Thursday, January 31, 2013

My humbling experience...

I cant tell you how frustrating it is to have so many different things that I want to Blog about, but then when I sit down to Blog...I forget what I was thinking about. If I could just have a note taker in my head...Always sitting there taking notes and pictures of everything that crosses my mind-That would just be awesome.

I go through my FaceBook News Feed, every day...And there is always something on there that gets me thinking. Politics, religion, Teenagers, Motherhood, Being a wife, Stress...Just always something that gets my thinker going.
My amazing Husband brought me home a notebook that I think I will try to carry around with me, and at least have it in the same room with me, so that I can keep and take notes-jot things down as they come to mind.
*There is ALWAYS something on my mind!*

As I sit here with my own personal foot warmer...what a good life I live.
Charlie loves me!

So this Blog will be about a small lesson I learned.

Gonna share my humbling experience...I had mentioned a little bit about this in an earlier blog-but didn't get into detail.

In November, around the 25th, I was in the laundry room doing my 'Thing' and my blood sugar had gotten low. I had not been feeling real good all day, but I didn't even think to check my glucose level *by the way...I did eat that day!*.
I passed out and was unconscious when my sweet 7 year old found me and tried to wake me up. She went to get my amazing 13 year old, who could not get me to respond either-She went to get Daddy, and I guess it took a little bit to get me to wake up. The first thing that came out of my mouth was 'I'm doing laundry...'. Silly me. I went down to the clinic to get a lovely Sugar shot *which beats the sugar IV...*That is painful!* I didn't have any cuts or bruises, and really I felt fine.*I love telling Jazzi that she saved my life...It makes her feel so good knowing that she helped me!*
A few days later, I started to have a crazy headache in the back of my head. I just figured it would go away, but really it only got worse...And instead of it being on just one side, it was the whole back side of my head by the end of  the week-I had loud Ringing in my ears*Talk about wanting to hit your head up against the wall*. My neck was starting to get really stiff, and very painful to turn and stuff *I felt wimpy!*...
After a couple of weeks of dealing with this, My Adorable husband took me to the clinic and they sent me to get an MRI right away, with the concern of a brain tumor. Of course, the worse things run through your mine. What will we do...Who will take care of the kids if I have to have treatment.  Of course I was pretty emotional, and so was Michael. All the things that I know I need to change and all of the things that I know that I needed to get done...Life all of a sudden was precious*I always felt grateful for my life, but I really felt grateful for my life at this point! Feeling bad for taking so much for granted*.
We had to wait till the next day for the results of the MRI...
Let me tell you, what a long night!!
Michael got the call early that next morning...'NO TUMOR!!' but there are spots on my white matter-Meaning that in the future I will probably have a nerve type of issue-MS Multiple sclerosis . I am not going to stress out to much about that just yet. I  will be going to a neurologist at some point to make sure that things aren't moving forward, and will have to be checked every now and then to just keep an eye on things.
Well, since there wasn't a whole bunch that could be done for the headache, ringing in my ear, and sore stiff neck...I was told to try a chiropractor to see if maybe being crackled n such would help with the headaches and neck...Michael took over and found me a GREAT chiropractor that has been amazing. He took Xray's and found another issue that I need to fix. I have a straight neck 'Military Neck', that doesn't have any curve. And Since I am one to Run as much as I can, I was making it worse-Pounding my spine with each step. I was told not to run for awhile until we can get some curve in my neck*That was depressing*. I also am starting to have some arthritis in my neck/spine-That isn't good-And it will be really miserable if it continues to get worse-Just need to keep adjusted-and work on getting stronger! *Love the heating pad and stretching...Feels so very relaxing.
Anywho...I still have headache's every day by the end of the day. The ringing in my ears is still there, and my neck is still stiff and sore, especially after sitting for long periods of time. I just really messed myself up when I passed out. Who knew that your body just melts like butter and throws itself into a mess.

Even though I really wish this would of never happened *Painful*-I wouldn't know about what is going on, and I would not be able to at least try to prevent things from getting worse.
My kids have had Glucose 101 taught to them, and are prepared to call family and to give me a shot if this were to happen again*They are also aware to keep an eye on Daddy as well-His Glucose gets extremely low extremely fast due to being in insulin*.
NO soda.
Not so many cookies n sweets-In fact I had 2 packages of Oreo Cookies that went stale, because we didn't eat them*I know...Shocking!!*
Not to much bread.
More water.
More exercise that gets my heart rate up *since I can't run just yet-Insanity is my cardio*.
Walking will have to be my get away...Walking can be very hard!! 10X around my neighborhood is 5 miles :O)

These trials turn into great lessons. Everything happens for a reason. I know that I really really want to be around for my kids-Gotta take care of myself too!

I am blessed!

Smiling :O)

*I have to say...Since I have been doing Insanity-I have felt so much better and stronger. I have had the flu and sore throat stuff, and I try to make myself workout anyway*plus I have great workout buddies*...Always feeling better afterwards.
If you are wondering if it has been hard on my neck, I would have to say No! Between the Chiropractor and the few changes I have made here at home, I am doing much better! I do feel that there is a long road ahead of me, but nothing that I can't deal with at this point.
Exercise is so very important...Eating right is important... As hard as it is...Get Moving!!

**My husband and kids are starting to be more active as well...

1 comment:

  1. This was not a good experience for you and your kids. I'm sure they were terrified when they saw you unconscious on the floor. But it is a relief that it's not serious, and I think it it a wise decision that you opt for a chiropractor to help you out. I hope that you're feeling better now.
    xx Shan Salas @
