Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dear Me~

Dear Me~

Good Morning! How are you this morning?
Wait...Before you answer that, I really need to let you know a few things.

It is understood, why, when you alarm goes off at 4am, why you snooze it until 6am. Whether it be because of the pain you were in, that made it difficult for you to fall asleep. Or because you have a little boy who needs you to hold him at 2 in the morning. Or the sweet daughter who just can't sleep. Or the little guy who had a bad dream and is scared.
Or maybe it is because you lay awake thinking to much and worrying about your children, and husband and bills and LIFE. I am sure there are plenty of mom's out there that think about drinking a bottle of NyQuil before bed, so that they can get a full nights rest.

Me, relax. Stop worrying so much about Cassandra. She's got this! She is a strong young lady that is going to be just fine.
Quit, lying awake thinking about Justin. He has so much going for him. He is a very strong willed young man-He is going to be just fine.
Why do you stress out so much about Nicci. She is 13, and learning just like the first 2 did. Chill Out and remember what it was like to be 13, and how you would lock yourself in your room. Nicci is going to be just fine.
Stop thinking that Jessica is struggling. That girl is happy and has a mind of her own. She is a go getter, she is going to be fine.
Why are you worried about Bobcat? He can handle what ever comes his way. Besides, he has a heart of gold and really is a gentle beast. He will get through the growing pains-He is going to be fine.
Now, I get that Jazzi is a hand full. But, she is VERY strong willed. She isn't going to be swayed very easy...And the boys don't stand a chance with Bobcat around-She is going to be fine. Her math will come around, you'll see.
Now, quit laying awake at night getting all upset because your not working with Chase more. It won't take him long to get going. He is such a great worker and so very smart-Stop feeling bad because you don't sit down with him every day teaching him his ABC's...He is going to be fine!
Tator Tot is a mess. But there is no reason for you to worry so much about him. He is a happy little boy. He will be fine. Besides his middle name is Tot...The only Tot I know turned out to be pretty tough...Very stubborn...But Tough!
Champion keeps you up most of the night, nearly every night. Not only because he is snuggled up close to you and his elbow nails you in the nose-OFTEN, But because you can't stop thinking about and wondering...Is he going to be ok? None of your kids said a bunch of words before 3 years of age. In fact, Champion is very smart. Just cause all the kids were potty trained by 2 doesn't mean that Champ has to be. Keep in mind he had a very early start at life, and some things may just take longer for him to learn. He is going to be fine. Love him and have Patience!!
Stop panicking over Michael's health. He knows that he needs to be around for awhile. Let him take care of himself, he knows what needs to be done. He is going to be just fine!
Bills are bills. Money can create so much negativity...Don't allow it to consume you. It isn't worth the energy. You will always have bills, do the best that you can-Thats all you can do.
Please try to worry less, and sleep more. You are wearing yourself out...

Now Me, you have to know that you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself. I know, I know...You have so much to do. So much you want to get done. So much that needs to get done. Waking up early, starting the laundry. Picking up the same pairs of shoes, that just happen to be in the same spot. Vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dishes, getting the kids up...Hearing the same things every morning 'MoM! I don't feel good' 'MoM! I don't want to go to school!' 'MoM! I didn't get any sleep!` 'MoM??? Where's my SOCKS!!'
Thinking nearly every minute of the day, 'WHAT AM I GOING TO MAKE FOR DINNER???'.
And lets not forget how you look outside and cringe because the yard looks a bit rough, and the car needs to be cleaned. It is you could feel so overwhelmed at times.

