Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just a couple of questions....

As I got up this morning, as slowly as I possibly could, I remembered one of my last posts.

I was going to start looking at the bright side of the mornings, and self motivate.

Well guess what??  I have done pretty good. Mind over matter...

I also have started my day on my knees, with a simple personal prayer.

I am not going to lie...That helps a ton!!


A couple of questions...I just can't help but wonder about!

#1-I have noticed that when I have a blog about my trials and struggles, I have more people viewing and reading it!

Why is this? I have to ask...
Do others really have a tendency to focus on the negative-As if to sorta THRIVE off of Negativity?
Do people love to see that, I too, have struggles? That just maybe I am not as happy as I may come off...*By the way...I am a pretty happy person-It takes a lot to get me down.*

To add to that...

Are others so thrilled to death that I have struggles, and they are just nosy? Or do my blogs about the trials n such of my life, and the way I cope with things, inspire change?

All of my life, I have always noticed that people tend to look at others and they will bring out the negatives in other peoples lives so that they can feel better about themselves, and for awhile, mask their own situations.

I love sharing my thoughts and feelings. I do not mind that people know what is going on in my life.
I do not share the most intimate things, and I do not share every trial that I am faced with...I do not wish to bore you!

But, for some reason, I just can't help but wonder, why some posts are more popular than others.

I will just keep blogging, and posting the things that are on my mind...Even if I do not get a lot of readers, I do have my personal fan club...My children! They read my blog, and they let me know if they like them or not. The Adorable One also gives me feed back. Some blogs are just better than others...

Moving Forward...

#2-Why in the world is it so hard to say 'Hi'??
I have wondered this for years...

If I know you, or even if I do not know you, I always try to say Hello!

I can not tell you how many times I have been walked right passed from one of my FB friends, or a fellow church goer, Or someone that I thought was my friend, without a  simple 'Hi'.

Here is my question...
Why is it, that I sometimes get a hello and some times I do not?
When this happens, I tend to wonder...Does that person even like me. What is wrong with me?

It really seems like, sometimes I am liked, but not today. But-Maybe tomorrow!

I have spoken to so many other people who question this as well. I guess it is very common.

I was taught to talk to others...I was taught to speak kindly to others...I was taught to be polite.
How come not everyone was taught this same behavior?

It is so very easy to make another person feel like: You don't like them...but sometimes you do like them...but NOT ALL THE TIME!
Maybe just at church, we are friends. Or maybe not at church, but at the store we can be friends. This is crazy...And it happens frequently!

I was talking to the Adorable One about this and he pointed something out to me...

He asked me if I always say 'Hi'. And of course I said that I really TRY to acknowledge everyone I come across. I talk to anyone-I am just social like that...Most days.

He then asked me, haven't you ever been so distracted with something else, that you just didn't get the chance to say hello? Or maybe, your not even recognizing that you just walked by someone...because you have so much going through your mind?

Yes! I guess I have done that. I know I have done that...

So just maybe others, the ones that I think don't really like me, do that!  

 I don't know what is going on in other peoples lives every day. That person may be struggling.

Maybe, we are just to sensitive and start to create these stories in our minds-So and So just doesn't like me??!! Oh great! What did I do to make SO and So so upset??

Maybe we just need to remember that we are all fighting and dealing with a zillion different things.

I will say this though-If we do come across someone...It really only takes a split second to say 'Hi'!
I don't care how hard your day has been, it still shouldn't be that hard to say 'Hi'!

A simple 'Hello' can change a persons day-I promise!

Another thing...There has been times, when I have come across someone and have asked myself...Should I say Hi?? Maybe I don't know them that well, or I have just met them...

Well guess what??...I most likely said, 'Hello'!

We shouldn't take it personal when people don't talk to us. We shouldn't start to feel bad and question our 'Relationship Status' because one day a person will acknowledge us as friends, but the very next day, they act like don't even know us.

Some people are mysteries, and I really think that 95% of the time, most people don't even realize that they made you feel that way.

Life is nuts! Lets Remember-we never know what is going on in someones life...So maybe we just need to not take it personal *even though, that sure can be hard*.

 I may never really know the answers to these questions that have me kinda sorta baffled.

Maybe, I just need to:
Carry ON! Be myself...And have confidence!

**Say 'Hi' first..Force that someone else to have to say 'Hello' back*!

Happy Wednesday...
Smiling :O)

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