Friday, February 8, 2013

My Morning :O)

So let me start by explaining my nights this week...
Lets just say 'Sleepless!'...
We have been getting to bed a bit later than I would like. We have really gotten into the 'Walking Dead' series.  After we would get through an episode, we all would be wide awake saying...'Just one more!'. Yeah...It is that fun to watch!
I think I like how we enjoy watching it together more than anything-Michael, Justin, Sass*when she isn't dead tired*, Nicci, and Jessi*Not so much, but some times-She isn't ready for Zombies* and myself-I just have enjoyed that the kids are getting old enough to enjoy thrilling/Scary shows with us...Maybe that is wrong or weird, but we like it. It is very fun to watch your teens get scared!!

Anyway-Staying up late, not being able to sleep, Being extremely worried about my Mother*she has been in the hospital since Tuesday-Wishing that I could have been there with her everyday*, having headaches and the stinky ringing in my ears, plus little guys not sleeping so well...So, Not much sleep this week.
*But I am a MoM-Who needs sleep!*

This morning started out early. I tried to just lay there with the hopes to drift off into a deep 10 minute sleep-It didn't happen.
Finally around 5:30ish, The Adorable One woke up...Wrapped his arms around me and it was just amazing!
We sat and talked. Than we got our phones out and played around with Siri-Siri Can be very entertaining! We giggled...
It was just very nice...I have missed him this week. *We get very little 'Alone' time*...

As he was starting to feel his blood sugar getting low *58-in fact* we had to get up so he could eat. (Diabetics can't wait to long after they wake up to eat. Their blood sugar can drop very fast)
I made him some Hot Grape Nuts while he was getting dressed for work.
I had a small grin on my face-Such a nice way to start the day.

He sat down at the computer and started to play with his music list-and played a couple of songs that he really likes right now. He called me into the room to show me the songs, and I looked at him and my heart skipped a beat...Gosh Dang It!! I Love this man.

I can not tell you how AWESOME it feels to walk into the room where your spouse is sitting and after 19+ years Still feeling so in Love with that person. He drives me crazy...Makes me so very angry sometime...But I just adore him.

Right now he is growing his hair out and also growing a beard...This is not his normal look! Normally he has a shaved head and a smooth face. I really didn't like it at fact it has taken me awhile for it to grow on me. But I am finding it more and more attractive ever day. I love his gray hairs. I love how the beard and hair make his eyes shine so bright...Ok! I may be getting a little cheezy here!
I wish people could see what I see when I look at Michael. Lets just say...I still look at him the same as I did in High School + that much more. He is more than just a Grizzly Bear-He really is just a Teddy Bear...Especially when I see him working with the kids-He really Loves our kids and tries so hard to be a great dad...He gives all of the kids as much attention as he can. It isn't an easy task-Trust me!

I am pretty lucky! *feels good*

So I took a couple of pictures of Michael chillen at the computer desk listening to music and eating his grape nuts-Even got him to give me a small grin...
Hey Dad...Chase says that is his hat :O)
I love it when Michael wears his hat on backwards!

I also thought I would share the 2 songs that he played...Of course now when I hear these songs I will think of him!!
One of the parts in the songs says I'm never changing who I am-Michael is Who he is. He hasn't changed in many ways...But He has grown in so many ways! I am very proud of him.

This is a great song...

'Choose thy Love, Love they Choice' *I still do*

My boys are now awake...Starting the second round of chaos *the first round was getting the kids off to school!*
My morning has been crazy, feel good, amazing!
I will think about my sweet hubby, and I will be able to get through the morning...Anxiously waiting for him to come home.

I look forward to seeing my Mother tonight...Poor thing-I worry about her, she has been so sick...
I sure love her!
I will get to see my sister as well-It has been to long since I have seen her. It will be a short visit, but well worth the effort.

I am thrilled to death that it is Friday-Look forward to the Walking Dead episodes we will get to watch over the next couple of days...Gotta get some Popcorn!

NOW!! To get to work doing my Motherly-Wifey homemaker chores!
 *Grateful that I am able to stay home!*

Buzzing like a Bee...That is Me!!

 **Please let today be a smooth, happy, relaxing, humbling, forgiving, uplifting, Confidence building, effort making, everyone smiling, Heavenly Father comforting, peaceful, filled with gratitude...
Kind of Day...

***Sending Smiles and Hugs to EVERYONE who needs em' God Bless!

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