Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Be the Best you can be-For my kids.

What will you do to achieve your goals?? How HARD are you willing to work??  What does it take to be the best??  What is a CHAMPION?? These are questions that you should be asking yourself when you think you can't run any more...When you think that you can't throw that ball any harder...

When I was younger, in my 'Glory Days!' *Giggle* I had no drive. I have always had great endurance, but very little desire to go the extra mile. I could have been great at so many things...But I did not want to put forth the effort. I could sing. I could dance. I could draw. I was a good runner. I am not sure why I did not want to work harder...I think I was being stubborn-My dad knew I could do these things, but I wanted to be a BRAT and not do these things, because he wanted me to. Shame on me!! Or was it because I had no confidence...I was afraid to really put myself out there. Regardless...I regret a few things-Dang it!
Now that I am older, I can sing but not that well. I can dance, but not that smooth. I can run-and I can usually run forever...But I sure don't have the form that I did. The crazy thing is, I LOVE to do all these things now. I love taking the time to work at things. Don't ever tell me I can't...Because that just makes me want to do it that much more. I was raised to work...I was raised to do the things that I knew were to be right-Now I have Children...
And I am like my Dad was-Knowing what my kids can do...I want to push them a little bit to work hard at these things. I have a BELIEF in my children that is unexplainable *It is a MoM thing*.

My kids have things they want to do. I am going to focus on my older 2-As all of them are amazing-Nicci is a natural *Says me-Their MoM!*

We have a Softball pitcher that wants to pitch in College. We have a Football Player that wants to go to the highest level that he can go-NFL*:O)*.

One thing that I KNOW...Is you have to WORK! It isn't just working during the season and than taking some time off...It is Working every day...It is working hard in everything that you do. I don't know if my kids understand that working hard in their church callings are just as important as working hard on the mound or football field. They need to understand that our talents are gifts...And without a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father, there can not be Great Success. Sure, many Pro's are successful...But look at their lives-Not more than the game do they have success.
The understanding of having Great confidence without being cocky-BEING humble is Key to having support. Nobody likes a player who does more with his/her mouth. My husband has always said...Don't say it...Show it! Prove it! You should never have to say one word-Show with your actions*As to go with anything that you do*.

I am pretty proud of the kids...They continue to work hard during the off season. Determined to succeed.

Sass don't ever tell yourself that you can't. You have been out on the Softball mound nearly every day since volleyball has ended. I can tell you or lose...I am very very proud of you. I want you to know that it takes EVERYTHING you have. IF you want this...If you want to be the best Pitcher...YOU have to believe. You have to go that extra mile...WORK WORK WORK! I believe in you Daughter. I could care less if you walk every batter*maybe a little :0)*-But, I care more if you give it everything that you have! If it is what you want...You go for it! You have struggled...But if you have faith and the confidence that you CAN..You will overcome! You have unbelievable support...Thank you for working with me-I will remember this time always...And I have had a blast! Have heart and a Love for the game.

Justin-Don't you listen to anyone who ever tells you you can't!! One inch at a time!! You have a drive like no other! You are out on the field working-You are out on our driveway WORKING-You Lift hard. If you continue to work like have been, you can reach your goals-On and Off the field! *Says Me-Your MoM!* Be Humble! BE the one who hustles on and off the field in Football and Baseball. WORK!!! Justin you have, Motivated YOURSELF.  Don't quit! I wouldn't care if you were the water boy, so long as you gave it 100% *it is a bit safer as well*.  Have heart and a Love for the game.

A Champion believes in themselves-They give everything they have into the things that they want.
Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.

~ Muhammad Ali

 Dot Richardson
A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up, and who gives everything she has no matter what the circumstances are. A true champion works hard and never loses sight of her dreams.

 Billie Jean King
Champions keep playing until they get it right.

“Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.”


Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened.

Wilma Rudolph

'I can't' is the worst thing you could ever say on the Mound or on the field. Have confidence and Shine. I don't expect perfection-Seriously...All I want to see is heart and determination...100% at all times. No matter the score-No matter how many batters hit one out on you...You throw the ball-And continue to work.

Pray always! MOST IMPORTANT! You can not expect to do this alone-Don't pray that you will win. Don't pray for Glory...Pray for strength. Pray for the well being of all the players. Pray for a good attitude. Pray for confidence. Pray for your parents...That they will NOT have a heart attack or stroke :O)

To every determined ball player...Talent will only get you so far...Work hard and become more than just talent!

*Sass and Justin...You can always take piano lessons-I would be very thrilled to hear you play my favorite instrument...Violin would be amazing as well! Just do what your gonna do with every you've got!

I have 4 softball players and 4 Baseball players this year...I can not wait to watch the kids learn and grow.

If you remember anything I have told you...Please remember this...


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