Thursday, June 12, 2014

I love Running Season with my running buddies!

There comes a time in every mother's life, when her children become taller, bigger, stronger *Unless you upset 'MoM'... Maybe you should hide! Out of nowhere 'MoM' can unleash the 'Motherly' Beast inside*...Regardless-
Kids eventually become faster, Smart..No! Never Smarter. But physically, normally, children do become grown up and can do amazing things...a little bit better then 'MoM'...*They also can run technology stuff way better and faster*


I have already gone through this with 3 of my children...I came to grips and excepted that I was no longer the fastest...or strongest. 
Moving on, still feeling good because I still was out running some of the kids...Until now-Unfortunately-I am now going through this with 6 of my children instead of just 3.

Dang It!

Every summer, ever since Sass , Justin and Nicci were little tikes, I have gotten the kids up and we would go running. I would grab the kids, and the stroller and head to the Silver City High School track in New Mexico, running with my 2 little ones following behind...*By the way-The Silver High track was amazing! It was so nice to run on!*

There were many times I would be nursing a baby, and blowing a whistle getting the kids moving on the track...Making sure to get my running in as well *My kids motivate me!*

So now, 15 years after starting all of this with the kids...
I have been Humbled and blown away at my kids abilities...'Once Again'. 

Within the first week, of this summer, Chase and Bobcat were able to beat me around the neighborhood...If you don't know what my neighborhood drive is like-It is pretty much all up hill.
Nicci KILLS me in sprints. Jessi *When healthy* Destroys me in distance. We won't meantion Justin-Destroyer of all of us...Well! Actually-I would love to see him and Nicci run a 100 meter dash. I bet cha Nicci, if she didn't beat Justin, would come dang close *Nicci is seriously FAST!*. Sass may not look fast, but she is! I struggle to keep up with her in the sprints...Although! I have not tried to beat her this year-She is an old woman now-I might just have a chance.
It won't be long before Jazzi is beating me in distance and sprints-She is a good little runner! 

Today, we ran out to the new houses from our house. It is roughly 2 1/2 miles, maybe a little bit more. This run is mainly uphill all the way to the houses, with it being down hill most of the way back with some uphill spots, until you get to our street-than it is all uphill again...It is brutal *Says me the OLD time runner (I am almost 40 you know!!*

This morning-Nicci was ahead of us all the way up...With a few stops here and there for her-This is a tough run, and it is the first time we have done it this summer-I don't blame her for walking a little bit!
The rest of us didn't stop, but ran it slower...*Of course I have to stay with my younger running buddies :O)*
Mountain Lion, Mr. Chase, hardly was out of breath. That little man ran hard all the way up, turned around and killed us all-all the way home...Bobcat was not to far behind him *I can not believe how much stronger he is this year-Bobcat isn't a distance runner, but he is a stud! (Says me his MoM)*
After Chase got to the house, he turned around and ran as fast as he could to give all of slackers a high five-Telling us 'Good Job'! I was so darn proud of that kid this morning.

So as I watch my children run, while I walk off to the side to puke...I can't help but feel so thankful that I am able to do this with my children. We have built memories over the years...

We built our running hill behind our house that the kids have to run...We did it as a family. I look at that hill daily and I am reminded of the hard work that was put into it... and is still being put into it.

I remember nearly 10 years ago, when our Bagdad track was still dirt. I had 6 kids at the time, Jazzi was just a couple of months old...We decided to take our Lady dog with us, who was just a pup still...but regardless of her age, she is a Heeler. Well, as I was running a hard 400 I look across the fottball field and see our happy dog headed straight for me... I thought no biggy! Until she completely knocked me off my feet! All she did was barely bump into me-and BAMM! I landed hard on the ground... I lifted my right arm, and realized that it wasn't moving at the wrist-Yup! I am sure I looked pretty silly! But I will have you know, I didn't shed one tear!

So here I was gathering up the kids, baby in the car seat, and the dog... loading everyone up in our Big Red suburban. Michael was on Graveyards that night. I gave Michael a quick jingle and told him that I think I sprained my wrist-It was pretty twisted and yucky! I drove myself to the clinic, where I was 
X-rayed. My wrist was destroyed...I was headed to the ER, and off to surgery the next day! 

The kids, especially the older ones remember how that all went down...They laugh at me still, adding a little bit more to the story each time!

The kids know what we do every year after school ends...They ask me every May, 'When are we going to get started running MoM?' I hope they get something out of it.

I am sure there are many who think I am nuts, and cruel. The kids all have red faces-sometimes they are crying-whining because 'Its to hard!'
I have had people stop to ask the kids if they want a ride. I have had the kids running in the rain, and in the heat...After all-Football season begins when it is hot-the boys need to be ready to work in the heat!

We always have plenty of water, and I do not run them to death. We rarely go more then a mile... 

I do this for a couple of reasons... To help get the boys ready for Football season. To keep my girls active and in shape. I try to be a good example of being physically active-Healthy even just a little bit. But my main reason, is to teach the kids to do hard things. They have learned at a young age to work hard-Not that they are perfect little workers, but within themselves they learn that they can 'DO IT'. 

**Just over a year ago, when Bobcat first started to run with us, I remember him telling himself as he ran 'I can do this!' 'This will make me better!' I remember holding back tears, because I was so proud of his determination...He is still pretty determined to not give up!
I am a firm believer in exercise...You don't have to be a crazy worker outer to feel good or look good-Unless you want the manly man look-which isn't bad...*Relax! No offense to the weight lifters out there* 

I can't express how thankful I am for having 2 somewhat strong legs that keep me moving. Thankful for lungs that keep me breathing. I am just thankful for my desire to stay as fit as possible, in the hopes of being a good example to my children...I would love it if some day, I would get a phone call from the kids telling me how their children were doing out on the track... 

**I have blogged about this before, and I am sure I will repeat again next year! My children are growing up and becoming stronger and stronger...I thrive off of their energy and I just love to share it all with everyone**

***I need to make sure that everyone understands-It is ok for me to brag about my children (It's ok for you to). They aren't perfect, nor are they the 'Best' athletes in town...But they are go getters-and have good attitudes (with the occasional JustinTude)...I have so much faith in my children...I believe they can do ANYTHING they work hard at and put their minds into!!***

Happy Thursday :O)

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