Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tough to be confident!

So after watching a few exercise videos and is my question...I want to know how many of these completely built and perfectly shaped trainers have had...Lets say, more than 2 children?? Also, how many of them are 35+ that have had 2+kids? I do believe that its possible to look good at any age after having children, but I wonder how many women look at workout ideas and not even want to try them because the trainers are so built pointing their fingers at you saying 'You can do this!!'...It isn't easy for everyone.
I can tell you that being under 35 and after have had 8 kids, Running and working out was pretty easy, I had energy. Now at 37 near 38 and have had 9 kids...It takes a lot more effort...I don't have the energy that I did some years ago. I am aging, and having children has just taken its tole on my body*By the way, I wouldn't change this! I wouldn't give any my children up just to have that 6 pack*
If there is anything that I have learned about trying to keep in shape, is that you have to enjoy doing so. If you don't like to run and work and sweat...Your going to struggle. But, I believe STRONGLY, that even if you do not enjoy working out in any way shape or form, you will once you start seeing results. In fact, exercising can become addicting...Feeling good and stronger is amazing*Just don't let it become where all you want to do is workout, and forget about the stuff that matters most(spending time with your spouse or children*.
So the problem that I have, is that a lot of the things out there to help get and keep us in shape doesn't seem very realistic. We tend to compare ourselves to others. The program says in 60 to 90 days you can look like this...Well, not everyone's body is going to respond like the trainer who has done it for a lot longer than 60 days, in the same way. It could take up to a year, to build up muscles that haven't been worked...In years! Change takes effort and commitment...Some of us don't have time to really be committed. Some of us can only be committed to working out maybe twice a week...
So, Please tell me...Really! When you are looking at ways to get into shape, because the world has said that you have to look a certain way...What gets you motivated?? For me...It is not the trainer with the ripped muscles telling me while pointing his/her finger at me...'You can look like this! You can do it!'
I don't want to look like a man...I want to look feminine and tone. I will admit, I don't want to look like I have a bunch of kids, and I do want to feel good enough to keep up with the kids that I do have.
I am pretty happy with running or walking a mile or so a day. A year ago, I was enjoying Bootcamp. It was a nice change from just Running, and boy, did it make me work muscles that haven't been used in YEARS! I do enjoy a challenge. I do enjoy having an hour or so to focus and recharge my Mommy in me. I am very much interested in doing Insanity. Just to see if I can do it. But, again, I am completely content with the simple lunges and jog. Push ups are not my friend. Sit ups...Just this last summer I was able to do a full sit up again...It has been years. My tummy muscles have been used for bigger and more important things...
I say, work hard! I say sweat...I say, try new things...But by no means-Get discrouaged. Not every one was meant to be a size small...Not everyone was meant to lift more than what they are built to lift. For me...Champion is about as heavy as I can lift.
Find what works for you...Just be healthy. And remember...You can weigh 120 pounds and be very unhealthy...Just as weighting 180+ can be unhealthy. Everyone is different.
If you feel confident in how ever you choose to work out...Do it! Find confidence to Love the way you Look! *We are all different! One more thing...Don't settle! Don't say...'This is me!' and not try to improve how you look and feel. Exercise is for EVERYONE! Walking, dancing, running, lifting, or yoga...Even the every day 10 minute jogging in place with the 2 minute sitting against the wall. We all need to exercise!

I went through some pictures online...It was hard to find any pictures of women that were realistic.
I do not see why women want to be body builders. Always felt that should be left up to the men...But I have to say, I do not find Body Builders attractive what so ever.  I just think women should look like women and men need to just look normal*To many muscles and veins-ICK!!* Give me healthy and strong any day! *Please note...I may not agree with women lifting heavy, but in no way do I mean to offend. I bet the women below are very nice ladies who are as normal as I am...Not judging. Just sharing my opinion!

Don't ever look at a magazine and say...'I wish I looked like that...' Photoshop is crazy!

Below the pictures, I found an interesting article on 'What makes a girl Sexy?' Thought I would share!
It isn't all about our build after all!! *I Do not wear heels...Do not think I could even stand straight up in those things!!


Looks pretty healthy..
Beautiful and Looks very confident!
Doesn't look mature or healthy!

What a gorgeous face...Yikes! Not real feminine...But she looks confident! (That is a woman right?)







How to be Sexy

  • Take a pride in your appearance even if you are only going to the shop.
  • Dress in clothing suitable for your figure and your age.
  • Keep your hair cut tidily so that it does not resemble an out of control, overgrown bush. This doesn't mean having short hair, just making sure it is looks polished and smart.
  • Walk tall with confidence and keep your shoulders back, tummy held in and bottom held in, (the expression used to be 'shoulders back, tummy in, tail in'.)
  • Wear high heels, even if you are tall. Heels make your legs look a far nicer shape, and even if you struggle to walk in really high stilettos it is still a good idea to wear a smaller heel as opposed to flat shoes.
  • Wear cosmetics even if only a small amount. I am not suggesting you have to put on foundation, powder and eyeshadow every time you set foot outside the door, but at the very least put on a little eyeliner, some mascara, blusher and either lipstick or lip gloss. You can spend more time on putting on make-up if you are going for a night out, in which case you might want to use foundation and eyeshadow too.
  • Make good eye contact when you are having conversations with people. If you are really attracted to the person you are talking to looking up at them from under your eyelashes is considered very sexy. Looking at the man from a slightly 'coy' sideways angle is also sexy.
  • When you enter a room full of strangers (such as a bar or a restaurant) and you know you are looking good, avoid looking around the room, hold your head high and look towards where you are going. It is far more sexy to seem unaware of any attention you are attracting.
  • Sit with your legs together or crossed. It looks ever so unsexy to sit with your legs apart. Crossing and uncrossing your legs when facing the man is also seen as being very sexy.

  • Show an interest in the person you are talking to and avoid only talking about yourself. Ask them about their lives, likes and dislikes etc. Make sure you listen to their answers and comment back appropriately to show you are paying attention.
  • Even if you would normally drink out of a pint glass, change your habits and drink out of a half pint glass. Women drinking out of pint glasses is not attractive.
  • Don't swear and curse as this is definitely not sexy. Try to speak articulately instead i.e. avoid dropping letters from words e.g. pronouncing 'butter' as 'bu'er' or using excessive slang, (you don't want to come across as uneducated.)
  • If the man you are attracted to is interested in a hobby that involves getting dirty, e.g. gardening or hiking, then he will probably find it sexy that you are willing to join in and get dirty too. Surprising I know, but being sexy isn't always about looking as perfect as you can.
  • Laugh, men find a woman with a sense of humour very appealing, just don't overdo it and laugh at anything, especially if you know you have an annoying laugh.
  • Be funny, and this doesn't necessarily mean telling a string of jokes. Just being witty and seizing the opportunity to crack a one liner that will double everyone up laughing is just as good.
  • Be strong and independent, needy women are not considered sexy.
  • Don't smoke. Apart from it looking awful it also makes you smell awful.

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