Wednesday, October 24, 2012

If I wasn't a MoM...

If I wasn't a mom....I am quite sure, I would rest at ease most every night. The house would always be clean. I would be able to watch T.V. or any movie that I wanted...And I would be able the have the volume at 15 instead of 40+. I would be able to use the hours of the day for anything that I would like to do. Sleeping in, any day of the week...if not EVERY day of the week. I could Scrapbook. My nails would be 'Fake' and gorgeous. I would be able to garden and watch the produce grow*Kids like to pick things to bring to MoM to show that it is growing*. My Hair would be thick and strong....And probably long. I would be able to eat whenever I wanted. I wouldn't have to hide my favorite Chocolates. Laundry...Shoot! That would be a piece of cake....Speaking of cake...I could bake or Buy a cake and eat the whole thing without feeling guilty. I would probably have less wrinkles, and circles under my eyes. I would talk less when I am around adults, because I would probably be around adults more often*maybe-I am quite the Hermit-so maybe not*. The Adorable One and I would travel. We would have cars that only needed to seat 2...Maybe even a Harley...NOT!!(sorry babe!) I would work, if I wanted. Or maybe go back to school to become the OB that I have always wanted. O, the things that would be, if I were not a Mom!
If I wasn't a wife....I would have a King bed and have it all to myself. I would have a T.V. in only the Living Room and I would watch all the Chick Flicks that I wanted. I would seriously cook and eat whatever whenever I felt like it. I would only have to do laundry like once a week...Imagine that!! My days n Nights would be...LONELY! I would be so lonely...
So let me just stop right here with the whole...If I wasn't a Mom or Wife....
I couldn't imagine waking up to complete silence...Not Being able to walk into the bedrooms of the house, witnessing angels sleeping. I couldn't imagine the feeling of getting to hold and comfort a  sick baby/child at 2 in the morning. I couldn't imagine going to a Football game and not seeing my sons ROCK the field. I would miss hearing the blow dryers and the clicks of the straightener while my daughters are getting ready for school. I would miss out on the excitement of getting a 100% on a spelling test. I would miss the sounds of my little boys playing together outside with their cars. How in the world would anyone not want to have children...There are so many things that I would miss. Even if we had just one less child, I would miss what that one child brought into our home.
I NEVER sit around the house saying or thinking....I wish I wasn't a Mother or Wife. I would be so very lonely.  My heart just breaks for those who are not able to be a Mother. My heart also breaks when I hear mothers complaining about how hard it is to be a MoM! Try not having the chance...Try hearing that once again...The procedure didn't work, and you aren't pregnant, come back in a month and we will try again. How fortunate, I am, and so many other women are.
I understand the melt downs...I myself get overwhelmed at times. I remember having a 9 month old and finding out that the birth control didn't work...and I would be having another baby*EeeKk* I remember having 2 little kids and having to take them with me to the OB and getting a pap smear with them sitting in the chairs next to the table, with me telling them that everything was ok because boy, did they look a little bit freaked out!...I did it with 3 little one's being pregnant with #4. I know all about taking 6+ kids to the store, and having one either potty in their pants all over the floor, or one throwing up all over the isle, or one knocking over the spaghetti sauce and it being yelled out 'Clean up on Isle 4!' Many times, having a few tears falling down my face. I know what it is like to have children, with a husband who has to work different hours of the day...Having to go to church on my own, or doing the school functions on my own because my husband had to work.
It is ok to say, this is hard...But don't complain!
Being a MoM is a TOUGH job...Being a Wife and a MoM is a tough job. But don't take for granted the blessings that you have been given.
I look back, and I can see it all so clearly. I wouldn't imagine my life being any other way. My doctor told me after Tator Tot...'You were meant to do this! You are good at this...You were meant to be a MoM!' I have taken those words and have cherished them!
There has been so many times that I have felt that I have just failed as a mother. That I wasn't doing it right...Just yesterday, I had other mothers texting me asking me if Bobcat was going to make it to practice...It started an Hour and a half before I had thought. He was late!! Nothing worse than your son being late to Football Practice. Yuppers! I failed...
I look at my kids...and I listen from afar. It is amazing what you see and hear when you are really watching and listening...
You have your older kids who pretty much have things under control, but still need their parents for guidance. Than you have your JR High kids who are still trying to figure it all out. You have your elementary kids who don't care and just want to have fun, who wants you to walk them to class. You have your pre school kids that are silly and goofy...Who still think that MoM is the BEST person in the world! Than you have your Babies...That are just amazing-EVEN when they are screaming and pooping all over the place...that need you for everything! I am out of this phase of my life, and I will say-I WILL ALWAYS MISS HAVING A BABY around!
I DO NOT miss the things that are listed above. I sleep when I can. The house is clean for at least an hour a day. Laundry reminds me of the blessings that are in my home still *I will miss that one less pile of clothes on the shelf next year!*. I Love watching T.V. and movies with the kids-SpongeBob is awesome. I love being busy and running around doing things for and with the kids. My hair...It is just hair...I am a mom...And like my Hubby says 'I look like a mature woman!'. Just call me MoM!
There isn't 1 right way to raise children....We all just do our best. But before you start to complain about what comes with being a Mother, remember there are many out there that would give anything to have a child.
If I wasn't a MoM....I would have missed out on so much! The lessons and trials....The smiles and laughs...The HUGS AND KISSES....The cuddling....The happiness of watching our children succeed. The heart ache of watching them fail and trying to hold them up telling them to never give up and to try again.  The full heart that I have every day!
I became a MoM at 19 with our first pregnancy....I wouldn't change a single thing!!
The Adorable One and I are going to have our time...And I am sure that time will be spent visiting and taking care of our grandchildren! Looking forward to it!

To the Adorable One.... I love you and the family we have made together!

Happy to Be a Wife and Mother!

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