OK Me, you can't do EVERYTHING!! You can't sit down to help with homework, workout with Sass, Run with Jessi, Run with Bobcat, Run with jazzi, Catch for Nicci. Go watch Justin's practice...Go watch Sass Practice. Make dinner-make cookies. Get your piano time in. Blog. Say hello to everyone on FaceBook. Call your Mother, Dad, Brothers, and Sister, Send a quick text to your mother n father in law letting them know that we are, in fact still alive. Rub the Adorable One's feet and take a nap, and fit some time in to keep your church callings organized. Quit feeling so bad because it isn't getting done the way you want it to. Don't forget you have CHILDREN that can help do these things, don't feel bad because you are a stay at home mom and that is 'Your Job'. Yes! Your job is to maintain the home, but Your job is to also teach those 9 kids of yours how to work, and how to maintain a job and home. Speaking of kids...Quit flipping out, worrying about if you gave all the kids enough attention yesterday. Did you hug each one of them? Did you say 'I love you' to each one of them?? Of course you did...You NEVER forget to do this. They know you are there. I promise, they know. You are a pretty active Mother when it comes to your kids-So Relax!

Now, Me, I understand that you used to be able to get everything done.
4 o'clock came around and you were up and moving. By 6, Laundry was near done, the house was clean, and by 7, you were able to just hang out with the kids the rest of the day was yours to enjoy! Well, that was before you had that last baby of yours. That was before the kids became so busy with school and sports. Please don't forget that you are at nearly every game. You are at the school as much as you possibly can be to check on things, with still having 3 little ones at home. You are more busy now than you ever were 2 years ago.

It really is time for you to realize that, it is ok! It is ok if the laundry isn't folded by noon. It is ok if the kitchen floor doesn't get mopped every day. It is ok to sit down and take a small 30 minute nap with the boys. And it is ok to have cold cereal every now and then for dinner. AGAIN...You have an army of little helpers. Get that whistle out and get it blowen...*Your kids do a lot to help, but it doesn't hurt for them to do a little bit more-Everyone has to do their part!*

One more thing, Me. STOP looking at yourself and finding all the flaws. Yes! You have wrinkles. Yes! You have some gray hairs. Yes! Your hands look tired. And Yes! Your body is a lot more achey and makes more crackling noises than what it used to..Can I please remind you...YOU HAVE HAD A BUNCH OF KIDS AND YOU ARE NO LONGER IN YOUR 20's!!! Grow up! Its ok to say you have been through A LOT! My goodness...can't teach your daughters to have confidence if you don't have any yourself. Shine Momma!! Your kind of awesome...

Let yourself breath for a minute, as you read the end of this letter.

So Dear Me,
take a good look at your life. Is there anything that you Really would like to change?
You have a hard working husband that adores you and tells you all the time how 'Hot' you are! You have children that Love you who think your beautiful. Everyone is pretty darn healthy. The kids are Happy.
You have a nice home to live in. You have vehicles that get you from here to there. You have plenty to eat.
You have more than enough...You have hair! You have wrinkles that show that you have smiled a lot in your life. You have legs that can run and dance. Arms that are strong enough to lift up your little one's. Hands that have worked so hard-You should be very proud of your hands.They have worked, and also, have rubbed a sick little one's back and forehead comforting them. They have kneaded countless amounts of bread dough, to make that fresh loaf of bread that the kids love to eat while its still hot. They can play one of the most beautiful musical instruments ever made, the piano. They can squeeze a little hand and smack a little hand as well when needed :O) You have eyes to watch and see how amazing your children are growing up. Also, to see all the beauty that is around you. Including your husbands amazing eyes that give you a glimpse of Eternity!
You have ears to hear all the giggles, and singing, and story telling that comes with having children.
Most importantly, you have a Heavenly Father who loves you...Who is always there for you. Lean on him, me...Lean on God when your so worn out your not sure if you can make it another day without Failing. You are still so very strong, Me. Stronger than you will ever know.

Me, You are loved. You are needed. You are Special.

Look at the bright side of things today. Listen to some music. Read a book to your little guys. Relax...And enjoy the life that you have been given. Everything gets done eventually, so stop thinking about the stuff that isn't really that important. Man up just a little!!

I think you are ready to answer that question...
How are you this morning??
I am pretty sure your answer will be 'I am blessed!'

Take care of yourself,

With lots of smiles and love,

Me :O)

*To all the 'Me's' out there... We've got this. Keep your head up and focus on the bright side.
And stop stressen on the small stuff!!

Its good to be ME!

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