Thursday, January 3, 2013

Where did the time go...

As I got on the computer today, and signed into my blog...I had to blow off the dust!
I can not believe how fast December went, and January *2013* came.
December was such a busy month.
This year we made our Christmas a tad less stressful. We decided that 1 gift under the tree for the older kids was plenty. The little kids got more than that, but most of the toys were from the dollar store...It was perfect. All the kids handled it well, we are not in debt over Christmas, and the stress level was 90% lower. Our oldest daughter wrapped the gifts and dinner was fairly simple. Even still, I am thrilled to death to say *Phew! Christmas is over*. Kids don't need a bunch of stuff. It took us only 17 years to figure this one out. We have always wanted to spoil the kids and tried so hard to make sure they had plenty of gifts to open, but most of the time, the toys that were purchased were broken early or they were never used. It is nice to see the one gift being used every day! We will do the same next year.

Along with Christmas, we also had a birthday on the 22nd and the 27th. That can be tough, but this year really wasn't so bad. We now have a 4 year old and a 16 year old. My kids are all GROWING UP! Life is becoming a little less of a mess! The kids are starting to do things on their own. It is crazy!! I enjoy it...Love watching the kids grow!
Our amazing 16 year old...The girls better be good to him!!

Our sweet and silly 4 year old!! This little boy is very much loved!

As we have enjoyed the Christmas break...All the kids home, and the Adorable One off of work, I am sad to think about how on Monday, everything will return back to normal. It has been nice having everyone around*Minus our Justin who went to Texas to go hunting with his Grandpa-We have missed him very much!!*. And I think I was pretty good to not be grumpy up until today*Call me Mommy the Grouch!* I think I am allowed a day or 2 out of each month to be grumpy...
Anyway...It has been a very nice break, and I do look forward to the next 5 months. Softball and Baseball, Little League with some Tball will start soon, and that will be fun*sometimes overwhelming*. We will probably have 8 kids playing this year...I think we can... I think we can!

There will also be a few health changes made. Sass and I are taking on the Insanity challenge, I am taking on the 'No Sugar' challenge, The kids will start to run again every day, and all of us are going to start to cut back on our portions. The Adorable One needs our support, and the best way we can support him will be by trying to eat better ourselves*Been saying this for months, it is easier said than done-We have improved, but have a ways to go*.
The Adorable One will have his shoulder checked out and there will probably be surgery very soon for him*YaY! He has been living with pain in his shoulder for years!*

I wish I could motivate my family a little bit more...But I am learning that self motivation is very important in succeeding-I can't do it for them...Besides I am going to have to start getting on myself a little bit more. I have some health issues that are becoming a pain in my neck*Literally* My spine doesn't want me to be active-My spine will just have to deal with it!! I think the golden rule is, 'One day at a time'! I am in no hurry, and will rest when I need to *I am one tired Momma* Stretching is going to become a general rule for me during the day! I might even reach for trying to do the splits again...Why not?! Need to breathe...And FOCUS :O)

Lots of good things coming our way...Just need to remain patient, and focused!!!
I have a few things to get working on...Including cleaning up my Blog a little bit. I also want to get outside a bit more, and get our yard into better shape...Really hoping to have a GreenHouse this summer...*A big Dream of mine*.

I sure do hope that everyone had a great Holiday Season!

2013 just has to be a GREAT year...It just has to be!

Smiling :O)

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