Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Need to remember

When you wake up in the morning...What is the first thought that crosses your mind??
Well...For me, the first thing that crosses my mind, is 'I do not want to get up!' Than the thought of all the things I have to get done that day start filling my mind.
Than as I walk through the house *usually taking dirty clothes to the laundry room to get started* I notice all the things that didn't get done the night before. I start to get a little grumpy.
I then start to think about: What are we going to have for dinner?  How can I help my kids? I wonder how my parents are doing-How can I help them more? How are my In-Laws-How can I make their lives a little less HARD? How can I motivate my Children, my Husband, and myself...? How are we going to afford this and that ...?
I end up having so many different negative thoughts going through my mind, that it is tough to regroup...and get back to the positive stuff.
*This is not an every day thing, but it happens more often than not!*
It can be very difficult to wake up feeling great and being completely content with what you have.
I have to share a post that one of my friends posted on FaceBook last week. She could not have posted this at a better time.

"As I was going to do the dishes this morning I got lost in thought of family members, and finances, stupid grocery list, scary transitions and where the heck my slippers went because "I put them back" didn't put them back. Got the dishes done, fed my little ones and walked into our freezing garage to get some wood to put in the stove, cussing under my breath coming back in because there's woodchips all over the floor which means vacuuming again. Put the littles in my 15 yr. old truck hoping it will keep running a little longer till we can get it overhauled, head up to get the mail and there She is on the corner with her sign, Homeless and Hungry. Oh my hell Tenney, stop your whining! Moral of the story is, be grateful for what you have because there's always someone that is struggling more than you are. Have a great day, and try and make someone else's day great too! JSUADI :)"
*Just Shut Up And DO It!*

After I had read this, I thought about what I had thought about that same morning. It was very similar. Than I sat back and really thought about EVERYTHING! I can be such a whiner-Is my life that bad??

The next day, I had to head over to Prescott. It was early in the morning...But I had decided the day before, that I was going to really pay attention to the things around me while I was on my drive to Prescott, while I was in Prescott, and on my trip home from Prescott. 
And yes! You guessed it...I am going to share with you the things I noticed.

It was 6:15 and still dark...It was just me and my little girl Charlie *Schnauzer pup*. I usually always listen to my Paul Cardall music. I really enjoy this, because I tend to really ponder on my life-My Family while I listen to the piano music. 
This trip, my sweet 'Adorable' husband was who I thought about during the early part of my trip. I thought about everything that he does-I sure hope he knows How Grateful I am for him-How worried I get about him-How frustrated I get with him-How much I truly do LOVE him with every bit of me! What in the world would I ever do without him?? I sure love you Michael.

About 40 minutes into my drive, it was still pretty dark...And my thoughts got interrupted-I was going pretty fast *Anyone who drives that road knows how easily you can be going 70 and not even notice it*...Well, a voice calmly said 'A bird is going to hit your windshield!' I slowed down, giggled a little *thinking to myself how crazy that was and that I was starting to lose my mind*, and than Wham! A bird had flown into my windshield-I jerked the wheel because it had startled me. After thinking about it for a bit...If I hadn't heard that little voice that surprised me and got me to slow down, I would have been speeding when the bird hit-I would have jerked the wheel I am sure...And I just really think...I was blessed at the very moment. Need to remember how important it is to listen to that voice...
Still listening to Paul Cardall and pondering on the many blessings that I have, I came up on the construction zone that is going to last for ever...I was right behind a truck that the construction worker had let pass, but as I approached he whipped that slow/Stop sign around so quick-For whatever reason, I had to stop! I did think to myself 'Why didn't he just let me go...He should recognize me by now! Thinking...We're friends I really wish he would of let me go!' O well! As I sat there, and watched as the opposite traffic was coming through, how friendly the construction worker was. He
waved at every single driver smiling and saying 'Have a good day!'*That is what I got from reading his lips*. I had noticed this before as I have passed by him many times, but this time, I watched as some of the drivers were nice to wave back while some didn't pass on a smile or the simple wave...How hard is it to wave and smile. Finally, the construction worker turned that sign back around and I was going on my way-He flagged me on with the same smile and 'Have a good day' as he had with everyone else...He was forgiven for not letting me go, as I got to be reminded how a smile really isn't that difficult. I think I will roll my window down next time and ask him what his name is...That way when I go by, I can wave a say 'Hello...BoB!'
My first stop of the day, was to the Vets. Our little Charlie had a hernia and was going to be left overnight to have that fixed along with getting spayed. We walked into the office, and poor Charlie start to shake. She wouldn't let me move to far from her. She was truly like one of the kids. As I was getting ready to leave, she pulled hard on her leash...She didn't want me to go. That was hard for me. I wanted to hug her...I know, she is just a dog...But really-Both my dogs are part of the family! I was worried about her.
While I was there...I got to see other doggy owners. There was a dog that was so very old, and her owner wasn't young. They looked alike, and they were both wearing the same sweater *Giggle*. As the vets assistant came out to talk with the owner, the saddened voice of the owner, said 'I think it is time!' Holy cow pie...My heart was broken for that poor woman! The bond and friendship that they had...I could only imagine!
I also got to sit by 2 proud parents of a very old OVER WEIGHT schnauzer. We got to chat for a brief minute. They told me how their sweet girl ruled their home, and that they loved their dog and that they were struggling as they can see how their baby's hips were started to go. The man held onto the dog close, and the lady rubbed the dogs head...You could tell they loved their Girl -That is more than just a dog to them! I left with a bit of understanding that pets are not just pets...They really are companions! Pretty touching!
I then went to WalMart to have a tire checked. These newer vehicles that send you messages..'Hey! Your Front Left Tire is a little low, you better have it checked out soon...???!!!' Well, believing that my Precious *my car* knows more than I do, I got it checked. The guy at first was a little bit annoyed, but than warmed up to me and was very nice. He checked all the tires and put a little bit of air in them all. He told me to make sure to check them before going on that long drive back and forth from Bagdad. He didn't charge me*don't think it would cost me anything anyway*, But he sure seemed excited to say 'You don't owe me! Just be careful and drive safe!'...That was nice.
I then went to the chiropractor, who everyone in the office is so kind. I got to sit in this amazing black chair that massages your back and neck. People fall asleep in this chair...As I was sitting there, another lady came in, sat herself down and started one of the other chairs up herself. She didn't talk she just relaxed...As I was going into the room to be crackled and adjusted, I heard her say to the assistant, 'I need this today!'-My thoughts were..I wonder what could be going on in her life! Everyone has a story.
Moving along...After being told I was to tense and if I couldn't find a way to relax, I may never get better...I left with the thought 'RELAX!'
Back to WalMart...Something happened there that morning, but I just can't remember what *Old Age* or maybe it just wasn't that important.
I got done, and decided to go snag some chicken nuggets at McDonalds *Cheap*. 
The streets in Prescott can become extremely busy...As I was waiting at a stop light, I was looking ahead. I noticed a big black dog with no collar. This dog sat at the edge of the street watching the cars pass. Turning its head, and really paying attention. After the traffic had a brief slow down, I watched as the dog hustled across the street. I thought to myself 'He's A Tramp...'*And yes! I was humming the song in my mind*! What a smart dog. I am telling you, some dogs are amazing. I was proud of this one Black dog, for watching for cars-Looking both ways!...Yes! I was impressed.
On my way home...I started to receive text messages about cookies. So that you understand, there was a funeral being organized and I was asked to help the RS of our church to gather up 34+ dozen cookies. So, for whatever reason all at once, I was being hit with text after text from people wanting to make some cookies. Pulling over to answer-Feeling so good about helping-Wishing I could do more. And I noticed, that I was not aggravated to have to stop, many times-It was amazing knowing that there were so many people wanting and willing to help.
Because of the texts-
My thoughts for the early part of my drive home was on a Mother who just lost her son and her ex husband/Best friend*Her 17 year old and his dad*. The Friday before, we had received the bad news from our son, Justin. It was very hard to not sit and think about the shocking news...*still having a hard time believing that they are gone*. We thought about our own kids...But, our thoughts and prayers were focused on this Mother who's heart was broken...There really are no words...

