a huge plus*. We still have 5 acres and plenty of space for the kids to play...without the worry of being hit by a car.
We live one dirt road away from my mother in law...That is awesome!
We still live near snakes, spiders, bugs gallore, Ants, Ants, and some more Ants. Coyotes, bobcats, Jack Rabbits, Road Runnders and plenty of Masque trees. We have an amazing view...Just as we did at the other house...A bit better now, because you can't hear the cars speeding by.
We feel that...
This place was meant for us. Just as the other home was for that short period of time-for various reasons...maybe to help the owners sell it. Maybe for us to realize that bigger isn't always better. Maybe to be humbled to realize that there was more that we were to get out of the whole moving out of Bagdad bit...Not enough changes have been made. Maybe to be reminded to within your means!
I don't need fancy. In fact I desire SIMPLE! I am not materialistic, never have been.
While moving, we have had so many trials. Michael trying to work crazy hours, while also trying to move us. Justin is gone, so we didn't have the extra man strength-That was stressful...Thankfully, we had a crew of men from church that came and took several trailer loads of stuff to the new place-During a thunderstorm. It was raining, the wind was blowing like crazy...It was a 'What Next!' type of move.
Money has been tight, so driving back and forth between houses, has been costly and hard. Along with Jazzi having Allstar practices and games..To me putting my back out while trying to be the female version of the 'Hulk'...Trying to lift boxes I had no right even trying to lift..*I will never be the same*. Along with Nicci collapsing during a double header in Safford while rounding first base in her second game...Of course we were not there...But we are so thankful for the family that was by her side until we could get to there...
**Nicci was severely dehydrated. Her blood pressure was so very high, and her potassium was dangerously low...Kids just don't understand how important it is to drink lots of water the day or so before a game...They aren't sure why her potassium was so low. We are having her Thyroid double tripled checked today. No Softball until she can get a Dr.s Release.**
A night in the hospital for Michael, Nicci, and get home that next day..To get to work for Michael, and back to work for me, trying not to lift, while trying to get our home in order and settled. Bobcat has a severe case of strep throat, and can hardly stand the pain of swallowing...While Champion and Tot can't seem to keep the cactus and slivers out of their feet...Oh yeah! How about keeping your shoes on...*Boys*
I am so thankful for my kids!!! They have helped us out SOOO much! The older kids...Have had to have serious patience with their dad and I...I have been a basket case-To much happening ALL at Once!
We have had several things that have happened within the week of moving from one house to the other.
Makes one wonder.
Were the decisions that we have made, the right ones? Reflecting and pondering on what is the best thing to do for our family.
Doubt creeps in, and faith starts to shake a little. But then, someone knocks on your door with a HUGE plate of Rice Crispy Treats you start to think...Wait a minute-That was so nice! Just to have, within 5 minutes of recieving the treats, another knock on the door...Two amazing women from our new ward came to offer a hand or two or...Four!
Not long after that...Another knock on the door...Here is your dinner!
Things that have gone wrong, have done just that...Gone wrong! But the things that have gone right...Have been so comforting...
For example:
Recieving Elder Pacheco's first letter home...We couldn't have received that letter at a better time! We miss him so much-All of us do! But that letter-was so comforting. Uplifting...Faith building! I/WE needed that!
Our Sass is doing good, and LOVES where she is. She is Happy...I couldn't ask for anything more for her! (I miss that girl! Her smile...Her laugh...)
In Bagdad, there was nothing for Nicci as far as learning sign language n such. Her and Jessi did attend a class for a month and they recieved a book, but that was it (we are thankful for that one month-but it wasn't enough). Nicci has gotten to the point, that she struggles a bunch without her hearing aids in...She needs more.
When the Relief Society President of our new ward found out that Nicci was Hearing Impared, she started to Sign right off the bat (She was one of the two amazing ladies that came to offer help-She also dropped off dinner that night).
She told Nicci that she was not going to talk with her without Signing. That was perfect for Nicci-Made her feel positive about the challenges that she is going to face as her hearing slowly gets worse.
Also, Softball...Nicci is on the best traveling softball team ever. When she was taken to the hospital the other night, her coaches called the game. A few of the girls from her team, along with all 3 of her coaches, went to the Hospital and stayed there until they knew she was going to be ok. That is just amazing...And you know what! Nicci loves being on the team...Yay!
Jessi, loves the new ward's young womens. She asked if she could go with our new ward to girls camp instead of our old ward-She finally feels comfortable. That makes me feel so good! Jessi was so very excited to get up and get going to Girls camp-She has been packed for days now. The efforts of the leaders and feeling excepted by the youth...Not judging but recognizing the good in others, is so important. It has made a difference with Jessi, in only one week of being where we are now.
The kids play outside, and LOVE it. I love being able to go out the front or back door, and have a deck to sit and watch the kids on both sides of the house.
There are so many positives.
We will have to continue to make a few sacrifices and changes to make ends meet, but I feel very strongly, that things are going to work out in the end...Money doesn't create happiness, just like the home doesn't make the family!
We can be happy anywhere. We can and will make this place a home. Adjustments will be made, and before you know it...We will all be adjusted!
Firm as the mountains around us, Stalwart and brave we stand-On the rock our fathers planted for us in this goodly land. The rock of honor and virtue, of faith in the living God. They raised his banner triumphant-Over the desert sod. And we hear the desert singing: Carry on, carry on, carry on! Hills and vales and mountain ringing: Carry on, Carry on, carry on! Holding aloft our colors, we march in the glorious dawn. O youth of the noble birth right, Carry on, carry on, carry on!
We'll build on the rock they planted a Palace to the King. Into its shining corridors, Our songs of praise we'll bring, for the heritage they left us, not of gold or of worldly wealth, but a blessing ever lasting of love and joy and health.... Carry on...Carry on, Carry on!!
Happy Monday! Find the good in every situation and roll with the punches. It is up to you to do the right things, and remembering your worth. Be happy and content-Never to become greedy and without integrity-More isn't always better!
Don't forget to Pray and thank God for everything that he has given you-For we all have been given plenty.
**Did I mention that I miss my SON and DAUGHTER!!**
Smiling :O)
**I will eventaully get caught up with sharing pictures!!**
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