Friday, August 8, 2014

Feeling calm...

The last couple of nights, I have not slept...Yeah! I know-Poor me!!

This morning, as I dragged my fanny out of bed, and started to wake the kids up...I just had a different type of feeling. It wasn't even a feeling... Not sure how to even explain it. I wasn't grumpy, I wasn't overly happy, I was just...JUST!

I got the kids to school, and Champ fed-along with the simple details of getting the house picked up, when I started to take pictures of the 6 little kittens that we need to find homes for.
Boy!! That was a challenge...I should have just waited for the older kids to get home so they could help me...

As I went onto FaceBook to post the pictures of the sweet little kittens. I had been on FB just sorta hanging out waiting for someone to respond to the pictures letting me know that they would Love to have them all and will be here this weekend to pick them ALL up...I am praying for a miracle!

As I sat and scrolled through my News feed, I came across a video that a friend had posted.

It is the newest Mormon Message.

I love those videos, but I am LDS 'Mormon', so of course I would-Right! **The Mormon Messages are for everyone**
Well, as I watched  the video, that 'Just' feeling become calm and warm, and I got a little bit emotional.

All my life, I have always know and believed without a doubt that God, our Heavenly Father, is real! And that he does exist.
So it has never been a problem for me to know that our Heavenly Father is watching me, listens to me, and is here for me.

Every time I kneel down to pray, I know who I am praying to.

For me, it is easy to feel God's Love. But for some that I know and Love...It isn't so easy.

My prayers ARE NOT always least not in the way I would like them to, nor in my time frame...RIGHT NOW!!
I would love for the room to light up, and there stood before me was my savior and Heavenly Father reaching out to me...That would be ever so humbling.

Probably not gonna happen-But, I have had the overwhelming feeling of peace, and the feeling as if Heavenly Father was sitting right next to me, as if his arm were around me... 

This last summer, I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. I needed Heavenly Father to give me all the answers. I needed guidance and assurance that I was making the right decisions, and was doing the right things for my family. I felt extremely frustrated and lost-Angry and hurt.
I needed to be lifted up and comforted...I needed God more then ever.

There was one day that I was traveling from Round Valley to the Valley of the sun...I prayed out loud-Yes! While I was driving...I talked with our Heavenly Father.

I had gotten to the Salt River Canyon, and I was looking and feeling quiet, seeing all of the beauty of the canyon-when the overwhelming feeling of what I needed to do came over me.

I listened, and I could not ignore the very intense feeling I had received.

What was that overwhelming feeling??

It was to Forgive...I needed to forgive and let go of some of my hard feelings that I had been harboring. I thought I already had been forgiving, and had forgiven, but I guess I still held onto some feelings that were blocking my ability to feel and hear the spirit.

After finally doing this, forgiving and letting go...I was able to make decisions. I was able to talk with somewhat of a clear head. I was able to feel the promptings of what needed to be done...God answered my prayer of 'What Now?'

I did not get the big vision, nor did I get the answer right away...It was days after praying and praying that I received my answer.

Things didn't all of a sudden become amazingly smooth or great. But, I was able to move forward, having a strong sense of everything is going to be ok.

I will never forget that drive I took. I will never ever forget that feeling that I had. I will NEVER EVER forget how much MY Heavenly Father helped me during one of the darkest times of my life.

My reason of blogging about this, isn't to share my personal stuff, but to let all that may listen know that God is real!

It doesn't matter what religion you are...It doesn't matter if you attend church every week...God loves you and you and you and me!

For those of you who are skeptical, have an open mind, and watch this video.

I am so thankful for my faith. I have had many days of pondering on how I want to live my life.
There is a purpose to this life...Feeling guilty and feeling unworthy of peace, is wrong...Day by day, I have the opportunity to do better and to be who I need to be to please our Heavenly Father. I continue to pray for guidance...I need it every day.

Pray often. Love often. Serve often. FORGIVE often!!!

Life is amazing. Life is hard... Life can be so challenging. WE CAN NOT DO IT ALONE! Lean on our Heavenly Father, and always do what your heart is telling you to do. You know what you need to do...You have the support and the Love, and if you feel as if you don't...You are wrong! God is always there waiting to hear from you-waiting for you to reach out to him...

I needed this reminder today...I am so thankful for my FaceBook friend who shared it!!

Have an amazing weekend!!

Smiling :O)

**Oh! And we all need to know...We can pray for anything and anyone. Even our pets! 
Never forgetting to Thank and praise our Heavenly Father for all that we have been given...Big or Little-Even the worse and hardest lives have blessings! Amen...**

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