Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A birthday, A garden, A snake, and a challenge!!

I am just a little bit behind on posting a couple of things, so I thought I would sit and get caught up today...*I could use a good sit down day*.

To start off...

This little girl had a birthday!

Our miss Jazzi, is now 9 years old. This girl is growing up way to fast...Physically and mentally.
Jazzi is becoming her own little lady...Her teen years are gonna be scary *For Me and her Dad*.
She is a gorgeous little stinker. Jazzi still clings to her brother Bobcat, but has really grown to love her sisters Nicci and Jessi. I absolutely love that her and Jessi will go and put make up on together just to play.
*Love that they act their age! Times they both will remember*

I can not express how much I adore this young lady. Jazzi is our baby girl, and she knows it!
We love you Jazzi! Keep singing...You have an amazing voice!
**Jazzi has the most beautiful eyes...Unique! Next time you see her, take a peek**
She is a tiny 'Mean' thing!

Next up... My amazingly, wonderful Mom and Dad came for a quick visit!
*My MoM and DaD...They are so cute! Our Jazzi is just like her Grandmother-Prissy and Neat! 
My MoM, never goes to the kids games, it is just to dirty and boring...But while they were here, she went and watched all the games-She even ate sunflower seeds(But she didn't spit em', she is a Lady you know!)*

My parents have come to Bagdad around this time of year, for the last several years, to help our family, put our garden in.

The garden looks amazing! I am so thankful for my parents...I love watching the plants grow, and watching my little ones go out and pick the veggies and eat them...Its the simple things I so enjoy the most! I hope that the kids will always remember the Gardens we grew.
*While out watering the garden, Champ asked what I was doing. I told him I was watering our Garden..Champ got serious and said, 'No! Its Grandpa's Garden!!'...I love that the kids recognize that their Grandpa Workman had a lot to do with our garden.
**We also juiced a zillion oranges and Tangilo's that my dad picked and brought-The juice didn't last long-We had it drank in no time!**
My parents will be back to Bagdad around June, to do potatoes...I look forward to that.


When we moved into this house up on the Hill, we were told that Rattlesnakes have been seen every summer in the yard, on the porch, and slithering down street...

A lady who used to live in this house with her little kids, told me she would go out and check the yard every day before allowing her kids to go out and play... 

So, with all of this information that I was given, I was a little bit nervous about moving up here...

We have lived here for nearly 5 years now, and we have never ran into a Rattler. We have had plenty of Bull snakes, and King snakes, but nothing that makes the rattling sound...


Sunday, Easter afternoon. 

Jessica had gone out looking for our cat Petra. She was barefoot, and wasn't paying attention, and nearly stepped on a young diamond back on our porch near the garage... She saw it, and rushed inside. 

Jessica came in and told Justin about it, and instantly the Snake Hunter went to see...With a bat in hand..
*A Bat! Come on Snake Hunter...(I guess it is Baseball season)*

After Jessi came and told me, I rushed out to make sure our Snake Hunter didn't need back up. 
When I got out to the Garage, there Justin was no shoes on with his bat, playing with the snake...
*Great! Just what I wanted to see-I wish we could have gotten a picture of all of this!*

Michael went and got a shovel, but by the time he had gotten back to the snake, the Snake Hunter had already taken care of it...the hard way....*Had he had a shovel, it would have been quick and easy*

I am now on edge a little bit, and probably won't let the kids go and play up on the hill as much this summer, if at all! 

We also have had a run in with a ginormous centipede *The Bug Man will be here tomorrow!* To bad there isn't some kind of spray to keep the snakes away...

It is just that time of year for all the creepy crawlies to come out...YUCK!! I just hope that the kids know how to recognize the good bugs/snakes from the bad bugs/snakes...I have a hard time myself, telling the difference between the bull snakes and the rattlers...I have learned that rattlers have big heads...I have seen several snakes while out running...Not always seeing the rattlers tail. Nor, have the rattlers always curled up, giving me a false sense of safety. Glad I don't want to play with snakes, because if it wasn't curled up rattling at me, I wouldn't know the difference every time...*I am finding that I want to learn more about these horrible things*.

Now-Moving forward...

I have given myself a challenge...

Not to long ago, Justin got himself off of all the social networks...FaceBook and Twitter.
Well, he didn't last long. He is now booking and tweeting again.

I asked him why he went back onto them...They are both just poisen with tons of nonsense drama.

Justin told me he was bored, and that it got hard not to sign in and get caught up. 
I was proud of him for getting off, but don't really care if he is back on...We try to keep up with what is going on, along with keeping up with how Sass, Justin, and Nicci post and comment-It is nice to know what our kids are dealing with on a daily basis while at school...


For some months now, and especially when Justin got off of the social networks, I have really thought about getting off of the Social Media as well.

So, the last few days, I have asked myself some questions.

