Friday, September 6, 2013

A bit Frustrated! Sorry...Need to vent just a little!

 As I sat down and started my blog post this morning, I had it all in my mind to blog about Football. I was going to mention that this is the first weekend of many weekends that we will have 3 ball games to attend.  I was going to try to explain that Football is just a game, but it is also a great game that teaches the Young Men more than to just run with a ball in their hands.

But as I got into it, I got more and more frustrated. Football just isn't the same as it used to be back when my dad coach and when my husband played. Things have changed! Coaching has changed. Players don't have the heart like they used to. There is more 'I' in the sport than 'Team'.  Players just aren't has tough as they used to be.

I will admit, and I will probably be questioned about this, but I was ready to yank my son off of the High School Football team this week. I will not get into detail, but I will say that my heart strings were pulled and I wanted to go 'Psycho MoM'!

My Son(s) love Football...And I love to watch them play. But the moral of the game and the behaviors on the field disappoint me.  And it isn't just in High School...Look at the Pro's.
There is very little respect demanded...There is very little HUSTLE on the field!! 
*I will just stop while I am ahead*


I have some other things that are bothering me.

I had just gotten off the phone with my dad who happens to be in Nutrioso, visiting my brother and his family(more or less to Watch some Grandsons play some ball).
My dad was excited to let me know that he and my Brother were headed out to go get a load of wood *I am not going to lie...I am jealous*.
I asked my dad, 'Isn't Tod suppose to be working?'. My dad then told me that Round Valley has gone to the 4 day school week schedule.....WHAT THE!!!!
Tell me. Please someone tell me...Why in the world can't our little school in Bagdad go to a 4 day school week??

The 4 day is amazing! Our kids, while attending the Hillside school, were lucky to have the 4 day schedule. I just do not understand why we can't do it in Bagdad? The teachers would benefit. The students would have a good break and would probably do better in school. The only problem I see, is that most parents use school as a day care. So if we were to not have school on Friday, parents wouldn't know what to do with their kids. Well, I say we should do it! How awesome would the weekends be? The kids would be missing less school, and the teachers would have more time to get their week planned out.  *This is just how I see it*

On to the next thing that has me frustrated...

Religion.  Being Christian.  What make you better then me? Who are you to say is Christian or not.

The God I know and Love has taught us to love everyone! No matter the race, no matter the sex, no matter the religion.

I have attended many different religions, and for me the LDS church is the true church. But I am not going to point my finger and tell others of different faiths that they will be going to Hell because they believe as they believe. So why in the world do so many feel that this is necessary and that it is ok?

In my opinion, you can preach all you want about your faith and what you believe...But when it comes right down to it, your example is what others will be drawn to.  Not only will they be looking at your behaviors, but also your children's behaviors.  Our children are a big reflection of how we live. We need to be focused on our Homes and our Children, raising our children to understand that they are children of God.

My son attended a Baptist youth activity, and was asked to play a part in a play that they were going to be doing.  We allowed him. When we went to watch Justin, I was so proud of him and his example. The play was very neat and all the kids did great. I am not going to lie, at first I had a bit of a hard time allowing him to be apart of it all.  But, I am so glad that we did. He was able to go somewhere else and was able to see a different religion and to understand a little as to what they believe.

I can teach my children, praying that they can see my love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but in the end they will have to decide for themselves. 

There are so many good, kind, giving people in the world-And so much wasted time teaching and preaching about how other religions are so wrong.
*one of the churches I attended spent an hour talking about how Mormons are of the devil and how they should be avoided. I always wondered if it was because I was there and everyone knew who I was and what religion I belonged to. I was only 11 at the time. I felt terrible when I left, and I have never been back*...

So, here is my opinion...Live your religion. Teach your children to have faith. Teach your children to dress modestly and to have morals. Teach your children not to judge others of a different religion and please O Please teach your children to be humble, as to not come off as they are better than someone of another religion.

Serve others every chance you get. Some of the best people I know, where I live, that are not of the same faith as me, are very giving and kind.

Pray!! Pray every day. Love others. Stop being so hateful toward other religions. God does not approve of such behavior as he Loves Everyone.

Do the best that you can. Love God with all of your heart. And stop criticizing others.
*I have never attended a sacrament meeting or Sunday school or Young Women's class that preached about how horrible everyone else is*.

I know the LDS church is true...And I am very thankful for the Gospel.

If you have questions about the LDS church go to LDS.ORG or ask the missionaries. Better yet, come and see what we teach on Sunday's. Sacrament starts at 9:00am on Sunday's. Come join my family on the front row, or find a chapel near by.

One more little bit of frustration...

I don't understand why so many try to sugar coat their lives. Our lives are our lives.

I don't know of anyone who has the perfect relationship or marriage. I don't know of anyone who has the perfect little children that ALWAYS choose the right.

But for some reason, when in public or on FB, Everyone seems to Sugar Coat their lives.

How about we do something a little bit different...Lets be honest about who we are and what we stand for.

And to go with this...How about we all stop being so darn negative!! For Pete's Sakes...Enough is enough *This goes for me as well*. I have had a rough year. I have found myself dwelling on the Negative a heck of a lot more than the Positive...I don't like that! It doesn't feel right, and guess what...It doesn't change a darn thing. I can't fix others, and I sure as heck can't change every situation. But I CAN choose how I handle others and all the different situations that come my way.

So now that I got this stuff off of my chest...I can move forward.
*Venting is a good thing! (Sometimes)*

I do look forward to watching my boys play Football this weekend. We try to coach them off of the field-Praying that they will be good examples while on the field, and we try to just be there for them during their success's and failures.  We always tell them to be Humble and to work hard! I hope they will choose to be good examples.

I have pondered about getting on the school board, so that I can voice my opinion about the 4 day school week *and other things*. I do not think I would have the time. I have mentioned it before to the SBP, and he doesn't agree with it.
I would love to hear how other parents feel about Bagdad Schools going to the 4 day school schedule...Seriously! Let me know your thoughts.

I appreciate Religion...And hope everyone will live their faiths remembering our Savior Jesus Christ in trying to follow his example of unconditional love for others.

I hope we all can have a little less sugar in our lives, and to just live the best Lives that we can. Trying ever so hard not to judge others, and to remember to be honest in our behaviors.

Happy Friday Everyone! Enjoy every second of it...Doing whatever it is you enjoy doing!

Smiling :O)

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