Thursday, November 1, 2012

Month of Thanks!

Since it is the Month of Thanksgiving...I am going to attempt posting daily about something that I am Thankful for!
This shouldn't be a task...It should really be something simple to do.
So today I will begin my 'Month of Thanks', by being Thankful for :
The Internet! I choose this one today, because I have been able to sit in a chair feel and connected.
I  know that the internet has bad stuff...But boy does it have good stuff. I am able to sit down and look at our Checking account and know where our money is. We can send and receive money to others who bank with another bank! *living 1hr and 30min away from the nearest bank, I would say this is a blessing!*.
I am able to research and learn. I am able to keep in touch with people, especially family, with FaceBook n Twitter*Although, I am not a Tweeter very often...more like EVER! But I can keep an eye on my little Tweeters!* We can share photos. We can email. I am just thankful for the Internet! OH! And I can not forget about Pinterest...O' How I love to search on Pintrest...There are some very AMAZING people out there that have very interesting and creative ideas! Who ever thunk up that one...THANK YOU!
The Internet ... Enjoy your computers!

Smiling :O)

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