Crazy as it was, Gracies theme-by Paul Cardall-Started to play...As I listened to the song, I thought about all of what I knew about this young man and his father. I wont go into detail. We will always remember our experiences and memories.

If you listen to the song it starts out slow, than it starts to get a bit stronger and more intense...Than it goes to a slow pace again...Than at the end it really gets into it. I feel that is how this young mans life was...He struggled...He became strong...He lost his life...But is now stronger than he ever was. He is the man his mother wanted him to be! This young man still lives, along with his Dad...His dad carried a lot of people...Helped so many! And I feel that he will still do so...
From this...I have taken the knowledge that our life is not in our hands...It is in the Lords hands. We should cherish every second we are given...

Soon after this, I came up to the construction area again. Stopped...and tired-I was really hoping I wouldn't have to stop.  As I watched this construction guy..He wasn't as friendly-In fact he seemed ready to be done with the day. I thought to myself 'He needs a smile!'...As I was finally flagged to move on, I waved and smiled to the the man. He looked shocked, and waved back with a small grin. *My job was done!* :O)
As I drove through, I noticed the workers. Some were just standing and watching as the big rigs were doing their digging-Just standing. I wondered what they may have been thinking about-I hope good things! I noticed, 2 workers sitting on the edge of a 'Bridge' eating their lunch. I really liked this, because they were smiling and looked very excited to have a break and were able to visit with one another-Again...I wonder what they may have been talking. And than guess what...There was my Construction guy waving to all the cars...And another guess what-He saw me, gave me a huge smile and pointed at me..I have no idea what he said...But it sure made my day. He remembered me...

I noticed so much more this day, that I spend driving and being in town...I noticed because I stopped thinking about myself. I spent time watching and listening... I sometimes get caught up thinking about myself-My Woes!
When the time is taken to think about others...You can lose yourself in wanting to give more of yourself-Worried more about how someone else is doing-Forgetting how hard things are. I have taken a few steps back watching and listening to my children-Instead of saying being a parent is tough*it is...* But I have tried to look at my kids and not think about how hard it is...I look and say 'What a blessing it is to be a parent!' *Sniff*...
I noticed that I feel more love for others, when I take the time to do so...Gosh! There is so much going on around me-It seems so selfish to ever complain!

I am very thankful for the people who inspire me to do better.

The thoughts for the rest of the day were pretty good...I listened to some songs that were on my phone for the last 20 miles of the drive...I always sing at the top of my lungs *Best part of driving by myself*...

Secrets..One of my favorites. Makes me think...Im going to be honest! I have no secrets-I will be judged by others regardless if I do good or bad! SO I might as well just be me...And for the most part-I am an open book!

Run~Made me think about various things...

If you have a time-Take a minute to look into Paul Cardall! His story is amazing...and very inspiring. I love his music...Nothing gets me more focused on the important stuff!

I absolutely LOVE this song! I would love to play this song~Just a feel good Piano song :O)

 Ellee Duke-Says it all!

 As my friend said in her post...

Have a great day, and try and make someone Else's day great too! 

*Be Thankful

**Music is amazing!! I enjoy various types of Music!

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