Friday, August 1, 2014

Poof! There goes July...THERE GOES SUMMER!!

I want to start this post off, by announcing to the world, that I have MISSED blogging.
I have missed sitting down and just letting my thoughts go, praying that my fingers will be able to keep up.

Way back when, I was talking to some fellow sisters about starting a Blog. One sister looked at me like 'Yeah! Right...When are you going to have the time!!'... I remember looking at her and thinking to myself...I will prioritize my time and give myself enough time each day to at least start a blog post.

Easier said than done...I DO NOT HAVE MUCH TIME! 

My days, like most every other Mothers day, is full of chaos. There really are the few and far between days that I can just sit and rest...Or Blog.

But, by allowing myself to be overwhelmed with all the chaos of life, I have really missed doing some of the things that I love to do the most. Things that are important in helping me to stay in tune with my inner self. Sounds a little nuts, Right??

If you were to think about the things that help you keep in touch with your inner self, I am quite sure you could think of a few things.

For me, Running-Blogging-Gardening, help me to keep in touch with 'Me'. I will sit and talk to myself, think to myself, and really ponder on the many things in my life that are both good and bad.
I will be able to focus, and put things into perspective.

I have struggled to do any of this for quite some time now... I long for my deep thinking time. I long for sitting and hearing my thoughts talk to me... *I swear! I am not a crazy woman just yet!*

I have been able to run here and there, but nothing like I would normally do. 
Blogging takes time, and it takes me being able to be in a quiet spot for just a bit, so that I can focus and not lose track of my thoughts...In our home it is NEVER quiet! 
Gardening, takes a good 30 minutes each day, and I just haven't really had 30 minutes to get out and pull the weeds, and to talk to the plants...*Really! I am not crazy!!* So now, I have a very overgrown garden that screams at me every time I go out to grab a cucumber or tomato. I just don't have much time to stay...And I MISS THAT!

Well, with school starting-I just may be able to pull myself together-At least for an hour or two!

Moving forward...

I don't know about everyone else, but Summer flew by way to fast. May was over-June was started-I blinked and June was over...July got here, and OH MY GOSH!!! POOF! It was gone. I have had a hard time thinking back to what in the world we did that made it go by so fast...
LIFE!! We basically 'Did' Life! 

To go back into July...I have to say, July was a pretty good month.

Michael got home just in time for the 4th of July-That was exciting for us.
Bagdad always has plenty of stuff to do for the 4th. One of the things we enjoy participating in is the 4K run that they have each year...*Or maybe I should say 'I' enjoy the 4K* 
In the years past, the race began at 7:00am, but this year it started at 6:30-I missed the Memo! 
I recieved one email about the race, and I failed to notice the big poster down at the Post Office, that clearly noted the dates and times of all the 4th July activities....So yes! You guessed it...Our Pacheco Family was late-We got down to the starting line just before 7:00-The race had already begun :O(

We were not going to even get into the race because everyone had already started and were probably already headed back, but the Time keeper and awesome guy in charge convinced us to join in anyways, and that he would time us on a different timer. 

Sass, Nicci, Jessi, Bobcat, Jazzi, Tator Tot, and Champ decided to walk. *Michael and Justin didn't go with us*

Last year I ran it with Bobcat-This year I ran it with Mr. Chase AKA 'Mountain Lion'... 
*I love my running buddies!*

The race starts at the bottom of Bruce Mine road-It is a good half mile of nothing but up hill. 
As we were getting up the hill,  I hear little footsteps behind Chase and I, Guess what?? Jazzi decided to run it instead of walking it...GOOD GIRL!! It didn't take long for Jazz to pass her brother and I...That little string bean had no trouble running.

Before we knew it, we were catching up with everyone, and passing some on the way back down. Chase ran his little heart out! I pushed him, he pushed me...And would you believe it...Chase got first for his age group, and beat the time of some of the older boys. I got second in my age group, and have no idea what my time was-Don't think I wanna know (I will be out there every day trying to beat it-It is best I don't know!). Jazzi rocked it for her age group and got first! I am not sure she ever even got out of breath!

At the end of the race, Mountain Lion put it into to gear and sprinted...I just stayed behind him watching with pride. It isni't a big race-but it is a BIG deal when you see your 7 year old son work so hard! Just amazing...It was a challenge to keep up with Mountain Lion...Next year, I may not be able to.

Last year Bobcat got first, Jessica got first, and I took second for my age group. Good memories *For this Momma anyways!*

Next year, I am going to get Jessi, Jazzi, Bobcat, and Chase to run it...With a possible Tator tot-He may be my running buddy for next year! I will only have 2 little guys that I will be able to keep up with.