1. Why are you on FB?
2. Why do you always feel like you 'Have' to get on to read everyone's updates?
3. Does FB make you feel good or bad?
4. Does FB take a lot of your time?
5. Do you think people really care about your posts?
6. Do you think you can go without having to check in on your FB account?
7. Why do you feel you have to post?

To answer the questions...

1. I have no idea why I am on FB, really. After really pondering on this, I do not know why. I do enjoy seeing how friends that I never get to see, are doing. I have a hand full of people that I look for daily. FB is nearly the only 'Adult Time' I get-Sort of an outlet, nearly the only outlet that I get. 

2. I have no clue. I find that I feel nosey...'OH! So that is what is going on!'. I don't wanna feel left out. If it wasn't for FB, I wouldn't have a clue what is going on in town. I am a hermit! 

3. FB makes me feel good sometimes, and bad sometimes. I find that I am frustrated with people on a daily basis, because of their posts or comments...THE WHINING!! My Gosh! Maybe you shouldn't have had kids, and maybe you should just move since your so miserable with where you are at...And Oh My Gosh! The personal stuff, that even I find personal...I am an open book, but even I know there is a line on being private with some personal things-DO NOT CROSS that line! People read into stuff way to much!!
There are not very many people who are happy with their lives...always needing a break from their reality. Yeah! FB annoys me!

4. I will catch myself looking at my phone every brake that I have. If I sit down for a minute, I grab my phone and get connected...When I look around-At the store, the kids ball games, at restraunts, while people are walking, or while kids are at the park...Everyone has their phones in their face. Maybe not everyone is on FB or Twitter, but man O' man...Would we even survive without cell phones? 
Back to my answer...Yes! Every extra second that I have, which isn't many, I will be thinking about signing in to scroll through FB. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I will grab my phone and get to Scrolling...*I have gotten a little bit better about that one. I will read articles, and scriptures more-That is so much more calming and relaxing*... Way to much of my precious time, is spent on FB.

5. No! Maybe some...But I post a lot during the day, and I think I have become a pain in everyone's News Feed. In reality, my family may be the only people who really care what is going on in 
Toi's world.

6. I gave it a go yesterday, and I will admit...I was reaching for my phone often. I had a hard time not getting onto FB. I deleted the app. off of my phone, and I have gone through FB withdrawels! Isn't that insane...It has been alittle bit easier today, but the urge is still there...It will not be easy to wean myself from FB.

7. The other day, I sat down at the computer, and I let my fingers share some of my thoughts. NOBODY really cares...But, yet I felt that I know that I am not the only who feels this way, and most of the time I post to maybe help someone else. I want to be a positive example (Even though my post the other day was not so positive...I had a pretty rough day!) Why not allow others to know they aren't the only ones struggling...But really in reality, it comes off the wrong way, and I am sure people start to assume things. All in all...I have no idea! I do know that I LOVE to share the quotes with pictures. Anything positive...along with anything that just might give someone else a smile and something to giggle about.


So here is what I am going to do...and have done since yesterday. 

I have deleted FB off of my phone. I have Twitter still, but I do not like Twitter that much, and find that I rarely am on it. I will also remove FB from my iPad. I do most of my blogging from my iPad, because I will sit with the boys while they are watching a movie, and blog *As I am doing right now!*. This way I am not tempted to ALWAYS be logged into FB, Scrolling. I will get used to it. I will probably end up being on Pintrest all the time, but that only influences me to be more productive. FB does absolutely nothing for my production throughout the day.

If I want to get onto FB, I will go on while I am at the computer, which is not very often.

I am going to try to blog more. That way, those who really care, and want to know how I am doing, and what is going on in my life, can read about it. I enjoy typing away without feeling like I am writing to big of a FB post, bothering everyone. 
I have said and have tried this before, but nobody said I can't keep trying, and working at it...
Blog More, FB less!

I am quite sure that I will still go on FB and post every now and then *Only from the computer*
Why not!?

FaceBook is an addiction. It is almost overwhelming the thought of NEVER getting back onto FB. I am wondering if I will start to tremble and start to sweat profusely. Maybe, that is why I am not completely getting off, just trying to cut back...keeping it from being within my reach all day long.

I have amazing things going on around me, every day. Whether it be amazingly crazy busy, or amazingly peaceful and relaxing...There is always something going on around me. I wanna go back to the way it used to be before I got onto FB...I was kept so busy outside, and inside and all of my thoughts were on making this home and life amazing...and CLEAN! My every minute was being used for the greater good :O) 

I will get my time away...Because we all need a little bit of time away *Not days...Or hours!* but a good hour out on the road running or walking or skipping or tripping (In my case)...Even just going down to get the mail-A good 15 minute break, and I am ready to take on the things that I take on, on a daily basis again.

Some day, I will live out in the woods, away from all of the technology that distracts us from all the important stuff...We really can live without it all...

Smiling while Keeping myself focused, wondering how long I will survive without FB, and counting down the days until Sass comes home for the Summer... :O)

***16 days until she leaves, and 18 days until she gets home... 

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