Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Brothers are kinda special....

I wrote this Blog, completed it a few nights ago*Just needed to add a few things so I didn't post it just yet*...And some how I lost it-So I get to start it all over again...Oh well :O)

I have a few really good memories with my brothers. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.

I remember watching the movie Rocky with my brother Tod, and watching him do all the same moves as Rocky... He was always working out! I always thought he was the toughest guy I would ever know *then I met my Husband!*. I loved it when Tod would tell me to get on his back, so he could do his push ups...Tod is still in very good shape *and he was hit by a truck and nearly lost both of his legs-That didn't stop him!! He is getting older, but he still wrestles his boys that are on his wrestling team(He has to make sure they know-He's still got it!!)*

I remember hearing my Brother Ty Sing on the top of his lungs while he was in the my parents shower *Non of us were allowed to shower in there, except him...Can we say 'Favorite Child'*
Anyway, he sang 'We built this city-By Starship'
Or 'Making love out of nothing at all-by air suppy'. I remember having to be the 3rd wheel on trips, when he would go out of town with his girlfriend. I felt all proud cause I got to be with Ty...I was the Cool kid! Ty still enjoys his music...For some reason he still thinks he can sing...Cause he still sings at the top of his lungs!

Gotta love the 80's :O)

I always thought my brothers were so AWESOME!!
I loved hauling wood and going door to door with them to sell the many cords of wood...They always used to tell my dad to send me to the door, because everyone would feel bad for me and buy at least a cord...*That might have been the case!*
Now a days, I don't get to see either one of my brothers very often. But, when I do get to see them...Even for just a few minutes, I get excited. They drive me crazy...But they are my Brothers...It is their job!

 So to move on to the main point behind this blog post...

We are so fortunate to be blessed with 5 sons.
Our oldest son, Justin, Is a pretty good big brother. How many 16 year olds do you know, that would share a room with a 9 year old, 5 year old, 4 year old, and a 2 year old brother?? Justin some times gets frustrated..He is normally trying really hard to teach the younger brothers how to help keep things picked up. *He also gets on them if they don't treat each other like they should! I think he likes to be the 'Boss' of the room.*

If Justin isn't in the room, the boys have such hard time settling down. Our Tator Tot wont stay in the room unless Justin is in there with him. What a blessing Justin is. He was meant to be our oldest son.
The other night, things got quiet, and we didn't know where Champ was. I got up and was looking around, and after searching...I looked in Justin's bed. And there Champ was laying in bed with only an inch to spare. Than as I looked closer, the sweetest thing-Tator Tot was on the other side of Justin. Tator Tot always sleeps with Justin, but this picture just shows how much these little guys LOVE Justin*poor Justin doesn't get much room!* And Justin never complains about having to share his room-or his bed! Thanks Bud!

But the best thing is, It doesn't just end there. Bobcat is the next big brother...Jazzi can't hardly stand doing things without Bobcat around...They have a special relationship. Chase also looks up to Bobcat, and can't wait for him to get home so he can play the game with him.
And then there is Chase...Tator Tot just loves Chase*He clings to Justin when he is around, but Chase is his buddy!* They get along-and it is very sweet how Tator Tot calls chase 'Chasers'.
But...It still doesn't end there...Champ will yell 'Tator Tot...Tator Tot! Come here...' He loves to be with Tator Tot, and tries to do everything that Tators does. I just love the relationship that these boys have...

When they are older I am sure they will drive each other crazy...
I am sure they will want to beat eachother up, trying to prove who is the strongest...
But I sure hope and pray that they will always have this amazing brotherly bond!

Justin is the leader of our young men pack...And so far he has been a pretty good example...He plays a big role on how these young boys will grow up-If they see Justin becoming a respectable young man-I have faith that the boys will follow his example.
*But who knows...*

As of right now...I am very proud of our 'Men'!

 *Please note...My sister is my sister, and this isn't about my sister. Doesn't mean I don't love her...
I also admire our 4 daughters...I will have to write a blog about just them.
Love all our children...very blessed we are.

**The Sisters love the brothers...Sass and Justin are pretty close. Sass will miss Justin the most I think when she leaves home...The brothers are admired by everyone!

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