Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just was thinking today-Have Confidence!!

Everyone has a time in their lives, where they tend to forget who they Are.
Losing Confidence, and struggling to feel good about themselves.

Forgetting what they stand for.
Forgetting that they have a purpose-that they are important.

I just wonder if most of the time it is because of how we are treated.

So often we allow others to sway us and convincing us that we don't have our own minds-getting us convinced that our feelings and thoughts are not good enough...
They get us believing less and less in ourselves. 

It doesn't take much.

A simple laugh with a sarcastic remark about something we said, or did.
A simple glance of disgust.

Sometimes it is silence. No words at all can be just as damaging.

How about those that constantly get you believing that most of the problems and negative things that happen are your fault.
Regardless of how you have been treated-It was because you said what you said or because you acted the way you acted.

It is because of how you feel! 

Twisting your feelings and thoughts and turning yourself against yourself. 

Making you your own worst enemy. 

Because you start believing what they tell you.

You begin to feel that maybe they are right. Maybe it is all your fault. Maybe it is ALL you.
 *It is tough to feel like you have someone backing you up, when you don't even know how to back yourself up*.

How about the times you are told that your opinion came from someone else, and that you really don't feel that way. In the sense that you are not in control and I guess really...You have been brained washed. Eventually, you convince yourself that you have been wrong about yourself all along.

Sometimes we can forget who we are because we are working so hard at doing everything and keeping everyone else around us functioning-we tend to forget the importance of keeping ourselves functioning.

It is crazy how quickly we can become discouraged and lonely. Screaming and crying inside-ready to run away!

No! My life isn't falling apart, and I am not running away any time soon.
Many times I have questioned my beliefs, feelings, and thoughts...That I have found myself like many others...Very self Conscious-Wondering if everything that has gone wrong in my life, is in deed, my own fault!

Well, Shame on me! I am human, and very imperfect. I have trials, and if I do things and handle things how I KNOW I should-Everything will be fine!
I need to not question my thoughts, and gut feelings...After all-THEY ARE MINE!! 
I need to always remember who I am when looking in the mirror, and proud of who I see.

About 3 or so weeks ago, I was by myself in Precious(our family Traverse), when a song came on.
I turned the song up and listened to the words, thinking to myself-What a great song for all those who don't have confidence-Those who are always being put down for who they are, Forgetting their worth.

Katy Perry's 'Roar'. 
The words are awesome *Says Me*.

We should never lose confidence in ourselves forgetting who we are because of others around us. Never allowing others to push us down...*Sometimes it isn't a quick shove...It is the slow push after push that brings us down*.

Being ourselves and walking with our heads held high while standing up for all that we believe in-That feels so amazing!  So lets all remember to do this.

Take a minute to listen to this song. 
Some may say it is cheesy-But if you have ever felt bad about yourself, it is a very motivating song.
:O) Ok the video is kinda cheesy!! :O)

This video just has the lyrics

*I am a Champion*...

Have confidence and shine. Do what you do best and let others hear you 'Roar'!

**Also-Be brave enough to stand on your own...You don't need permission to be yourself!!

Happy Tuesday!
Smiling :0)

***My next blog will be with pictures of the kids...I haven't had a second to spare lately!

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