Monday, February 11, 2013


See this girl...This is a girl that loves to laugh. Loves to watch movies. Loves to read. Loves to Play Softball. Hates to lose. Goes to church. Takes care of her siblings. Loves her siblings. Loves to listen to music. Wants to learn how to play the violin. Wants to go to college and become a Photographer and own her own business someday. She has a big heart. She follows her gut feelings. She is stubborn. She will not change her mind easily when she believes in something. She is very smart. Very beautiful. Very athletic. Very strong...minded and physically.
This is My Daughter Cassandra!

If you know her, you know she isn't your typical teenager.

Moments that will not be forgotten are worth every effort made...

Michael got to be Sass's catcher during the off season. She learned new pitches and she nailed him a few times...She nailed him in the left shin a couple of weeks ago-OUCH!! He came home with quite the bump-And still today...His shin is still tender. There were the rough days when things didn't go smooth. And I think Michael's left wrist is destroyed. But, now that the season has started...Michael misses going out with her. It is one of those lessons...Enjoy it while it lasts.
I absolutely loved seeing Michael out on the field with Sass. I also loved seeing Justin go out there and catch for her. Memories were built. Good and bad I think *Giggle!*
Sass is a good pitcher...And it has been very fun to see her go from the 10 year old just starting to the 17 year old that can place the ball now...*thank you Grandpa Workman for seeing the pitcher in her!*
 Also-Sass and I have worked out nearly every day after school-It has been hard but amazing. 
We have soaked every minute with Sass in. Not sure how she feels, but her dad and I have just loved working with her and just being with her.
*We will do this with every child-I hope anyway(we are not getting any younger)...I would recommend every parent taking every spare minute and spending it with their child/children...Before you know it-they are grown.*

I can not stand to see our children sad. I have a hard time watching them struggle-Even when I know it is all part of life, and with every trial comes a blessing.
As a Mother, you want your child to be happy. You want nothing but the best for them.
Supporting them and letting them make decisions...Allowing them to figure out what they want, giving them advice along the way. It is not an easy task. I wish I could just make all the decisions for them...But that would not get them anywhere, so I am just glad to be here to give out hugs when needed.

Sass was heart broken yesterday and because of this, I wanted to pack everyone up and move to a beach-Just to take a breather...
Sass deserves the very best...She is a princess and should be treated as such. Cassandra is a ONE OF A KIND kind of girl. You won't meet anyone else like her. *Says me her MoM...and her DaD...And her siblings*.

Sass-Remember how you felt when you walked into the primary room that had the pictures of the Temple all around, with a beautiful wedding dress that was White and modest perfect for one of God's Princess's.  Do not forget what your looking for and never settle for anything less than eternity.

I am so very proud of you Cassandra. You have just a little over 3 months left of High School ...Feel less pressure and have fun*easier said than done, but try*. LAUGH!!
Enjoy Softball-Be the leader you desire to be. SHINE!!! Know your worth...and move forward!! Never forget who you are...Always remember that you are a daughter of God.

Love you Sass...

1 comment:

  1. This touched me, you are such a loving parent Toi. All of your children are lucky to have you. Beautiful.
