Thursday, February 7, 2013

can't help but smile

I know...I know...Everyone has GREAT kids. What makes mine more special??
They are more special than anyone esle's kids, because they are MINE!
Every parent should feel that their kids are 'The BEST!'. There is not anything wrong with thinking your kids are amazing...There is nothing wrong with bragging about your kids...Just don't over do it. *Nobody has perfect kids...**Although mine come pretty close ;O}*

We should always be proud of our kids-Encourage the good behavior and discipline the Bad.
Let them know that you appreciate them...

I do appreciate our kiddos...All the help they give me. I learn more from our children every day...What amazing creatures they are!

Moving forward...

When the house is quiet, you stop and go figure out what in the world the kids are doing *Most of the time is something that they shouldn't be doing*.

So last night, as I am looking for the kids...I finally find them in the T.V. room, and what I saw just warmed my heart! I just love these little moments when the kids are being so dang GOOD!

In the corner of the couch, the kids had a box. Inside the box was our 7 year old Jazzi-just relaxing. She was holding my iPad, and she had a cartoon movie on*I didn't even ask what it was..Didn't want to disturb the moment*.
Chase was on one side of the box playing a game on his kindle and Tator Tot was on the other side watching the cartoon... Bobcat was playing the Xbox, and Champ was just hanging out watching him play. It was just really really Sweet. They were being quiet...They were enjoying each others company...Amazing!*Says me-their MoM!*

This morning, Mr. Chase went to comb his hair...He came back into the room, so proud of himself...'How's this MoM!'.
He is going to be 6 in May, and he acts like he is Pre-Man.
Tator Tot was being silly and wanted to be in the picture...Awesome little boys *That keep me ever so busy!*

Good Job Chase!! Your getting better and better every day with that hair of yours.

Tator Tot is a true little boy...Has to be silly and busy all day!

I just noticed that Tator Tot is wearing the same Shirt n pants as last night...That kid!! He is a mess!
 Champion came in, and climbed up on my lap...He is such a sweet little devil! He can be so cuddly and then he becomes this 'Beast' when things aren't going his way...Heaven help us!! :O)

Can't be grumpy when you get a grin like this from a little guy! Special*

This little guy will be 15 and will still try to climb into my lap...I can see it now!!
***These 3 Boys have completely changed our lives...Things were calm n smooth...Than Wham!! CHAOS!! :O) Makes me smile...and sometimes CRY!

It is AWESOME watching the kids grow up...I have enjoyed every stage...

For the most part, we have been very lucky. The kids don't fight a bunch. They have their moments when they get on each others nerves, but when there are 11 people living in a house with only so much room, things can get a bit hairy. With that being said, I also think that our kids do so well because they are living in a home where they pretty much can't get away from each other-They have to figure things out...Because they know-Their brother/sister isn't going anywhere.

I sure Love our little family. Feel so very blessed every day...

Smiling :O)

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