Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So much Thinking going on....

At Church a week or so ago, I had mentioned that I was looking forward to Christmas Break. I received the 'Are you Crazy??' Look from some of the other Mom's.
I can't help it...I would rather have my kids home fighting, wining, being lazy and messy, than having them at school or anywhere else. I enjoy having them near by. I enjoy knowing where they are and what they are doing. I think there are lots of MoM's out there that love having their kids home all day. I also know that there are the few Mom's that dread it. I haven't ever heard how Stay at Home Dad's feel about this. I wonder if they pull their hair out just the same some times, when things get to be a bit, CRAZY!
*I am going to have to search for some blogs that might be able to answer the question...How do Stay at Home Dad's feel about the kids all being home.

I will never complain about having all the kids home...Maybe I wont say Never, but I can tell you this...I appreciate the opportunity and blessing that I have to be able to enjoy my children.
It is a privilege...

My mind raced with so many different thoughts after hearing of how so many little children had lost their lives at NewTown Elementary School...And, I tried to imagine what the teachers felt in those last moments before their lives were taken as well. I was just sickened. So very sad. I knew the Children and teachers were being taken care of...But it is all the loved ones that are left behind that I cried for. What would I do without one of my children? I can not fathom the heart ache and sadness that the Mom's and Dad's feel still. I am devastated with even the thought of losing a child. The days are forever changed. The normal becomes unique and hard. How do you carry on? Moving forward...Missing and forever Loving the child you lost...Waiting for the day to come when you can be reunited.

I have friends that have lost a child. One family friend that lost their oldest at the age of 18.  Another friend who lost their child at a young age. A couple of friends that have lost their child at birth, or the very same day...Including my Mother.  My heart aches for all the Moms and Dad's that have lost a child. No matter how, or when. It is heart breaking. 

I had an experience this week that made me want to be so much better.
It was as if I was being struck in the head with a Huge Rock, to get me to where I needed to be. Reminding me about what I wanted in this life.
A zillion thoughts raced through my mind. How would the kids move forward without me. How would the Adorable One carry on if I wasn't around. Who would to take on the roll of driving the Adorable One crazy! Who would take care of my children if I was no longer able to.  Just within a 24 hours, there was so much thinking and pondering going through my mind...I really think it was a Zillion!!

I will save this experience for another Blog...I am just throwing this in this post, because...Every day...We wake up, and forget that each day is a gift. Each day is a blessing, and a new chance to be better. We should always be that firm consistent parent that teaches their children...With the understanding that our Children need to know how much we love them. Every chance that we get, we should tell them...Hug them...Kiss them...Discipline them and teach them! Pray for them-
Throughout my day, I pray for my children. While I vaccuum, while I am cleaning their rooms *Mostly at that time, I ask that I won't strangle them when they get home- :O)*  I give Thanks...and I tell my Father in Heaven how Grateful I am for every one of our Children.
Each day should be counted as another chance to improve and to cherish the life that we have been given.
Cherish Your Little One's!!

I can not wait to have ALL of the kids home for Christmas Break!! I enjoy every bit of the Chaos that is here in our home. I get angry and frustrated like anyone else, but I wouldn't change a thing. I LOVE having a FULL house!

*The Adorable One gets to be home with us as well....I look forward to having the family home. Sleeping in...Bacon for breakfast...Movies...Just being Lazy!!

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