Wednesday, March 26, 2014


You know how you feel when you are going through a photo album?

Talk about feeling every emotion possible...

The memories...The rekindled feelings...

It is absolutely amazing the feelings you get when you see a picture of or about a time in your life when you were your happiest, or saddest, or frustrated with a hint of anger *But I bet cha you aren't angry any more, and you giggle when you see a glimpse of that moment*.

When you see a perfect picture of a loved one that has passed on...Your heart skips a beat, and you all of a sudden have a slideshow of that person in your mind...

You may laugh, or you may cry...but man O' man...You definetly feel something.

As I sit and go through our computer and see all of the pictures that we have saved, that we hardly ever look at...I can't help but want to spend all day looking and remembering.

I get very very emotional when I even think about my life.

Pictures prove to me, that my life has been such an amazing gift.

Our Heavenly Father has blessed me and my family. Even through all of the trials, we have always been given enough to see us through. 


I wanted to share a few pictures we have taken just recently...Some from spring break and a few from here and there.

Tator Tot showing off his muscles...
Jazzi making sure the boys know she is just as tough...*Sorry for the trash can*

Go get em' kid! Bobcat and Chase work out every day together. They do push ups and sit ups...They run a mile, and they run our hill that is in the back! *Justin gets on them and keeps them moving(He will make a great coach one day)*

The giant bowl of cereal every teenage boy has to have!
He is not as innocent as he looks...I promise!
This spider started our Garden Palet fence adventure off...We were cleaning up a friends fence so that we could use some posts, and this spider ended up on Michael's forarm...YIKES!

Over spring break we started to get our garden all prepared for planting...YaY!

The Adorable One slaving away to make me my little Pallet fence!

Lady sure loves it when we are all outside! She just sits and smiles!

Keep it straight Jessi!
The two girls took turns getting the holes ready for the posts for the gate...Jessi thinks she has a sliver *Oh! Poor Baby*

Jazzi had the toughest job of all...She had to keep Champ entertained and kept out of trouble...She did a pretty good job!
I went to the part store the other day and bought 3 shovels. I was asked a couple of times why I had 3 shovels...I told them I have 3 boys that were going to be digging my garden for me...The people just laughed *I am  not sure they believed me*
Chase is our go getter...He loves to work~

Tator Tot was a worker that day...So proud of him!

What a silly stinker face! Or is that his I am working hard face...After thinking about it...When Michael is working and concentrating on something, he makes the same face! Love it!

Chase was very determined to get that bag to stay on the little fence there...He has self motivation when it comes to working...YaY!
Daddy was explaining something about something...Bobcat kept asking questions...I hope someday they will look back at these pictures and remember this day...
After most of the hard work was done...The kids dug some serious holes. They all took turns being buried!

She really was in heaven with her family!

Look at this amazing, free, pallet fence. We appreciate all those who helped us with all the supplies to get it built!

I LOVE MY FENCE...AND I SURE LOVE THIS ADORABLE ONE WHO BUILT IT FOR ME *And of course all his little helpers! My girls painted my Mommabear Sign*

Built an amazing fire that night and roasted some marshies!

My first flowers in my flower garden....I loved it when they bloomed-Nothing says spring like colorful flowers!

I was overjoyed when I saw these babies pop up!

These ones are my favorite!

I love my 4 legged children...*Charlie needs a hair cut*
My brothers...I know this picture doesn't fit with the rest, but I came across this the other day, and it brought back memories...(I need a picture of my sister).

Over spring break we took a 'Break' from 'Working' and took the kids for an over nighter. We stayed in a hotel, and of course searched out for Michael and I's bed! He made himself a home real quick. We went to see a movie, and swam for hours in the pool. We then went camping a day later...*No Pictures! I was to busy enjoying the 'MOMENT'. We had a very nice spring break! I did not want it to end!!

**Get your photos out, and take a peek. If your having a bad day, grab your phone and scroll through your camera roll!! Remember the 'Moments' of your life.

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