After the race, we went home and snagged Daddy to head down to the parade. Justin was in the parade, so he was already gone. 

The kids are all growing up so everything that we do, is starting to get a little bit easier. I didn't have to hold Champs hand the whole time, I got to sit back and enjoy it all for the most part. 
We filled a bag full of candy, and just enjoyed our little home town Parade. 
*it is pretty special to watch your little ones and even your not so little ones run out to grab the candy that is being thrown out*

Michael and I ditched out on some of the events that they had after the parade-Trust me when I say-We were pooped!
But, we were not to tired to BBQ! Michael grills some seriously amazing food! So our 4th of July dinner was of course amazing.

We enjoyed our dinner, and got ready for our most favorite part of the 4th Of July day...
Fireworks!! We live in the perfect spot to watch the fireworks...And this year they were just amazing. Just like last years....We were not disappointed! 

Throughout July, everyone was busy working. Sass and Justin both were gone every day. Nicci was my right hand man, helping me keep the house in order. 

The two girls, Nicci and Jessi, had Young Womens camp. This was Jessi's first year-She was so excited. The girls both said that it was so awesome, and that it was a lot of fun...I am so glad. 

To finish out July, we went on a little overnighter with the kids. What a good time we had...Of course there were some bumps here and there, but overall-We had a good time. The weather was 'Hot' so the pool felt great... It was something I wish we could do as a family every month.

This last week, I have been miss grumpy pants. I really think I am just struggling with how fast time has gone, and feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath. I have not been very organized this summer-I have been pretty distracted, we all have been.

We will have 7 possibly 8 kids in school this year. 4 boys playing Football, with a possible Daughter playing JR High Volleyball.

How in the world am I going to keep up?? How in the world am I going to keep everything straight? The homework, the shoulder pads and mouth pieces...Not to mention the cleats!! 
The knee pads-The schedule-How will I make all the games?? I already know that I am going to be running around with my head cut off. 

I love organization. I love prioritizing my time. I love being busy...I think I am worried I will fail at keeping myself and everyone all put together.

Can I do it??

This year I will have:
1 Senior
1 Sophmore
1 7th grader
2 4th graders
1 1st grader
1 kindergardener
and 1 possible Preschooler...

I know there are mom's out there who know what I am feeling right now. 

I am so sad my oldest son will be graduating. It was so hard with Sass...And I feel as if I have been mourning ever since Sass hit her senior year, and the feeling of 'Oh my Gosh! My kids are really growing up' has just hit me hard.

I also can not believe that my 3 little guys will be in school...I have had them in the home, just the 4 of us, for years...I am so going to miss the little things that we did throughout the day-Like sing LeapFrog songs from the cartoons that we would watch! Drinking Hot Chocolate-and having those silly conversations that you have when the house is quiet and there aren't so many people trying to talk at the same time.

I know there is a time and a season for everything, and for everyone. I know that our Heavenly Father watches over our children while they are away. I know how important it is to allow our children to go to school to learn how to listen to other adults, and to learn how to communicate with other children their age...*I pray that if Champ does go to Preschool, he doesn't BITE anyone-Its the simple fears that I have most of all!*


Here we are in August. July tricked us by sneaking by us so quickly. August is a busy month.
Football. School. 3 Birthdays *Not including all of the extended family's birthdays*.


Early mornings, Early morning Seminary, rushing around, Getting all of the morning chores done, forgetting to brush our teeth and of course forgetting a backpack here and there.  Crazy evenings...Homework, dinner, practice-trying to squeeze in all the showers. 

JUST BREATHE MOM!! *And spell Patience real slow out loud-That or count to 10*

One thing that I look forward to is family prayer. Not that we don't have family prayer during the summer, it is just a bit more of a challenge.

But every night during the school year, before we turn out the lights...We kneel down around Michael and I's bed and we have our family prayer. 
Each of the kids have their turn on different nights, so we get to listen to each kid pray. After our prayer, each of the kids go around and hug us... Moments that I will never forget as well. 
*I giggle-because when Michael calls on me to pray, all the kids are like 'NOOOO!' because my prayers are always long...I remember when I was a kid, and my dad would pray-I would sigh! My dad's prayers were always (and still are) very long...But now that I am an adult/parent-I understand why!*

I still am sticking to the 'One day at a time' and 'It is what I make it' attitude. 

My life is such a blessing. With each wrinkle and gray hair on my head, I know that I am today where our Heavenly Father meant for me to be. All the Ups and Downs...All the struggles and trials...God knew what I was capable of handling. I have been given enough strength to remain standing, never losing sight of what is most important. My family is my life. 

I will get through all that comes my way-not without stumbling here and there of course-but I will survive The Pacheco Family Chaos!!

Happy Saturday :O)

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