Friday, September 20, 2013

Just gotta say Cheeeeeseee!

Boy O Boy! This week felt like it dragged on and on...

As my alarm went off this morning, I struggled to get up.  I snoozed and snoozed, until I had no choice but to roll out of bed.

I was achy. I was exhausted. I was being a whiner. I sorta kinda wanted to just let everyone stay home and take the day off. Unfortunately, as an adult and as a Mother, I have to be responsible. 

Like every morning, we all got ourselves ready to take on yet another day.

I took the kids to school, and was excited to watch our Jessica get up in front of the whole elematary school as their class president, to do all the announcments n such *I love being able to be there...I especially enjoy being there to watch my children put their hands on their hearts to say the pledge-Pretty awesome!*.

Anyways...After giving the kids a quick good bye hug, I was starting to feel a bit better. 


Anywho-Got home, after making a quick run to the store. The boys were sure good-I even thought 'I wonder if the boys know that I wasn't feeling real great, so they were taking it easy on me'.

Yeah Right!  

After just a few minutes of being home, I happen to notice the smell of finger nail polish...
Good O' Champ had gotten into the girls PURPLE finger nail polish. He managed to paint his toe nails, his legs, and the Laundry Room floor- *Awesome*. 

I let Mr. Champ know that the color looked amazing on him, patted his behind and sent him on his way to destroy something else.

I scrubbed the floor, getting it pretty clean, and then sat down at the computer. Remember, it took everything I had to get out of bed...The little bit of energy I mustered up inside me was pretty much gone at this point.

The computer is a great distraction from the things that are going on around me, so I took my sweet time to just focus on my bank account, and FaceBook account.  I didn't put much thought into what my boys were doing, as I listened to the LeapFrog cartoons playing and hearing Tator Tot singing along *That is pretty special Stuff-Sweet little stinker*.

As I sat there for a few minutes, getting into FaceBook...Mr. Champ came up behind me and in his amazingly sweet voice said, 'Say CHEEEESSEEE Momma'. I turned and saw him holding the camera upside down, smiling from ear to ear, all excited.

I looked at my Monster of an Angel, and said, 'CHEEEESSEE Champy!'.

Champion then tells me with all of his Heart and might...'Your so Cute Momma!'.

I just snagged that little boy into my arms, hugging him tight telling him he was ever so cute too.

My attitude quickly changed. I Love these every day moments when one of the kids gets me to stop what I am doing, to focus on the sweeter things in life.

I haven't felt much better physically, but mentally I was uplifted. 

I wish I would have taken a picture of Champion with the finger nail polish all over him and the floor. I also wish that I could have taken a picture of him holding that camera smiling so big getting ready to take a picture of his Momma...I don't want to forget about the ups and downs of my morning.

The Sad Thing Is...

I had made up my mind when my alarm woke me up, that today was not going to be a good day, just because of how I felt...I kinda ruined my own day. 

So...I have decided that from now on-I will make more of an effort to start the day just a little bit more positive.

Have I said this before, Probably...But you know what...Every day is a new day to give it all a try again.

I am sure I will push Snooze, and I will probably let out that early morning Sigh...That is all to normal and done most of the time without thought.  But after I wipe my eyes and give myself a good stretching of my arms and legs, I can smile and say 'Lets make today a good day!' READY SET GO!!

The weekend couldn't have come at a better time. We do not have a High School Football game, so I am going to take advantage of having a night off. Tomorrow Chase and Bobcat play at home, so that will be awesome...NO traveling! 

Don't forget to count your blessings...

Happy Friday!!

**Can you believe that September is almost gone...Oh my Goodness!! 2014 is in a hurry to get here.

Smiling :O)

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