Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Just a few more days!!

In just a few more days our Sass will be home...

This was on the way to Virginia to drop Sass off-We had fun-BOY! I was Tired...
All of us have missed her so darn bad!!!

The selfish part of me NEVER wants Sass to leave-EVER AGAIN!
But I do know that going to Virginia, might have been the best thing for her!

We can't wait to hug and hear her laugh! The kids are DYING for their older sister to return...

It is amazing, how close the kids are. It warms my heart so very much. They have their moments, but those moments are so few and far between...And they usually end with everyone laughing again.

I hope that when they all grow up, they will continue to love one another, and be there for eachother...
*Sass has received a phone call here and there, from a sibling or two asking for advice and wanting comfort! It all comes with being the oldest I guess! Sass is very much loved and admired by her family*

Sass may be busy all summer, and I may not see her much, but she will be home here and there. I can't wait for the slow days and just getting to chillax with her...
*Can't there just be a University of Bagdad that she can attend??*

Sass, her cousin Taylor and a friend leave for Arizona tomorrow...I will be praying for their safe travels...It is a very long drive, and I will worry.

Sass should be home by Sunday!!!! A perfect Mothers Day Gift...

Just real quick...Because I can't seem to get this off of my mind...

The other day, the Adorable One and I were in WalMart. I was waiting for Michael to get out of the Restroom...As I was sitting there, a worn out man with two carts with SEVERAL *I guessed around 8 or 9* children, happen to stop right in front of me. The Dad was helping the little ones out of the cart so that they could go to the bathroom. I did not see a Mother, but a couple of teenage girls there to help...
He was yelling a bit-He was frustrated.
Both carts were full of groceries and children, so I understand why.

The Adorable One came out, and I went in...Michael noticed this man, and asked him how many children he had...He told Michael '18'!!!!  Michael giggled, and told him that we don't have 18, but that we do have 9 and we understand...They went on to talk about shopping with a bunch of kids, and how hard it is...

It is kinda TOUGH!

This Dad, looked tired, angry, and miserable! I am not judging...I just have thought about it, and wondered to myself...'Do I Look like that!'

Having a lot of kids is HARD! Our kids are pretty close in age, and we have been non stop for the past 19 years.

You go through a zillion stages with children, with a lot of the stages happening all at once...You have one in diapers, one potty training, one acting out, one going through puberty, one finding their independence and so on and so on! There isn't much of a break...Growing up is pretty much consistent.

There is no sleep *As mentioned in a hundred different blog posts*. You worry, A LOT! You are in a hundred different directions all at the same time *How does that happen-Oh Yeah! You have active children*.

I used to never be late...I was always determined to be on time to school, church, sports practices and games...I was on the ball! With 8 kids, I did really good-Well...You add a Champion to the mix, and bammm! You are now completely unorganized and LATE to everything...

You have people who will say, 'Well maybe you shouldn't have had so many kids!'.
I can not complain, or vent without someone saying 'You should have thought about that before having so many kids!'.

SO...I try not to complain at all-Which is sometimes hard!

Very few people get it...

If I were to turn back time, and go back to when Michael and I were first married....I seriously, would not change one thing-Each trial has helped us grow.

We were done at 4, with a miscarriage giving me the feeling to have 5...Just to have the gut feeling that 6 would be it. We were thrilled with 6-piece of cake! If we would have stopped at 6, life would be a ton easier and we would probably be a bit more financially stable...But Heavenly Father had other plans for us. Soon there would be 7, 8 and 9. Just like that...

I couldn't imagine my life without my children, each one of them (Yes I know I say this all the time, but I want everyone to know that we are thankful for our family!). 
It is hard, and I am worn out! The Adorable One is as well-We both are clinging to adrenaline to get us through each day.

We have been blessed with a great family! People can think what they would like...They don't understand the amazing gift we have been given...After all ... the sole purpose of life, is to build a family.

So if I am late, or if I seem a tad worn down...Please don't assume that I am living a bad life that I can not handle...and that maybe I should of thought about it first before having another child just to have another child. We were meant to be parents of these amazing 9 children-Period! Just as you were to have your 2 or 3 or 5...maybe 18, 19, or 20.

One thing I have learned, is...


Not that having a child at an older age is bad, but I can tell you this...I had a ton more energy when we first started to have kids...I was 20 when Sass was born...and 35 when Champ was born. There was a huge difference! Even now, trying to get everything done like I used to, is a challenge!
So if your able, and you have a choice...*Because sometimes it's not up to you*
I recommend having kids while your young and dumb! *I was pretty dumb...And had a lot to learn but I had the energy to accomplish a lot of learning*

To sum it all up...

I am not miserable! Times are hard, and I will struggle...But I will fight my way through...not ever questioning 'WHY' *Even though I like to joke about it...'WHY 9?'*

I sure hope that I do not give off the same impression like the Dad in WalMart did-he looked like he was about to lose it and blow!
But I bet, if we would have had more to time to chat, we would of found out that he loves his large family...regardless of how hard it is!

Life would be pretty darn boring if it wasn't the way it is now! Pure Pacheco Chaos!

There is always something exciting going on...Like Sass coming home!

Enjoy the children you have and enjoy every moment...You have so much to gain from being a parent... Do it and Love it!

Smiling :O)

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