Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Roller Coaster

This Roller Coaster that we are on...shouldn't it slow down at some point?? Wondering if the breaks are broken and we are stuck in our seats with our seat belts on, and our hands in the air. I actually enjoy this ride, but some days the sharp right turns, scare me to death, and I find myself with my arms no long in the air, but holding on to the seat as tight as I can!
Our weekend started on Friday, at the High School Football game, in Heber Arizona. It was freezing cold! Our Sultan's were not picked to win. The talk was, Bagdad had a great run, but it was going to end for the Blue and White on Friday night. Bagdad has never beat Mogollon*To my knowledge*.
The game started. The boys didn't seem awake yet..Mogollon scored right away...We just couldn't tell what the our boys were gonna do.  After we couldn't move the ball, Mogolloon scored again. They had 3 players that were so quick! One of those players couldn't have been taller than 5'4ish. He was a little dude with wheels. Our defense held them through the 2nd quarter. Half Time! Score was 12-0 *Mogollon couldn't get their 2 points conversions in, we stopped it every time*. As my feet were frozen, and the Hot Chocolate was basically Water with a little bit of flavor(typical Football game Hot cocoa)All I could do was put my head in my jacket and pray. No! I didn't pray that we would win the game...I prayed for Justin to do his best, and lead the team. I prayed that the boys would come out and play hard. That they would work together, and have a good game. I prayed that there wouldn't be injuries, and that they would walk off the field proud of how they played, win or lose.
So our young players come running out onto the field*most of our team are sophmores-with only a few upper classman* . I see Justin on the side getting his hand wrapped So I started to worry just a tad about him*The Saturday before he was on a scouting trip, and a log had fallen on his hand during one of the scouts competitions-It has been extremely swollen and sore since...*I didn't get talk to him, felt he could man up and continue to play...In which he did, on his own.
The 3rd quarter started, and we did seem to look a bit more alive. Finally after a few minutes into the 3rd, we scored!! We were on the board...The game was just starting!
The score board read 12-10. We held em until the 4th quarter, than Mogollon scored again*still not able to get their 2 point conversion* 18-10. We get it down the field for another touchdown, but they stopped us. So we tried for a field goal...*Our little kicker is one heck of a kicker...He has already been offered a full ride-He will be graduating this year*. He kicks the ball, No GOOD! But a flag gets tossed in the air...Roughing the Kicker!  First down Sultans.  We score, and bring the score to 18-18. At this point the boys and the fans were all pumped up! There was no stopping us now.
Mogollon scored again, 24-18 *8 minutes 6 seconds left...in the 4th. We couldn't move the ball...So it was Mogollon's ball again-That didn't last long! We stole the ball from em'. Got down the feild, didn't score...But not to worry-With just 2 minutes left, we intercepted the ball! Bagdad scores...finally score on the Board 25-24 Bagdad Sultans. Mogollon hasn't lost on their field but maybe once before. We gave em' an upset! Parents were crying, the players were crying....It was amazing! We are so very proud of how our boys played on that field Friday night. Good Job Boys! That was one of those parts of the ride that our hands were up in the air, and also down holding onto the seat at times.
Phew! We felt that high all of Saturday, and Sunday.
Speaking of Sunday...Here was one of those right turns that had me holding onto the seat.
On Thursday, our Bishop had called and asked if I would play the piano for the Sacrement meeting. I said 'Sure...No problem!' Well, I was sick to my stomach with nerves. I didn't have a whole lot of time to practice. And there was a song that was chosen that I had never played before...My Gosh! I swear...Even though Friday's game was amazing-back in my mind was the little voice saying 'You have to play the piano on Sunday...You better practice!' I worry myself sick every time they have asked me do this. Well, Sunday comes around...I wake up at 4am sicker than sick...I thought to myself, 'Just call the Bishop and tell him you can't make it! Someone else will volenteer and I won't have to worry about it'.  But I have a serious case of 'Guilt!', and I got myself moving. I got the kids ready, and left for church at 8:30 *I never go early!*
I practiced, and before I knew it, the meeting was starting. I Survived all 4 songs. They were not played without error, but good enough. I am not sure why I get so worked up about playing the piano-Our Ward isn't very big, It just make me nervous. Just another part of the ride.
Also, while at church, I decided to share an experience about service being done...I started to cry, and before I was able to even get my point accross, I couldn't even talk because of how emotional I was. Sunday, I was just a mess! I took mental notes of how my Monday was going to be...Less Scary!
Monday arrives, and of course we are all dragging. I was excited that I was able to go help a few other Mothers who were down decorating the High School for the Football players...There are some very supportive MoM's out there. I got back home, and finished rushing around getting the kids off to school...It wasn't to bad, but we were a bit behind...We did make it to school 10 minutes early *YaY!*
Me and the 3 little guys get home, and I get the house done. I sit down to start a blog, and I get a phone call.
Phone calls, are some times scary. The ones that are late at night, or really early in the morning EeeeKkk! Or the calls that come from someone you know who is suppose to be busy or gone...Maybe we have had just way to many phones call that didn't bring good news.
This phone call was from my dad. I knew he was on his Chemo week, so I was a little bit worried. The phone call wasn't about him, it was about my mother. She has been really sick for months now. Her white blood cell count has been really high for 3 months. She has had a cough for years now that just won't go away...She has no energy, and has lost a ton of weight. She has seen many doctors, who just kind of brush her off. My dad was fed up with this, so he talked with his cancer doctor. The doctor was even frustrated that my mom has gone through so much, and has seen a number of different doctors and specialist without an answer to why she hasn't been doing very well.
The doctor took a quick peek at my mom this morning, and is concerned with lung cancer! Talk about a bit of a panic attack. My mother will be seen tomorrow morning, and I have faith that this doctor who has taken such good care of my dad, will be able to do the same for my MoM! We don't know for sure what is going on with my MoM just yet. Of course we don't want to jump to conclusions, but it is a scary thought. My mother is a HUGE piece to our families puzzle. For this moment, we will remain optimistic-and be grateful for this doctor, who is caring enough to see if he can't help her out! There are good doctors out there-Some times you just have to look extra hard-or be like my dad, who people just seem to always want to help him out!
That phone call was earlier in the day...So a bit later on, I got another phone call. This time is was my MoM. I didn't wonder to much, but she was on her Mission call, so I was a bit surprised that she called me. We started to talk, and she said 'President Romney Passed Away today!' Merideth Romney is a long time family friend. Him and my DaD are best buddies...My Dad was upset. President Romney has an amazing family, and his wife Karen, is one tough cookie. We are heart broken...
On a brighter note...My brother Ty has a son who is getting a lot of attention, because his oldest son and one of his friends have been helping a special needs girl at Queen Creek High School. We are so proud of these young men, especially Tucker. CNN has recognized them...it is all over the place. FB is talking about this...What amazing examples!  This is exciting. Ty and his Wife Tonya, should be very proud. Hands are for sure up in the air, for this part of the ride.
I share this to point out...That this life really is a Roller Coaster. So many different situations and events. A zillion emotions that go from one extreme to the next!
We are so blessed to have the life that we live.We never know when another right turn is going to come up, and we are going to have to hold onto our seats.
Even though the last few days have been pretty emotional, I know that everything happens for a reason.  I know there are growing and learning points from every event. Even the hard ones!

Much Love...Prayers and thoughts to the Romney family! May they feel comfort and peace at this time.
Hugs to my Dad! Prayers for my MoM....
Smiles to my Brother and his family....
Hugs and smiles to our son...Feels so good to win.
As for myself...MAN UP!

Smiling :O)

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