Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I have been reminded!

To the makers of Nutella! Curse you and Love you at the same time!
To the makers of Spray n Wash.
To Hot Chocolate...Life without this would be so Cold n Less sweet.
To camera's that help to capture those amazing moments
To Baby wipes
To disposable pull ups
To SpongBob who can always give me a good giggle.
To Tweezers.... life would be a bit more fuzzy without these :O) 
That list could go on...
But now to the important stuff....
To my parents who still look after me. Who will do whatever they can, that is within their power, to help me and my little family out. So thankful for my Mother and Father! *I guess being a parent is a 'Forever and for all Eternity' job*. I hope that I will be able to help out my children as much as my parents have helped me. So thankful for where I came from.
To my Children who listen and do things even when they do not want to. For their patience. For their unconditional Love...Because they are my children, I can say, They are amazing, perfectly inperfect, with out a doubt-The most Beautiful Children in the world...And nobody will ever change my mind on this. There are so many days that I just don't think I could make it through without their little hugs and sweet gestures. I will never take for granted the great blessing that I was given to be a mother.
To the Adorable One, My Husband, Best Friend, and one and only...For his strength. For his desire to be a good person. A person of Charity, and service. A person willing to strive to be the best Father and Husband to his Children and Wife. For his hard work to provide for the 11 of us.
I am so proud of the accomplishments that Michael has made at home and work. 
At this time, he is so busy, I can't keep up with him! I love his craziness...so much that it is scary! He tells me how Beautiful I am...and that he Loves me every day! Wrinkles and all! Can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I am very fortunate.

Many times, we can become so overwhelmed with stress and/or maybe grief that we forget about the most important stuff. We forget so quickly, to be thankful for even the smallest things...Toilet paper, toothpaste, Mascara, or even the Fall breeze and the Hello with a Smile from a neighbor.
Stress is very damaging. Some times you can avoid stress, but most of the time...Stress is just a piece of life. A challenge...Keep moving forward.
I have been reminded...

'Have Faith!' The Lord knows what you need!

Smiling :O)

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