Thursday, October 25, 2012

Might as well get up~

After being up most of the night because of Champion kicking me in the face...Jazzi waking up because of a bad dream...and Of course Tator Tot waking up wanting to sleep in our bed, I am full of yawns this morning!
I don't really mind. These little ones will grow up, and eventually...Not want to sleep in our bed any more.  A King size bed is pretty big, and I am so thankful we have one. Me on one end, and the Adorable One on the other...With sweet stinkers in between.
So, after not being able to sleep, I just got up and got ready. Having today all planned out in my mind. Get the kids to school...Than laze around with the little guys! Always sounds so amazing-But hard to pull off.
One thing that is absolutely amazing about waking up so much earlier than everyone else, is the peace. Not just inside the house, but outside. Our little Bagdad is so awesome. We don't have rush hours here, so it is never really crazy. But, it does get busy around 7:30, 2:15ish, and of course around 5:30-6:30ish. At those times, we just might have to wait a few more seconds at the stop sign*so awesome not having stop lights!* I couldn't imagine living in a bigger place that is noisy from the moment you wake up to the moment you lay back down for bed. I know there are many who really love the city type of living, but for me...Give me small town living.
Since we live on a hill, we get to watch the sun come up over and shine on our little town. It is really some thing I look forward to each  morning.
We are out of Hot Chocolate...not sure how that happened! So that is about the only thing this morning is lacking...
Got some hashbrowns cooking, and will probably make some omlets for the RugRats...
I Have a pretty good feeling that today, is going to be a pretty good day...I am just gonna have to make sure that it happens that way.

May it be a day of Positives for everyone!

Smiling :O)

1 comment:

  1. Well, good morning to you too! I don't miss having little ones in my bed. I still have trouble with lights out each night though. :)
