Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our Sass is Home!! *I am a little late sharing*

I am a little bit behind on getting this blog post written, and posted.

I have been pretty busy physically, emotionally, and mentally! I have not been able to see straight...
This has caused me to forget important things, and feel ever so bogged down...I could use a vacation, off where there are no distractions, and absolutely nothing to wake me up in the middle of the night...*Clear blue water, and some white sand would also be nice*

Well, since I am unable to go on a vacation, I will have to settle with the fact that summer vacation is just around the corner... *We ALL need a break from somebody else's 'Schedule'...*

To go back, and to share how thrilled we were to have Sass show up at the Baseball Game last Friday....

Sass, her cousin, and the stow away, left Buena Vista VA, on Thursday early afternoon...11:30 Arizona time.

They drove straight through. They would stop to fill up, use the restroom, grab a snack, change drivers-and were just on the go all the way home.

My brother in law, showed me an app for my phone that would allow me to see where the kids were. It is a  phone tracker, and I LOVED installing the app.

I had watched my phone, all night Thursday night, into Friday morning. At one point, I had checked my phone, and it said 'Unable to Track!'... My heart started to pound, and I will admit...I FREAKED out a little bit! I said a little prayer, and kept saying 'Please! Please! Please!' *I know I was overreacting*
...Finally after a good 10 minutes, the kids popped up on my phone screen, and I was able to breath normal again. PHEW! Talk about worried!

I could not believe how fast they got to Texas~New Mexico~

Before I knew it, they were in ARIZONA!

I received a text from Sass, and she let me know that they were gonna try hard to get to the boy's game...And I was not suppose to tell anyone!!

That was tough!

Nicci's softball team were staying the night in the valley, and Nicci wanted to stay. It was kinda hard to convince her to come with us instead...Her 'Boy' Friend, helped me convince her to come with us...Yay! Nicci would be able to see Sass when she first got there.

My Dad, Michael's Mom and Dad were also there with us...It was gonna be a sweet reunion.

We waited patiently, watching the boys game. Finally, Michael and my Brother in Law went to the gate to let Sass and her cousin in...

They walked over to where we were sitting, and I was so happy to see them.

As I hugged Sass, Nicci came running and took our hug completely over...I was pushed out :O)

Sass was excited to see her parents, but she was more thrilled to see her siblings! *or so it seemed*

It was hard to hold the tears in...We missed Sass so much.

Nicci was emotional, and was overwhelmed... Everyone was excited to see the kids get home safely!

As the boys game ended, I couldn't wait to see Justin's face when he recognized Sass.
It was pretty special...I can't put it into words.

We sent a picture of Sass to the rest of the family that were not able to go to the games with us...Jessica called me, and in a very excited voice, she asked 'Is Cassy with you?' I handed the phone to Sass, and Jessica was completely silent...She was balling! Jessi was one HAPPY little sister!

We went and ate some grub, meeting up with Justin and his team, laughing and really feeling amazing! 

When we finally made it home to Bagdad, Sass's 2 little sisters were waiting up...They attacked. They were so happy to see their oldest sister.
*The boys were asleep, but let me tell you...Early Saturday morning, they ran and jumped all over Sass! We have our daughter home!!*

5 months isn't that long. But it was LONG! In all honesty, we all struggled without Sass around! 
If I had my way, we would all be together from here on out...

But as life would have it, we know that isn't possible. Kids have to grow up, and grow. They have to go to college, go on missions, find that one special person and have families of their own. I just hope and pray that they don't move to far away from their mother and father...We will miss them terribly!

One thing that this whole thing has gotten me to really realize, and has got me focused *More than ever*...

I want my family together For all Eternity! Forever...

When I die, I want to be up in my chair holding hands with the Adorable One in heaven waiting patiently for each one of our children to come home!

In order for that to happen, I have to live right...And so does my husband and children.

Living right isn't that hard...Is it?? 

I will not be perfect, ever! But I can for sure try.

I have a lot to work on, and I have some challenges in front of me...But I just can't imagine no greater motivation other then my Family.

I have had a small taste of what it would be like without one of my children...It was sad, and even though Sass was just a phone call away, I was missing her horribly.

I don't want to live in the Eternities feeling that way. 

I can't change others, and I can't make others live the way that they should, but I can change myself...And I can do whatever it takes to live the way that I should being an example! *It isn't gonna always be easy!*

I am so thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ. Because of him, I can repent and live again...With my family!!

And when you think about it...It is simple! God's plan is simple-We make it hard! 

One thing I do know, is you can not live a worldly life, and expect to be given a peaceful life...We have to do our part!

I am ever so thankful to have our family together again...We are a puzzle, and each one of us is a huge piece... I want to be a complete puzzle in this life, and in the next!

All I can do is be an example, and get rid of the things that are damaging to my eternal goals...One day at a time, one Stepping stone at a time.

Feeling pretty darn good about whats coming up...

**Sass got a job, and has already started. She will be working her fanny off trying to get back to SVU-She made some really good friends there...She has not decided whether or not she will be playing ball again, but her Mother has great confidence that she will...She loves the game!

The kids only have 9 more days of school...YAY! We will take the first week of summer off, but starting in June we will get on the ball and get our running shoes on...along with some reading and writing done here and there. I have to be focused a little bit on Tator Tot....He will be in Kindergarten next year, and we have some work to do! 

By the time the summer is over, we will have a college student, a senior, a sophomore, a 7th grader, 2 4th graders, a 1st grader, and 1 Kindergartner...I will only have 1 kiddo home next year...I am not sure how I am gonna handle that! My kids are growing up and I am loving every little second of it!! Even the tough stuff...KIDS GROW UP FAST!!! FASTER THEN YOU REALIZE-UNTIL THEY ARE GONE. Don't fret the small stuff. Teach with love and patience. HUG often. Forgive as our Father in Heaven forgives us. Remember the bright side to life. Give and show your children how to give and to not be selfish. Be thankful for the gift of being able to have a child**

***Mother's day was nice. It was not full of gifts, foot rubs, or even relaxation*I did get a yellow rose from church, and a dozen white roses from Nicci's 'Boy' Friend...(He did a pretty good job of kissing up-I LOVE Roses!!)*. 
Mothers Day was filled with family, working on the 'Yellow Rose' that means a whole lot to this Pacheco Family. We appreciate all the effort that was made to get that Bug from California to Arizona for Sass to drive! 
It was the small things that made my Mother's Day so special...Along with having ALL of my kids around me! 

Love Life...Focus on the important things in life...Be good to yourself...Stop complaining about the things you can not change, and work harder on the things that you can!

Smiling :O)

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