Thursday, September 26, 2013

I kinda miss having the kids home...I love that about Summer!

Which also means...Everyone has to pitch in to help out around the house!!

These pictures were taken this summer.
They were taken on a very beautiful day...
We were cleaning the house, and doing some yard work.
One thing that I will always be thankful for, is that nobody complains about helping out-
*for the most part*.

It is so hard to teach your kids how to work, when there is only so much work to be done around the house.
*I have always said that I wished that we had a ranch, or a farm...So that the kids would have a steady amount of hard work to do every day*.


I was excited with how the kids did their jobs on this day, working together-Making the most of their chores.
Thanks for all the help kids!

Jazzi was funny! We all came in for lunch, and we noticed that Jazz was missing...I went outside to see what she was doing, and this is what I caught her working on. I had to giggle, because it says 'I love Jazzi'...Not I love MoM or I love DaD. Silly girl-She was very focused on making it just right!

Jessi outside checking out Jazzi's grass art work, Jazzi still working on her name, and Me just taking a picture of how gorgeous the weather was.

Justin was fortunate enough to have a job this summer, doing roofing on the houses around our town. He was very responsible in waking up to be on time. I couldn't be more proud of his work ethic. Justin also was amazing, helping out with Milk n such.  He also paid for the whole family to go on trips to watch his siblings play in the All Star games. This kid rocks-I appreciate him very much.

Bobcat has officially taken over the Lawn Mowing job. At the beginning of the summer, it was scary. Bobcat had to redo the lawn a few times before he would get it the way his Mom wanted it. But by the end of the summer, Bobcat was a pro! Thank you Bobcat :O)

Sass took on the Chore Chart Duty!

Love the forced smile :O)

Whats gonna work?? Team Work...

My Yard Crew!!

These turned out great! Sass put her blood, sweat, and tears *plus a few dollars of her own* into these Chore Charts! They hang in my Laundry room...They have a list of what the kids are suppose to get done on a daily basis...Always nice to have a visual reminder! Thanks Sass!

Ok! This picture cracks me up! *Nicci is going to KILL me for posting this*. Everyone has their days when they just don't want their picture taken. Everyone was being nice and dealt with Me taking pictures, except Nicci! She was mad and didn't want to stand still and smile. So I took a picture as she got a little upset telling me she really didn't want a picture taken. *I also wanted to show what a teenager looks like while throwing a fit*. Nicci doesn't complain often. She does what is asked. She is our Vacuum cleaner-Her job is very important! With 11 of us people, and 2 four legged people always walking around...This is an every day job! Thank you Nicci for helping me out...Next time, give me a smile :O) *I love you Sweeti-Don't be mad!*

Jessi could care less about pretty much anything. She just wants to get it all over with so she can goof off. She was our Bathroom cleaner. Jessi is a space case and I will have to remind her a hundred times, but she gets it done. Love her personality-Talk about a girl who always takes the time to smell the Roses!

Tator Tot had Floor Patrol *He has to walk through the house and pick up everything, making sure that the floor is ready to be vacuumed*. Champs job was to just stay out of the way *I mean that with Love*. I am not sure why I didn't get a picture of them... :O(

Even if the chores do not always get done perfectly, I am always so grateful for the help...Around here...We really do have to work together!

Just wanted to throw this one in there-Our kids don't always need a lecture, they just need a listening ear! MoM and DaD...Just be quiet and listen! *it is amazing what you can hear*.  

This is the first day of school. I took about 10 pictures of this same pose. Bobcat has the perfect look...'Come on MoM'.

Look at my Babies...*Missing Sass*. Great group of kids right here. *Champ will still be sucking his thumb in High School*

Proud of my Chasers! Handsome little boy! First year of school!!

I love that these 2 are in the same class together.
If I had my way, I would enjoy every single moment and always have the 'Best' kind of days. Unfortunately, Life isn't that simple...That is why I enjoy being able to sit down for an hour and browse through pictures, and reflect on the many many amazing days that I do get to enjoy!

Boy! Do I love my little family...

Happy Thursday!!

Smiling :O)

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