Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Just a real quick post to brag about my kids....I am their mother, and I do have the right :O)

All of our Children are pretty athletic. They are all different, and can do things I could never do...Or maybe I could, but never put much effort into doing...Shame on me!

I will talk about Champ first...
Champ is one very strong little boy that fears nothing. If he isn't an animal on the football field...I will be shocked.

Tator tot...Let me tell you that kid is mean. He won't put up with much. He ran into a pole at school, and he nearly took that pole out of the ground. He is so much like his dad and grandpa workman. He will be a beast. He is a little lazy, and loves to play video games...But he wrestles like an animal, and his brothers keep him in shape.

Chase...He is a go getter. He has a true desire to be great. He loves to please, and likes to learn...Best part about Chase, is that he is a self motivator.  His Baseball coach told him to get a ball and toss it in the air and catch it...Well, that is all he wants to do. Chase a lot to learn, and he needs to learn patience...I watch him at practice, and when the coach has him in the outfield, he does not have the patience waiting for a ball...Once he gets it all figured out, he will do great things.
 Bagdad Little League's photo.

Jazzi...This girls has attitude. She is a brat...But she is a go getter as well. She will not be messed with...She has her mind set. She wants to learn, and she wants to be the best. She has confidence...I pray she will continue to have confidence *The world better leave her alone, and not bring her down!* Her coach asked her if she wanted to pitch like her sisters...Jazzi said 'No! I want to play first base!!' Good for you Jazzi!

Bagdad Little League's photo.

Bobcat...Pure monster...quick hands...Pretty darn tough...Loves to please...Loves to make his coach happy...But is a tender beast. Bobcat takes it all to heart. He enjoys playing, and doesn't complain. He would practice for hours if the coach would let him.

Bagdad Little League's photo.

Jessi...Jessi has a hidden talent. On the field, and on the track. She doesn't even realize that she has this talent...But one day she will. She is timid, and ever so positive. She will do whatever the coach asks of her. She will work, but it takes a little more effort to get her going.
She had a track meet yesterday, and she took 1st in the Long Jump, and the 800 meter dash. She was so very proud of herself, and she said it was so much fun. She said it was amazing how it felt to pass a girl to get first... It always feels good to win. But heres the thing about Jessi, even if she loses...She is smiling. Her relay team got last in the 4X4, and all she said was 'Its ok! We tried!'... Love her attitude!!
She really wants to be a catcher in softball...I would love to see her work at it... :O)
Jessi looks pretty proud of herself! *Jazzi the little photo bomber!*  
I am finding that I am saying that all the kids are GO GETTER's!! What can I say...*I am their Mother you know...*

Nicci...She is a rock star. She is doing so well in softball right now. She plays J.V. and Varsity, and she is as happy as can be. She is the pitcher for J.V. and the left fielder for Varsity with the every now and then pitcher. She is left handed, bats left handed and right handed...Throws right handed, and pitches right handed...How is that even possible. I think Nicci is amazing...*I can say that, because I am her mother*. Nicci is very strong, fast, emotional, determined to beat the odds type of girl! I couldn't be more proud of her! She is a natural...*again...I am her mother. I can say that!*
**I do not have a picture that I can download :O( **

Justin...He is an amazing self motivator. He is his biggest critic. He is very strong and determined to be the strongest. He works hard-He has too! Much of his talent does not come naturally...Everything that he has accomplished he has had to put a ton of time into... He loves football...He does very well. He loves Baseball, and works hard at getting better at the game every day. Justin is fast, isn't afraid of getting hurt, wants to be the best...One thing everyone should know about Justin is he loves his family. His little brothers and sisters mean the world to him. He helps us with Champ, and Tator Tot will wait up at night waiting for Justin to get home. We have just one more year with this kid...Let the tears begin. WE all love to have J around!

JP was very fortunate to be on a team that worked so hard to become State Champs in Football this year. A season they will never ever forget!! And a Ring to show off! Pretty awesome!

Last but not least...Our amazing go getter Sass.
She has worked so hard to be a great pitcher. Like Justin, Sass has had to work hard at everything that she does. Sass has had so many ups and downs. Her senior year softball season was a tough one for her...and the whole team. She is now at SVU, playing softball. She has great teammates, and she has good coaches that let her know when she needs to get to work. Sass has pitched in several games and has struggled here and there. She is 18 and still so young...Sass has so much room to grow and become stronger. I hope she will continue to work through all the nerves and pressure. Her daddy and I are soooo impressed and proud of her. WE get so excited when we can see her play online *I literally get teary eyed wanting so much to reach the the computer to hold her*. We miss her horribly, but we know Sass is really starting to enjoy where she is at.
Sass is quick, and will do whatever is asked of her...She is stubborn, and she does have a determination about her that non of the other kids have...I think it is because she is the oldest... You keep working Sass. Have confidence daughter!
I believe...YOU believe!!
**I have a photo that I would love to share, but would need permission before doing so...Maybe later**

I love sports. I think sports are important and can be used to teach kids so many things...Coaches have a tough role to play. They are not just out there to win games, and teach the kids the fundamentals about the sport, they are to teach the kids discipline and respect. I always want the coaches to be make my kids work...I want them to be hard on all of my kids, and I want my kids to grow learning from other adults, not just their parents...It is important.

I do not say that all kids should be athletes.
Music, dance, art, science...There are so many great things out there of our children.

Most importantly...Parents...We have to be there for the kids! Supporting them, giving them confidence to shine! There are so many unkind children and adults out there that can crush a kids hopes and determination. That is why, we as parents, need to be tough on our kids...But always building the kids up-Help them see their talents, whatever they are, and give them the stool to step on so that they may reach their goals...**I have been told that I 'Coddle' the kids...I am not sure the kids would agree with you...Maybe  you could ask them during the summer, and off seasons**

Heres to working hard, and being confident...

BE CONFIDENT Sass, JP, Nicci, Jessi, Bobcat, Jazzi, Mountain Lion, Tator Tot, and Champ.

***I am proud of ALL of the kids. Each one of them are so very unique and special***

Oh! And let me make it very very clear...There is more to life then sports...We know this and believe this.

And NO...Our children don't have to much of a choice. They are athletes...BUT...They all can sing along with a couple of piano clinkers as well! So there is musical talent..There just isn't much offered around here-Give us band, and we will have Pacheco's signing up! Give us Choir, and we will have Pacheco's signing up!  I am all for them doing it all!
*Even JP can sing!*

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