Monday, July 29, 2013


These two *Sleeping Angels* make it really hard to get up and get moving! 

They snuck into our bed and of course snuggled with me most of the night
•I didn't sleep much-But I won't lie-I so enjoyed the cuddling• 

Some day these boys won't do this any more...I am gonna enjoy it while I can!! 

I know! I know! Your not suppose to allow your children to sleep with you! It's dangerous!! It spoils the child! It won't teach them how to be independent and learn how to sleep on their own!!
I guess I am taking the risk and I guess our little boys will be rotten then-but I know for a fact that the boys will learn how to be independent...There is no stopping that!

If you haven't noticed or haven't had the chance to just yet-Kids grow up fast! SNUGGLE with your babies....Every chance you get!!

I won't get into how fast kids grow up *Again*(I have a blog or 2 about that).

Moving On!

Now to take this Monday on with a smile and get my Football face on!! 

First day of football for 3 of my boys! This season will be extra busy with 1 high school boy, 1 minors boy  and 1 Mighty Mite... 3 games nearly every weekend in probably 3 different directions *Hope our 2 little guys at least play in the same place-but some times they don't*

Michael and I will be Football tested this year!!

I have been told that we shouldn't try to make all the games-it costs to much! 
But...I can't help but want to be at every game! I miss it and feel miserable when I can't be there to watch and support my kids. 

It is so important that they see MoM and DaD's face when they make a great play or when they didn't do so well...

We aren't perfect and we may not be able to make every game-But I can tell you this •Great effort will ALWAYS be made•

I don't want to miss a thing!

This year our super man Chaser who is 6 and built just like his MoM is going to give Football a go!

Yikes!! I am so very very nervous!

I will panic with every hit-Yelling *Run Son!! Run* in the hopes his speed will save him!!  

I have become a wimpy mom...Don't hurt my baby!

Bobcat and Justin are built like their DaD-I have never been to overly worried about them with they get their pads on! They are strong and can handle it.

Chase is strong but lean and not very mean. He is hard working and loves to do hard things...He will be battle tested and I guess we will just have to wait and see. He may not have any problems...

The first year is always the roughest even for the toughest! 

It is now 8:00am...

Time to get this family going! 

Smiling :0)

My very lovable little boys!! Champ and Tater Tot :0)

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