Monday, June 30, 2014

Be a happy wife! It helps :O)

".....Very largely does the wife hold in her hands, as a sacred trust---the happiness and the highest good of the hearts that nestle in the home...Her spirit gives the home it's atmosphere.
Her hands fashion it's beauty.
Her heart makes it's love.
And the end is so worthy, so noble, so divine---that no wife should consider any price to great to pay--to be the light, the joy, the blessing, the inspiration of her home!" J.R Miller

Being a wife...What a great calling in life it is to be a wife.

One thing I have learned the last couple of years, is how important it is to understand my place as a wife. My attitude is so important!!

When I decided to get married, I knew that I was committed. I was going to be the BEST wife ever...Period!!

'For better or worse. Good days and bad days. In sickness and health...' You bet cha!! I was in it. I was ready to completely devote myself to my sweet husband...I was 19...Very enthusiastic and optimistic!

**We have experienced all of the above..The good-the Bad-the Ugly.**

The day Michael and I were married, I knew there was no turning back, and that I would always want to be 'Michael Pacheco's wife!'... Marriage isn't something to take lightly-Becoming a wife is a huge commitment.

I chose not to be the wife that was lazy. I was not going to be that wife that as soon as the husband got home from work, I was handing him the kids. I refused to be the nagging wife. I was not going to be the 'Mother' wife. I was going to be the awesome wife. The wife that knew her place, and took care of the home wife*Don't worry-I do feel that I can do more than just be a housewife-I have just chosen to be a housewife*.
I Was never going to be the 'NAG' wife. I was going to be the supportive wife...'Go ahead and go play cards' wife....The Good Wife!

I've done pretty good with most of the things I have mentioned...But there is one thing that I have failed to do on a daily basis...ONE thing that if I had the chance to tell all the soon to be wives...Giving any kind of advice...

Show your husband your happy to see him...Always.

You had a bad day. The kids are driving you insane. The housework and/or your job, was never ending and very hard-YOU are worn out. Your feet hurt. Your back hurts. Your just about sick of all the daily duties....Your job is WAY harder than his!
So when your husband comes home after having a rough day at work, he walks through the door-walks over to you and kisses your cheek and says 'Hey Babe! How was your day?'... For some reason you figured that was your cue to download...Completely forgetting for a good 5 to 10 minutes that your husband just walked through the door after having a crappy day. You might want to tell him you were angry about the messes he left before work. You might want to not even talk to him because for whatever reason, your mad. After awhile, this becomes routine...Your husband will not want to come in and kiss you on the cheek. He isn't gonna want to sit and listen to all the Negative stuff that you have to share. Before you know it, You hear your husband come through the door, and you don't acknowledge that he is home...And he no longer takes a minute to see how you are doing. He takes his Boots off and heads for the couch...

A wife can make or break a husbands spirit.

I will never forget one day, I had one of the those 'Bad' days...One thing after another type of days.
When my adorable husband came home from work. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed me, hugged and kissed me...While smiling, he asked me 'How was your day?'...There was my cue, And I went off... Michael's  smile went away, he dropped his arms...And waited quietly until I finally stopped 'Downloading'. He calmly said, 'Can't you just be grateful for what you have?', and walked away.

At that moment...I felt pretty darn bad for my attitude...I felt selfish...*This was years ago!*

Come to find out Michael had a really rough day at work...But he didn't come home and just start to rant..He came to me with a smile on his face...Hoping I would return the smile to help brighten his day...I will never ever forget this day *What a slacker wife*.

Before Michael and I were married, it didn't matter where I was or what was going on-When I saw my Teddy Bear...I was smiling from ear to ear...I was always so excited to see him.

Over time...After having kids, and living life...That was harder to do. Not because I wasn't happy to see Michael, but I allowed 'Life' to control me, some what taking over my emotions. Kinda like, I can't be happy-My day was just to hard! As if, if I smiled and showed happiness, my bad day wouldn't be important. I was wanting my husband to come in and baby me...Feel sorry for me...It was about me and how I was feeling.  My job and role in this marriage is just harder than his *I have thought this a few times*. I am stuck at home all day. I have the kids all day. I have to find something to cook EVERY DAY! I have the laundry...the cleaning...the running around...the this and that...My job is harder! I work 24/7 and never have a day off *how many times have we said that?*... I think we tend to forget that our husbands leave the home, go to work-Either physically or mentally wearing themselves out-Give our husbands some credit...Take a minute or two to think about what they do all day...I have done this, and I tend to become thankful for what Michael does on a daily basis.

There is a time and a place to talk about our bad days...And I can tell you this...It isn't the second our husbands walk through the door. Don't vent when it is all so fresh...Ugly words are used, and moods are easily destroyed by doing this. Wait until later on, after calming down-when the moment is quiet and calm. Things are easily discussed when both husband and wife are open to listening and ready to hear what the other person has to say.

Greet your Husband at the door if possible. Let the kids see your excitement when Daddy comes home-You will come to find out that that creates a smile all in itself. Smile and hug your husband. Let him know that you want him home-Happy to see him...Kiss him good morning. Kiss him goodnight. Kiss him every chance you get.


Don't allow 'Life' to take from the reasons why you got married in the first place...Remember, your husband is your best friend...

If your husband comes home, walks through the door and starts to download his day's events on you before you even had a chance to say 'Hey Babe! How was your day?'... Wait until he is done, give him a hug and tell him your glad to see him. Avoid the frustration, and become consistent...Before you know it, he won't start off with the rant...I bet he starts to ask you how your day was.

Be that bright light for your husband. Be slow to anger...Be quick to Love.

Positive thoughts and positive changes... 


Smiling :O)

1 comment:

  1. You always seem happy to me - I love your family. Keep being YOU - the radiance is felt by all....

