Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have a real love for the piano. The sound...The apperance...The peace that can be found while playing it.

I learned how to play the piano at a young age, and never took it seriously...I don't think my teacher did either, she would bake cookies during my lessons...I finally told my mom that I no longer wanted to take lessons.  I don't know how she felt at that moment, but I remember being thrilled to death, to no longer having to take the bus ride out to the piano teachers home, and then having to walk back to my house afterwards *We are talking miles here-and at 10 years old, walking miles was not fun for me*.

I kept playing the piano, and got to the point to where I could pretty much play anything...(Not bragging...I am not, nor was I ever, a Mozart...But I was pretty good!)


I played the songs how I liked them, and if I didn't like how a song sounded, I wouldn't play it very often, and really never would put effort into the song. To this day, I still do this.

I have gotten so busy, or maybe just practice lazy, that I struggle to play songs that I used to breeze through. I have lost the confidence, that got me so determined to learn the hardest songs.

For over a year, I have had a very strong feeling that I needed to get to practicing again...I know! I know...OVER A YEAR!! HELLO...

I have allowed many things to effect my 'Confidence' and 'Determination' to do the things that I LOVE to do!


Well, for me, I have placed myself in a corner and have just forgotten about the things that are meaningful, and important to me. I have had my mind set, that I have to keep my family functioning that I have just let myself, and so many things that I have always enjoyed doing, go!

I am a wife...I have to be strong enough to be leaned on, when things are tough on my eternal partner. I am a mother...My children come first. 
I have, like all of the Mother's in the world, a very full plate...

I have filled my plate...I have chosen this road that I am on. I am not complaining!!

Well, for over 2 months...I guess since we drove away from Sass in Virginia, I have really been digging deep trying to find myself, once again...While having that still small voice whispering to me daily...

'Play the Piano!'

I no longer look at things, and get so angry and frustrated(Not as often, anyways...I still have my melt downs).
I have felt and seen and realized how quickly my life has changed, and is changing every day.

I have my challenges, and heartaches. I have my aches and pains. I have a 3 year old who is so very active, that I am afraid I may not be able to keep up with him much longer...He is a HUGE challenge for me!

So, mind over matter here...I stopped and listened to that small voice that again, while kneading my bread dough, whispered to me...

'Play the Piano!'

So, I sat down and pulled out a piano piece, that I have wanted to play for years....Ever since I first heard the song, way back when, when I was pregnant with Chase-some Seven years ago.

As I sat quietly at the piano bench, listening to the song in my head...I started to attempt playing the song by Ryan Stewart,

I can not explain, how peaceful, and calming it was for me...Even as I struggled to find the right notes, I think I just might be finding my confidence again. It will not be an overnight fix. I will have to practice often, daily if I really want to get back to where I was.

It is amazing to me, how our Heavenly Father knows what we need. It is so important that we use our talents, and remember that none of us are meant to be in a corner. We are were given special gifts, and we were given these gifts for a reason...

There are only 2 things that I absolutely enjoy doing-Getting out and walking/running, and playing the piano, and I rarely make time for doing these things any more.

Well, that has to change, before I am no longer able to do those things, and I completely forget about the importance of 'Me'.

Nothing will ever come before my husband or children. I will not put my wants before them, but there is no reason that I can't take a good couple of hours a day, to enjoy the things that I want. A mile only takes minutes. A piano song can be played while waiting for a load of wash to get done.

**I have to mention. FaceBook has taken away so much of my free time. I plan on changing this. Putting FB at the bottom of my to do list...It will not be an easy change...It is an automatic habit, that I have said I would be quitting several times**

Ok...So for me, the piano is a big release for me...

What is yours??

I say, whatever it is...Find a little time each day, and just do it. This may mean, prioritizing your time.
Make a list of things that need to be done, making sure to putting the most important at the top, and make yourself a schedule.

Piano Music, as I have mentioned several times, is so calming! I love the Piano...I love the violin...I really really enjoy the Piano Guys! Paul Cardall...Ryan Stewart.
I tend to ponder on my life, while listening to this type of music. It just kind of sets me in my place, reminding me of all of my blessing!

This is the song that I am learning...A little different...I could not find his original version in a video, other than his live one. I just really love this song!

This is my Mother. I love her dearly. I remember getting off of the bus and hearing her play the piano. I loved to hear her play. She did not read music, she played by ear...And she played Beautifully. I will always remember her example and love for the piano.

This is my piano that was my Mothers piano. It was the only thing that survived a house fire. It was made in 1893ish.
I just had this piano tuned, and the guy that came to do it, told me that I had a very special piano, and he played some amazing songs...Some people just have a knack for playing...It just comes naturally...Unfortunately, I have to work a little bit harder then others.


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