Thursday, January 24, 2013

Starting to feel a bit Flipped out...

So lets see here...
I know that all parents go through this...At one point or another in their parenting parenthood.
But Holy Cow Pie!!
Wasn't it just yesterday when I had Cassandra. Wasn't it just yesterday that she started kindergarten?
Once she started to grow up...So did the rest of the kids. I am looking at 2 years left and all the kids will be in school-We are entering into a totally difference phase.
I am telling you once the kids start High School it feels like Boom*Boom*Boom...And they all start to grow up. I hear all the time how moms can't wait for their kids to start school...Well-You know what!! It was hard for me-And I don't want them to go to school. I love every stage-And I do love that we are not in the baby stage any more-I do love watching the kids grow up and see them do things...But I do not want them to move away-I will be so Heart Broken :O(

Gonna buy a Ranch, and build 10 houses on it...It will be called 'The Pacheco Family Ranch'.

We are not ready by any means to have our oldest leave home. What I wouldn't give for her to just stick around. I know...I know...There isn't anything here in Bagdad for her. Well...You know what-Her family is here :O) It is tempting to say we will just have to pick up and Move to where ever Sass goes to college, And just have each of the other kids attend the same college. That might be the best idea...Or just start up a junior college here BJC *Bagdad Junior College*...

Yikes! Such a hard task, this letting the kids grow up stuff is.

We have so much to prepare for-I knew that the school year was going to fly by. We still need pictures and announcements and scholarships apps. and Apps. to colleges to be filed out. I have always told her that she was going to be responsible to getting that stuff done. I would help, but she was to figure out all the details-I guess I am thinking that will get her prepared to work with others and learn how to do Hard things on her own...She applied to NAU...And she received an all tuition paid scholarship to attend because of her academics...AWESOME! Right?? One problem...No Softball! *But will remain an option!* But boy-How nice is that*Made her smile from ear to ear* and it is just around the corner. I am very anxious to see what other schools are willing to offer her-And I pray that her Softball Season is a success with very little stress...*Yeah Right!* So she might get a sport scholarship for Softball...

Poor thing...I tell her to just stay home and take courses online. Less Stress! *and I will have my Baby still at home :O)*

You think having a baby is tough-You think being up all night with a crying baby is tough~
Put Sass back in diapers...I slept better when she was a baby! It is amazing the worries you have as the kids grow older. Around the age of 10 the kids start going through a crazy phase...It doesn't seem to get any better till around 15 :O) I lye awake at night thinking about my kids. I worry! I want them all to be HAPPY!!

Heaven forbid... I love my kids so very much! They are GREAT kids...I hope they will be GREAT adults!
*Even with all the things they do wrong...They are GREAT 'Says me-Their MoM!'*

Now to get myself organized and ready to help our Senior be ready for Graduation!  May I keep from crying until she is out the door *I get so teary eyed already thinking about 'WHERE DID THE TIME GO!*


Bracing myself for what is to come :O) Smiling!!

*I love you Cassandra Leah Pacheco...Maybe if I paid the teachers they would fail you :OD and you would just have to stay home one more year!!

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